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Nashville Civil War Show

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  • Announcement: Nashville Civil War Show

    Just a reminder that College Hill Arsenal will be at the Nashville Civil War show this weekend: 12/5-12/6. The hours are 9AM-5PM on Saturday and 9AM to 3:30PM on Sunday. I'll be set up in my usual 3-table end cap in the Vaughn Building. If you are coming to shop for a bayonet, bring the gun with you to make sure it will fit....for the most part, that applies to both original and reproduction guns. I look forward to seeing many of you there.
    [SIZE=1]Your most humble and obedient servant,[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]Tim Prince[/SIZE]
    [I]Member CWDCA (The Civil War Dealers & Collectors Association)
    Member CWPT (Civil War Preservation Trust)
    Member The Company of Military Historians
    Member SABC (Society of American Bayonet Collectors)
    Hiram Lodge #7 F&AM

  • #2
    Re: Nashville Civil War Show

    And let me hasten to add, Tim Prince has a nice assortment of reasonably priced (for the most part) original bayonets for the most common reproduction muskets. I scoped it out at the Camo and Rambo Tenn Military Collectors gun show last weekend when I stopped by to visit the Security officer (Watts). WW II seems to be dominating the offerings, at least the Nashville Gun Show will be all Civil War. It is fun to count the put-togethers and fantasy pieces from some of the hucksters. Of course, everything is "likely Confederate used." And actually Tim Prince is better looking than his avatar, though it is almost life size.

    Always, always, always bring your musket when you are getting a bayonet. I understand that there will be a Todd Watts LAC dated 1862, type IV available at another table near the sutler area, so it is worth dropping by for a look at that. Nashville is a good show, free entry if you are in period attire. Most of us should be able to manage that.
    Last edited by Craig L Barry; 12-03-2009, 07:06 PM.
    Craig L Barry
    Editor, The Watchdog, a non-profit 501[c]3
    Co-author (with David Burt) Suppliers to the Confederacy
    Author, The Civil War Musket: A Handbook for Historical Accuracy
    Member, Company of Military Historians


    • #3
      Re: Nashville Civil War Show

      So close...yet so far away. As a "new" resident of Franklin, TN...I'm just a "stone's throw" from the Nashville show. BUT, I'll be working in Franklin on both Saturday and Sunday. That being said, I encourage you to stop by Carnton Plantation on Saturday from 9am-5pm, and Sunday from 12noon to 5pm. Would love to see some old pards from the past. Cheers!
      John Marler
      Franklin, TN

