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What is your Chest Size?

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  • #16
    Re: What is your Chest Size?

    My actual chest measurement is 44 1/8th inches but I usually go with a 46 inch chest in an accurate reproduction of a Richmond Clothing Bureau issued jacket since I am 6'4". I do this because that way the shoulders, sleeves, and body fit me better. I remember reading in at least one letter from the period which mentioned the practice of asking for a larger chest size for the same reasons.

    It is also funny that in today's Navy uniforms (despite the fact that they make extra-long) I usually end up going a waist size and a shirt/jacket size larger for the same reasons.
    Matthew Semple


    • #17
      Re: What is your Chest Size?

      Its funny, when I lost some weight, My pants size went from a 40 or 42 to around a 34 or 35. My coat size only went from a 48 to a 46.
      -Ricky Jones

      [FONT="Georgia"][COLOR="DarkRed"]In Memory of [SIZE="3"]1[/SIZE]st. Lt. David Allen Lawrence, 44th G.V.I. / K.I.A. Wilderness, Va.[/COLOR][/FONT]


      • #18
        Re: What is your Chest Size?

        I wear a 52" jacket with a 37" sleeve length.
        Gil Davis Tercenio

        "A man with a rifle is a citizen; a man without one is merely a subject." - the late Mark Horton, Captain of Co G, 28th Ala Inf CSA, a real hero


        • #19
          Re: What is your Chest Size?

          This thread has been open since July and has had almost 400 responses on the poll. I think there is enough info there for Mr. Smith to make some decisions and don't think we need to use space just to list individual sizes.
          Michael Comer
          one of the moderator guys

