Many of the newer members (actually anyone in the last 3 years) may not know who Ted Quednau is or what he makes. That being the case I thought it would be of some good to recommend this person who really makes some of THE best reproduction items on the market today and for some time- both US and CS. Ted has sold items through Skillet Licker (SA trousers and Fed issue shirts) or through Daley (like the Seldon Shirts that Ted made).
Ted makes an array of items and all top quality. Not only that but he has a stock of old FHW material. He also made two of the best items sitting in my closet right now with an understandable wait time. Give him an email at you will not be sorry with anything you buy from them.
Ted makes an array of items and all top quality. Not only that but he has a stock of old FHW material. He also made two of the best items sitting in my closet right now with an understandable wait time. Give him an email at you will not be sorry with anything you buy from them.