Due to work I will not be able to attend the Outpsot event :cry_smile.
However, I will be out there on Friday, pre-event, to drop off a musket to a customer. Since I'm coming out anyway, is there any interest in me dragging out a bunch of original muskets, bayonets and gun parts as well. I was thinking of setting up a fly near registration and opening up the College Hill Arsenal for business. Is there any interst in me doing this?
I appreciate the feedback.
Due to work I will not be able to attend the Outpsot event :cry_smile.
However, I will be out there on Friday, pre-event, to drop off a musket to a customer. Since I'm coming out anyway, is there any interest in me dragging out a bunch of original muskets, bayonets and gun parts as well. I was thinking of setting up a fly near registration and opening up the College Hill Arsenal for business. Is there any interst in me doing this?
I appreciate the feedback.