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Moving soon, new address and phone # coming

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  • Moving soon, new address and phone # coming

    Pards one and all: After 22 years i n the same house, my wife and I will be moving. Move is due to a relocation of my wife's employment resulting in a long commute, so we are getting her closer to her work.

    At this point, the move is scheduled for April 14th. I will advise new mailing address and phone number as we draw closer to that date. Posting will take place on this forum and on the home page of my web site

    Needless to say the move MAY result in somewhat longer delivery times on orders than you are use to from me. All efforts are being made to make sure this impact is negligable. I appreciate your patronage, and your understanding on this issue.

    In the meantime, all contact info on this site and on my web site are valid. You can also use my cell number to reach me at 610 858 9191

    Observation: It is impossible to understand how one can accumulate so much "stuff" over the span of 20 odd years! Does this stuff breed in the basement when you're not looking??

    Thanx for your time. Looking forward to serving you from a new location.

    Tim Bender
    T P & H Trading Co
    Timothy Bender

  • #2
    Re: Moving soon, new address and phone # coming

    Tim - good luck on the move, just reminded me I need/want/covet another hat!

    [FONT="Georgia"][B][I][U]Ken Pettengale[/U][/I][/B][/FONT]
    [I]Volunteer Company, UK[/I]

    "You may not like what you see, but do not on that account fall into the error of trying to adjust it to suit your own vision of what it ought to have been."
    -- [I][B]George MacDonald Fraser[/B][/I]


    • #3
      Re: Moving soon, new address and phone # coming

      Originally posted by tphtrading View Post
      Does this stuff breed in the basement when you're not looking??
      Yes. Yes, it does.

      Good luck with the move.
      Carlton Mansfield
      26th North Carolina Troops


      • #4
        Re: Moving soon, new address and phone # coming

        It's the wooden hangers - they're the pollenators.

        Good luck with the move.

        p.s. I love your hats, I have three of them - if you notice them multiplying unnecessarily - send me a few! Ha, Ha.
        :wink_smil[font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][i]Ron Travis[/i][/size][/font]
        [i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3]Civil War Preservation Trust[/size][/font][/i]


        • #5
          Re: Moving soon, new address and phone # coming

          It's the wooden hangers - they're the pollenators.

          Good luck with the move.

          p.s. I love your hats, I have three of them - if you notice them multiplying unnecessarily - send me a few! Ha, Ha.
          :wink_smil[font=Comic Sans MS][size=4][i]Ron Travis[/i][/size][/font]
          [i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=3]Civil War Preservation Trust[/size][/font][/i]

