If you must be away from your goodwife, protect your breeches from harm. Handsewn from silk and wool, your choice of initials will be embroidered in silk.

$75 ($18.75 to preservation) includes shipping. 1 available
Stocked with
• lump of raw beeswax wrapped in linen
• paper backed tin and bone buttons in handsewn poke sack
• patch fabric –FHW jean cloth, C. Childs satinette, FHW satinette, canton flannel, wool
• needles
• thread wrapped on cloth - non-mercerized black, brown, tan, blue, and off-white cotton thread
• reproduction postage stamps on 100% rag paper
• hanks of hemp twine in two sizes
• wooden dice
• tin of matches
• tracts
• handsewn, muslin lined poke sack in which to carry it all
This awaits your initials, and it will be posted forthwith.
25% of proceeds will be donated through ACPP.
10% discount for active and retired modern military and law enforcement personnel
If you’d like this, please post here, PM, or e-mail PreservationParcels@hotmail.com to reserve for up to seven days. Money orders, personal checks or Paypal at preservationparcels@hotmail.com gladly accepted.
stitch by stitch, acre by acre
Sold! Thank you.

$75 ($18.75 to preservation) includes shipping. 1 available
Stocked with
• lump of raw beeswax wrapped in linen
• paper backed tin and bone buttons in handsewn poke sack
• patch fabric –FHW jean cloth, C. Childs satinette, FHW satinette, canton flannel, wool
• needles
• thread wrapped on cloth - non-mercerized black, brown, tan, blue, and off-white cotton thread
• reproduction postage stamps on 100% rag paper
• hanks of hemp twine in two sizes
• wooden dice
• tin of matches
• tracts
• handsewn, muslin lined poke sack in which to carry it all
This awaits your initials, and it will be posted forthwith.
25% of proceeds will be donated through ACPP.
10% discount for active and retired modern military and law enforcement personnel
If you’d like this, please post here, PM, or e-mail PreservationParcels@hotmail.com to reserve for up to seven days. Money orders, personal checks or Paypal at preservationparcels@hotmail.com gladly accepted.
stitch by stitch, acre by acre
Sold! Thank you.