I was looking to buy a French knapsack.I saw most of the officers and ncos in my company at Chicky carrying one,and now I have the bug for one,(Thank you very much,Tripp Corbin).I did a search,but only saw that E. Roger had a run,and that was some time ago.I was wondering if anyone know who can make one?I would be buying after the holidays,of course.But I am wanting to look around as of right now.Any help will be greatly appricated.
I was looking to buy a French knapsack.I saw most of the officers and ncos in my company at Chicky carrying one,and now I have the bug for one,(Thank you very much,Tripp Corbin).I did a search,but only saw that E. Roger had a run,and that was some time ago.I was wondering if anyone know who can make one?I would be buying after the holidays,of course.But I am wanting to look around as of right now.Any help will be greatly appricated.