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USSS Impression

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  • USSS Impression

    I did several searches on the forum before resorting to posting here. I am trying to put together a variety of specialty impressions and one I am working on right now is the USSS impression. I have the forage cap, and everything except for the frock. Right now, I am looking for the correct musket to use. Does anybody happen to have the records of what men in all the USSS units were issued musket and coat wise? I don't want to invest in a emerald frock if the unit I am going to impersonate recieved regular infantry frocks or sacks.

    Santiago Luis Montalvo
    Unaffiliated (on college leave)

  • #2
    Re: USSS Impression

    Go to the N-SSA website, and their BB. Scroll down to Western Region, click on it and go to the units section. Look for the 2nd USSS, and send them your questions directed to Dan Davis.
    For a N-SSA unit, Dan has done a great deal of in depth research on uniforms and armament, and will share his findings.
    Steve Sullivan


    • #3
      Re: USSS Impression


      I suggest that before you begin plunking down your money you do at least a cursory study on the sharpshooters. A good place to start is Wiley Sword's "Hiram Berdan, his Sharpshooters and their Sharps Rifles". From there move to C. A. Stevens' regimental history, and finish with Wyman White's excellent memoir of his service in the USSS. After this I would suggest reading every word of Bill Skillman's excellent articles featured here: Some of the articles reinforce many of the long held notions about the USSS, other articles turn some things many have held true on their ear through careful research.

      That will begin to give you a cursory understanding of the USSS, what they wore, used, and most importantly, who they were. As with anything, before you open your wallet read up on the subject, otherwise you'll find that you may have wasted some money.

      Dan Wambaugh
      Wambaugh, White, & Company
      Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


      • #4
        Re: USSS Impression


        I'm not sure where to start, but I will say that I've been researching the material culture of the U.S. Sharpshooters for almost a decade and, with the help of many friends and colleagues, I've learned that the typical "vision" of the USSS soldier as portrayed these days is historically accurate for only certain points in the war.

        I'll refrain from going into lengthy details on the forum but if you want to contact me via email I'd be more than happy to help you out. Also, you might want to check out the following publications at the link below. These are just a starting point, as you'll find if you dig deep enough you'll come up with VERY enlightening information....unpublished or privately held diaires, letters, official records, photographs, etc. are definitely out there.

        berdan sharpshooter usss civil war reenactment company c military sharps 2nd regiment

        It sounds like you've purchased some USSS items already. I cannot advise you to purchase a USSS frock from any vendor as no one to my knowledge has or will accurately reproduce one. I've seen two of the things (one well known and the other in a private collection) and though I have the ability to make on for my own USSS impression the cost in putting together that's 100% correct is incredibly high. Maybe someday though!
        Brian White
        [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


        • #5
          Re: USSS Impression

          As for the correct musket to use, it is the breechloading Sharps M1859 Infantry rifle with the Berdan's modifications, including double set triggers. They had other rifles at times, including heavy civilian target rifles and the M1855 Colt revolving rifle, but for the most part the Sharps is the way to go.
          James Duffney
          61st NY
          Brave Peacock Mess


          • #6
            Re: USSS Impression


            Yes, IMHO, "specialty impressions" can be done as "authetically" as any other (although being used as such is another problem most times).
            As shared, sharpshooters under Berdan (or Post) are complex, and vary over time. However, with them being so poorly done, typically there is a stereotypical reenacitng version or vision of them fixed in June or July of 1862with the green dress coats, green trousers, high leather leggings, "Prussian" fur knapsacks and mess tins, and newly received Berdan Contract Sharps
            NM1859 rifles, etc. Rather than the periods when they were wearing federal "blue," etc.

            (My Berdan dress coat was made of special mill order to weight and weave fabric, and sewn by special order- although I was fortunate to have Dan Wambaugh hand sew the trousers. ;) :) And my Sharps "Berdan contract" rifle "de-farbed" and refinished with a restored original Sharps lock, etc., )

            IMHO, if anyone is "serious" about a "Berdan impression," they should first pick the time, and then expect to do much research, and spend much money, and be prepared for frustration and disappointment, followed by very limited potential for histoircal applications within the larger Civil War Community where Berdans are typically so poorly done as to be teh object of scorn and derison as "Robin Hoods," "Tree Frogs," and less nice epithets and expletives. ;) :)
            If one plans on doing several "specialty impressions," Berdans probably should not be on the list of "several" if it is to be done anywhere near poor, mediocre, let alone "well."

            Others' mileage will vary...

