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Two new items in time for Winter

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  • Two new items in time for Winter

    As the temps drop and the wind kicks up, we're introducing two new items to help you compete with ol' man winter.

    Sergeant Hayden's Drawers

    These wool flannel drawers are copied from an original pair worn by Sergeant Daniel E. Hayden of the 149th New York Volunteers.

    The original pair was made from red wool flannel and had cotton a waist band and cotton cuffs. They are closed with one button on the waistband and one each on the cuffs.

    These are a civilian pattern and there is no evidence these were military issue.

    These will normally be $75, but we're introducing them this month at $65.

    For more details, click here:

    Pvt. Smith's Overcoat

    This civilian-style overcoat was worn by Archibald "Archie" Smith. His mother made this coat for him which he wore while serving with the Georgia Battalion of Cadets during the war.

    Body is jean or cassimere, homespun lining for the body and red wool lining for the cape. Comes with civilian coin buttons. It is hand topstitched, with 23 hand sewn buttonholes

    The coats are running $425.00

    For more details, click here:

    “Dear Mother,

    “I received the bundle when I got here…the overcoat is delightful.
    I almost hated to wear it; it looked so nice and camp spoils anything,
    so I thought there was no use to keep it to look at.”
    Last edited by CJDaley; 11-01-2006, 10:15 AM.
    [COLOR="DarkRed"] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Christopher J. Daley[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]

  • #2
    Re: Two new items in time for Winter

    Nice coat Chris. The drawers remind me of Santa pants :-) Pvt Smith looks like he was a friendly fellow.
    Last edited by unclefrank; 11-01-2006, 07:05 PM.
    Frank Perkin


    • #3
      Re: Two new items in time for Winter

      hey chris,

      I was curious if you have any plans of making a run of the jacket that goes with the port hudson trousers as i have noticed the detail of the trouser and would like to see what the coat would look like in reproduction form.

      Russell Huffman
      Russell Huffman
      1st kentucky cavalry & horse artillery
      Co.B (Postillion & outrider )


      • #4
        Re: Two new items in time for Winter

        Chris, I really like the overcoat! Is the cape detachable?
        Coy D. Hall, Jr
        4th Texas Co. E
        F & AM Cedar # 60
        Clarkston, Michigan


        • #5
          Re: Two new items in time for Winter

          It appears that way after looking at the photos


          • #6
            Re: Two new items in time for Winter

            Originally posted by CHall View Post
            Chris, I really like the overcoat! Is the cape detachable?
            I tried this baby on at Cedar Creek on Thursday before the event and it is fabulous - if I did not already own one of Chris' CS overcoats this never would have made it on the AC. The pattern book it came from (you can purchase from the AHC) is quite the project if someone wants to attempt it. The cape is detachable via buttons (common thing with period civilian overcoats). The fabric is very nice Charles Childs casimere and the number of hand stitch details and workmanship in general is something to see. $425 is a steal for a coat with this much handwork.

            Can't think of too many more flexible winter garmets - enlisted (original belonged to a Pvt), officer, coat only, cape only, etc.
            Soli Deo Gloria
            Doug Cooper

            "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

            Please support the CWT at


            • #7
              Re: Two new items in time for Winter

              I really like the over coat.

              Matthew Thompson


              • #8
                Re: Two new items in time for Winter

                I am assuming that this is a copy of the pair at the Atlanta History Center. Assuming as much, I am curious. The original pair that I saw was made from satinette and did not have white cuffs at the bottom of the hem. Are we talking about the same beast, or something completely different? Like I said, just curious.

                [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Matt Caldwell




                • #9
                  Re: Two new items in time for Winter

                  Originally posted by Matt Caldwell View Post
                  I am assuming that this is a copy of the pair at the Atlanta History Center.
                  Those are REALLY cool Matt! I haven't seen those. No, the pair I have notes on had white cotton on the waist and the ankles and were wool not satinett. But from the single photo you posted, the pattern looks identical. Wow, that is really cool! Thanks for posting, it's nice to know there is a second similar pair out there.

                  Originally posted by CH Hall
                  I really like the overcoat! Is the cape detachable?
                  Yup, the cape comes off so you can wear the coat without the cape, or the cape without the coat. It attaches with 5 buttons along the neckline under the collar.

                  Originally posted by Frank
                  The drawers remind me of Santa pants :-)
                  They look goofy looking for sure. At first I had to wrap my head around the idea that I wasn't making a big Christmas stocking, but once I got past they, I really liked them. I wore the prototype around the house for a week as pajamas and think they are rather comfortatble.

                  Originally posted by Russell
                  I was curious if you have any plans of making a run of the jacket that goes with the port hudson trousers
                  Good question. I could make a copy of that coat, I'm just not sure what the demand would be on an item like that. It's a pretty odd looking coat.

                  Last edited by CJDaley; 01-20-2008, 02:22 PM.
                  [COLOR="DarkRed"] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Christopher J. Daley[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


                  • #10
                    Re: Two new items in time for Winter


                    I remember seeing those drawers in the AHC, they're identified if I'm not mistaken. Do you recall who they are id'd to? For some reason it seems like it was a NY regiment as well.

                    Chris Utley
                    Carter & Jasper
                    Chris Utley
                    South Union Mills


                    • #11
                      Re: Two new items in time for Winter

                      Originally posted by Utley View Post

                      I remember seeing those drawers in the AHC, they're identified if I'm not mistaken. Do you recall who they are id'd to? For some reason it seems like it was a NY regiment as well.

                      Chris Utley
                      Carter & Jasper

                      I don't have my notes on that case handy, but I will probably be by there this week and can look at them again for you. Also, before the crash, I posted this link to a GPTV segment on the Smith overcoat. It gives some great shots of the original so here it is again:


                      Garrett W. Silliman

                      [I]Don't Float the Mainstream[/I]
                      [SIZE="1"]-Sweetwater Brewing Company, Atlanta, GA[/SIZE]


                      • #12
                        Re: Two new items in time for Winter

                        Originally posted by Garrett Silliman View Post

                        I don't have my notes on that case handy, but I will probably be by there this week and can look at them again for you. Also, before the crash, I posted this link to a GPTV segment on the Smith overcoat. It gives some great shots of the original so here it is again:


                        Thanks Garrett,
                        I haven't seen the pair of drawers in the AHC, but I do know that many items id'd to Sgt. Hayden are scattered into a few different collections. I know of two different collectors who own socks owned by Hayden and know of at least two pairs of drawers id'd to Hayden (one wool and one linen), plus a grey woolen undershirt that also belonged to him.

                        Somewhere along the line this collection got divided up, if the pair in the AHC is also Hayden's that would make a third pair.
                        [COLOR="DarkRed"] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Christopher J. Daley[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


                        • #13
                          Re: Two new items in time for Winter

                          Just curious,
                          Why'd you go with the coin buttons instead of the Goodyear Thermoplastic buttons on the Archibald Smith overcoat?

                          Kind Regards,
                          Andrew Jerram
                          Kind Regards,
                          Andrew Jerram


                          • #14
                            Re: Two new items in time for Winter

                            They're not Goodyear buttons. They were made by Emile Eassot. And, not to answer for Chris, but its probably because finding 15 matching originals would be next to impossible, and reproducing them prohibitively expensive.

                            -Craig Schneider
                            Craig Schneider


                            • #15
                              Re: Two new items in time for Winter

                              Nice of the AHC to do this pattern release, and from the photos it looks like Mr. Daley cares about us almost as much as Smith's mother did about him... Nice looking work.
                              Pat Brown

