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E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

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  • #16
    Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

    No one is complaining about waiting... I have no problem waiting... But when it is marked as an in stock item, and nothing special, you expect it withing 6 months. END OF STORY. When you don't reply to emails or calls, then that is rude.

    I am not one to complain but when you end up ordering it from someone else and get it within a week, and the level of quality is just as good as Bills, then there is a problem... Rant is over from me...
    Jordan Ricketts


    • #17
      Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

      Im there too, I have done business with him in the past, and always received good customers service and fast turn around. I have no problem waiting for something if I was waiting on it to be made. I just ordered some canteen stoppers and such-in stock items. I am not worried too much about getting these items as he has always been good in the past and has a good reputation-that is why I ordered from him, when several others have the exact same items in stock. The lack of response is a bit alarming, that is how it usually starts, when several others have had similar experience it looks like a pattern. I hope and believe that Mr Lomas, will come through and give the type service he has always given me in the past. Either way, it looks now that I am going to have to order the same items from someone else, in order to have them in the time frame that I need them, and at very best have duplicate items, at least you can never have too many corks, socks and canteen straps.
      -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
      "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
      "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
      "The Bully Boys"
      "The Hard Case Boys"
      "The Independant Mess"
      29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
      3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran


      • #18
        Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact


        Bill has taken on a new job recently, and it's apparently taking up a good amount of his time. I'm not trying to make excuses for him, but I know a few people who used to be in business with him and that's what they told me. I had him do some repair work on a scabbard, and after many emails and phone calls I eventually had to contact the BBB. Not long after they got involved I heard from him and received my product. I obviously wouldn't jump right up to the BBB, but if you've been after it for awhile it may be something you want to consider.

        Jared Byrnes


        • #19
          Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

          Since I am going to have to order these items elsewhere to get them in time, does anyone know where to get rubber canteen stoppers, I know I have seen them at other sites, but I cant seem to find them now.
          -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
          "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
          "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
          "The Bully Boys"
          "The Hard Case Boys"
          "The Independant Mess"
          29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
          3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran


          • #20
            Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

            Eli, try contacting Morris Clothiers. Although I don't believe they are listed on his website, he had several of the gray rubber stoppers in stock when I spoke to him a few weeks ago. Good luck.
            Jason Wright
            Baltimore, Maryland


            • #21
              Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

              If someone will PM me his number (I seem to have lost it) I will call and try to get all this resolved.

              [FONT=Book Antiqua]Justin Runyon[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua]; Pumpkin Patch Mess: [/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua]WIG-GHTI[/FONT]
              [FONT=Book Antiqua]Organization of American Historians[/FONT]
              [FONT=Book Antiqua]Company of Military Historians[/FONT]
              [FONT=Book Antiqua]CWPT, W.M., Terre Haute #19[/FONT][FONT=Book Antiqua] F&AM[/FONT]
              [FONT=Book Antiqua]Terre Haute Chapter 11 RAM[/FONT]


              • #22
                Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

                Contact Wayne Hutzell he carries them on a regular basis

                Jared Byrnes


                • #23
                  Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

                  Many Thanks, I always love dealing with Mr. Morris.
                  -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
                  "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
                  "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
                  "The Bully Boys"
                  "The Hard Case Boys"
                  "The Independant Mess"
                  29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
                  3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran


                  • #24
                    Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

                    Many of us here know Bill Lomas personally, and if there is a problem filling orders I'm sure he has some reason. I am confident that things will get sorted out as soon as possible.
                    Jason C. Spellman
                    Skillygalee Mess

                    "Those fine fellows in Virginia are pouring out their heart's blood like water. Virginia will be heroic dust--the army of glorious youth that has been buried there."--Mary Chesnut


                    • #25
                      Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

                      I have dealt with him in the past and all were positive experiences, however, I have had an overwhelming number of emails and PMs on top of this thread, that would show a year long pattern to the contrary. I wish that I shared your confidence, and I did up until the last 24 hours, but he will not return any form of communication, not even from some of the MODS, and he has dozens of outstanding orders from customers in much worse situation than I am, and those are just the ones that have contacted me. I fear that its probably time that the AC community take action, I know we dont have a blacklist anymore, but advise your pards to be wary.
                      -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
                      "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
                      "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
                      "The Bully Boys"
                      "The Hard Case Boys"
                      "The Independant Mess"
                      29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
                      3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran


                      • #26
                        Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

                        I have ordered from him once in the past and had a positive experience. I even understand some wanting to defend vendors that have this happen and provide an explanation. However, the bottom line is for vendors to stop taking orders when to much is going on in their lives. You can still place an order on his site and send away your money which goes on in other situations too. It is wrong regardless of previous reputations. Shut down the site and put out a public announcement on the forums; all of which would take less then 30 minutes. Make good on outstanding orders. When time permits then step back into the market with a still intact positive reputation. There is another ex-ac approved vendor who has done this type of business for years. It blows my mind that anyone still orders from him. Excuses are like…...well never mind……this is a sore subject for me.

                        Jeremy Bevard
                        Civil War Digital Digest
                        Sally Port Mess


                        • #27
                          Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

                          I just had Bill contact me back apologizing for the delay and promised to ship out my order Monday. I'll be happy to get my stuff. No hard feelings.
                          Wade Rogers


                          • #28
                            Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

                            Bill just contacted me as well, apologizing for the delay and said my order will ship tomorrow.
                            -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
                            "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
                            "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
                            "The Bully Boys"
                            "The Hard Case Boys"
                            "The Independant Mess"
                            29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
                            3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran


                            • #29
                              Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

                              It would seem that a simple response from Bill to all the folks waiting, explaining his circumstance, would have resolved most all of these complaints. It has been my experience, in business, that good communications with purchasers is imperitive. And most folks are understanding of problems. Just an observation for other vendors who find themselves in similar straits.

                              A. Redd
                              Andy Redd


                              • #30
                                Re: E. J. Thomas Mercantile Contact

                                I will second this, most of the people that I know in the hobby are pretty understanding. Bill has contacted many of us, with an apology and promise to ship orders, however I know that a lot of damage has already been done. I have no hard feelings, but I havent waited anywhere near as long as many have. A little communication goes a long way.
                                -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
                                "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
                                "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
                                "The Bully Boys"
                                "The Hard Case Boys"
                                "The Independant Mess"
                                29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
                                3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran

