Due to a canceled order of which I was not informed I have an SA infantry jacket size 40 and a pair of J.T. Martin trousers size 32 in stock and ready to go. I was counting on this order to pay my mortgage this month and now am in a serious bind. I will offer these items packaged together for the price of $450.00 (which is a $30.00 savings) or individually at their standard price of $300.00 and $180.00 respectively, (however you will have these items immediately instead of the long turnaround time they normally have!)
Now is your chance to grab a very hard-to-find uniform at a great price and with no wait involved! Act now!
Due to a canceled order of which I was not informed I have an SA infantry jacket size 40 and a pair of J.T. Martin trousers size 32 in stock and ready to go. I was counting on this order to pay my mortgage this month and now am in a serious bind. I will offer these items packaged together for the price of $450.00 (which is a $30.00 savings) or individually at their standard price of $300.00 and $180.00 respectively, (however you will have these items immediately instead of the long turnaround time they normally have!)
Now is your chance to grab a very hard-to-find uniform at a great price and with no wait involved! Act now!