I have some great news for everyone who as ever asked me “Do you make English accoutrements?” Well…I pleased to inform you that “YES” I do make English accoutrements!
Log onto …www.duvallleatherwork.com and check out the first items available, which include English snake buckle belts, and English bayonet scabbards & frogs. Now before you ask, YES, there is more to come…by next month (April) I hope to have the English ball bag prototypes completed for availability, next will come the English cartridge box (Enlisted man and NCO models), after that the English cap box.

I can tell you that the reproduction development of the English accoutrements has been a long process of researching original artifacts, then turning them into patterns and prototypes! I’m very proud of the new accoutrements coming out over the next few months and my only hope is that you, the customer, take even more pride in owning them!
This will be an exciting year for new projects at Duvall Leatherwork! Throughout the year I will be working on not only English gear, but wide range of new products including officer’s gear, cavalry accoutrements & equipment, The Cantel Patent Canteen, and a whole host of new Confederate accoutrements!
The re-enacting season is fast approaching and now is the time to order accoutrements that will take your impression to the next level! Buy the best…Own Duvall Leatherwork!
Nick Duvall
Duvall Leatherwork
314 Wyoming Ave
Kingston, PA 18704
Log onto …www.duvallleatherwork.com and check out the first items available, which include English snake buckle belts, and English bayonet scabbards & frogs. Now before you ask, YES, there is more to come…by next month (April) I hope to have the English ball bag prototypes completed for availability, next will come the English cartridge box (Enlisted man and NCO models), after that the English cap box.

I can tell you that the reproduction development of the English accoutrements has been a long process of researching original artifacts, then turning them into patterns and prototypes! I’m very proud of the new accoutrements coming out over the next few months and my only hope is that you, the customer, take even more pride in owning them!
This will be an exciting year for new projects at Duvall Leatherwork! Throughout the year I will be working on not only English gear, but wide range of new products including officer’s gear, cavalry accoutrements & equipment, The Cantel Patent Canteen, and a whole host of new Confederate accoutrements!
The re-enacting season is fast approaching and now is the time to order accoutrements that will take your impression to the next level! Buy the best…Own Duvall Leatherwork!
Nick Duvall
Duvall Leatherwork
314 Wyoming Ave
Kingston, PA 18704