            Company "A," 1st USSS (LH)
            Curt Schmidt
            In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

            -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
            -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
            -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
            -Vastly Ignorant
            -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


            • #7
              Re: USSS Impression

              Dan & Brian,

              I look forward to seeing your USSS impressions in a few days.
              [B]Charles Heath[/B]

              [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

              [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

              [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

              [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

              [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

              [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


              • #8
                Re: USSS Impression

                Well, if you are going to go ahead with this impression, know that it is one of those impressions that is very complex and requires ALOT of research. When I decided to put together this impression, I thought it would be easy. After reading some primary sources, along with other modern writings, and looking at some original photos, I was shocked. The common perseption of the unit is pretty much wrong. It doesn't help that half of every thing said contridicts the other half. Eventually you will have to talk to the experts and see original items in order to know what is true.
                James Duffney
                61st NY
                Brave Peacock Mess


                • #9
                  Re: USSS Impression

                  I am going to do this reading through law school...and then maybe I can afford to get back into the hobby again.


                  Santiago Luis Montalvo
                  Unaffiliated (on college leave)


                  • #10
                    Re: USSS Impression

                    Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't the frock made from an infantry frock that was dyed several times over, to achieve the proper darkness?

                    Came across that a while back; can't remember where but interested.... :D
                    Guy W. Gane III
                    Casting Director/Owner
                    Old Timey Casting, LLC.

                    Member of:
                    49th NYVI Co. B
                    The Filthy Mess

                    Historian since 1982 - Reenactor since birth - Proud Member of the 'A.C.' since September 2004.sigpic


                    • #11
                      Re: USSS Impression


                      Neither one of the USSS frocks I've examined appear to have been dyed after manufacture. The point of confusion may be that it is likely that indigo dyed broadcloth intended for use on standard infantry frocks was top dyed as a piece to achieve the deep green color. This is one of the main reasons that producing a spot-on copy of a USSS frock is a near impossibility. First you have to start with a top quality material dyed with indigo, then top dye it with a yellow agent like osage to produce a dark green. The originals show a level of matamerism (that's color changing properties under different light sources) that pretty much proves that the material was top-dyed.

                      There is at least one fellow I know of who has made some excellent USSS frocks, but unfortunately the material was not up to the same high standards as his work. The sad truth is that we will likely never have USSS frocks that are up to the same standards to which we hold our standard infantry gear here on the AC.


                      Last edited by Dan Wambaugh; 04-14-2008, 10:04 PM.
                      Dan Wambaugh
                      Wambaugh, White, & Company
                      Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


                      • #12
                        Re: USSS Impression

                        An interesting book to read is "Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861-65" by Osprey Publishing. There are alot of original photographs, and some good detailed information in it.
                        -Ty "Tic-Tac" Gladden
                        Co. A, 1st Texas Infantry
                        One of the "Three Jesi", and founding member of the Shire Mess.
                        Part of the Chocolate People Mess, of the Texmosippiana Society...


                        • #13
                          Re: USSS Impression

                          Ill second that. Its a pretty good little overview, have it on my shelf with my other Sharpshooter books
                          Robert W. Hughes
                          Co A, 2nd Georgia Sharpshooters/64th Illinois Inf.
                          Thrasher Mess
                          Operation Iraqi Freedom II 2004-2005
                          ENG Brigade, 1st Cavalry Div. "1st Team!"
                          Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America

                          Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
                          And I said "Here I am. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8


                          • #14
                            Re: USSS Impression

                            Originally posted by Rebbeh View Post
                            An interesting book to read is "Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861-65" by Osprey Publishing. There are alot of original photographs, and some good detailed information in it.
                            I would disagree greatly; I was very underwhelmed by the book; other far superior titles have already been mentioned on the thread. There was a lot missed in this Osprey book and several, what I consider, glaring errors. To me the author talked to re-enactors then got some previously published facts did a little more research to round things out and tossed a College term paper at the publishers. But in fairness Osprey books aren't intended to be heavy history but background for gamers and models and for that they're decent enough... and this work was no less than many of their others.
                            Johan Steele aka Shane Christen C Co, 3rd MN VI
                            SUVCW Camp 48
                            American Legion Post 352


                            • #15
                              Re: USSS Impression


                              I would agree that it was not an outstanding work, just agreeing that it was an interesting little book. IF anyone were to use this to solely base a sharpshooter impression on I would of course suggest against it. It is certainly not on par with say, Shock Troops of the Confederacy, but it was a fun little book to kill about 20 minutes with
                              Robert W. Hughes
                              Co A, 2nd Georgia Sharpshooters/64th Illinois Inf.
                              Thrasher Mess
                              Operation Iraqi Freedom II 2004-2005
                              ENG Brigade, 1st Cavalry Div. "1st Team!"
                              Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America

                              Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
                              And I said "Here I am. Send me!" Isaiah 6:8

