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hat cords

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  • hat cords

    I did a search and found a couple images and such, but no real discussion on quality of hat cords. I have looked at the small library available to me and found a few examples of this sort. Attached should be a pic of a well worn slouch with a cord, and a close-up of one of the knots. Many years ago when I was getting into the authentic side of things this cord was considered correct in limited numbers. I'd be interested to see if it still holds that standard, or has the opinion on "Correct " hatcords changed?
    I have worn it many times at a lot of different venues, and have never been questioned, but maybe that was just a courtesy.
    Last edited by csabugler; 11-25-2009, 09:52 AM.
    Just a private soldier trying to make a difference

    Patrick Peterson
    Old wore out Bugler

  • #2
    Re: hat cords

    Ok, 158 viewings and no replies. Gotta figure if nobody hacked on it it must be ok.

    Mods, close it if you want to.
    Just a private soldier trying to make a difference

    Patrick Peterson
    Old wore out Bugler


    • #3
      Re: hat cords

      Or it could be that there are few who have much experience, yet alone expertise, on hat cords. As with most things in our end of the hobby the devil is in the details. I know many shy away from hat cords and anything else that makes them stand out from the PEC crowd but the key is time and place specific authenticity.

      Personally, I'd like to know more about hat cords to better be able to select a quality one. It seems the California Column was issued fully trimmed dress hats but ordered to pack the trimmings in their knapsacks on the march. When doing living history demos where I share the contents of my pack it would seem that in particular scenarios I should have one.
      Troy Groves "AZReenactor"
      1st California Infantry Volunteers, Co. C

      So, you think that scrap in the East is rough, do you?
      Ever consider what it means to be captured by Apaches?


      • #4
        Re: hat cords

        You'r cord looks OK to me, but then again, I'm no expert on those things. From what I've seen in original photos, hat cords were mostly used by the Federals and mostly on Hardee hats. Looks like a few Rebs might have used them, but that evidently was early on. One of my pet peeves is the "dangling hat cord", that was in fashon with reenactors a few years ago. You remember the ones with the extra long cord dangling off behind either ear. Somebody had one in a movie and next thing you know, every reb in every picture (seems like), had a stupid dangling hat cord!
        The next worse use is the reenactors who use the 1890's type campaign hat cords for War Between the States. Those later cords all had acorns and no tassels, and the enlisted cords were in branch-of-service colors.
        Unless you wear a trimmed Hardee, the best look would probably leave the hat cord at home. Just my 2 cents worth.
        Lee Ragan


        • #5
          Re: hat cords


          For what its worth..........Check Gardner stereo #725, May 20th, 1864 at Alsops house, Spotsylvania. Famous photo of dead Reb with hatcord. Also, I have picture from CWTI of sketch (color) of Lt Col Emmett Morrison of the 15th Va Infantry wearing a yellow double tassell from his slouch hat, hanging down to approx one inch from his right shoulder while in the trenches at Petersburg. Sketch by Pvt Newman of same regt. (from CWTI- July/August 1990 page 33)

          Joe Walker


          • #6
            Re: hat cords

            I've seen these things pop up at trade shows on somewhat of a regular basis. You could probably snag an original for pretty cheap, depending upon the provenance or who the dealer is. From doing a quick search online at various collectors/dealers, the one attached in your photo looks similar to a few of the ones I found. Of course, without looking at it in person or comparing it to details from originals, I really can't be certain. And a lot of these things being marketed as Civil War relics could very well be later in origin, which makes it difficult because I couldn't tell you the difference between a hat cord from 1864 and one from 1870.

            The Horse Soldier has a section on hat cords online:

            I'm not familiar with this particular collector, but there are a handful of originals to look at here:
            Jim Conley

            Member, Civil War Trust

            "The 'right' events still leave much to be desired." - Patrick Lewis


            • #7
              Re: hat cords

              Here is my fav hat cord photo. Does not answer the question but is a cool example.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by DougCooper; 04-29-2008, 12:22 PM.
              Soli Deo Gloria
              Doug Cooper

              "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

              Please support the CWT at


              • #8
                Re: hat cords

                Doug, you beat me to it! These are the Spach brothers,(Bennett-left, and William Elias-right) who enlisted in November 1864 in Company B, the Forsyth Grays; 1st Battn NC Sharpshooters, 9th Battn NC Infantry. This has to be one of the latest images of Confederates struck during the war.

                Mark Berrier
                North State Rifles
                Mark Berrier


                • #9
                  Re: hat cords

                  There is a great picture in EOG US of a soldier using a hat cord as a tie. I don't have the book in front of me but it is in the shirt section.

                  Chris Talburt


                  • #10
                    Re: hat cords

                    I think it was Andy Adams of the old 34th VA , NSSA, who had an original hat with a long dangly cord on the wearers right side. It was featured in one of the mags 12-14 years ago and started a rage of similar. That hat is a fine beaver felt hat that came from Jackson Hole , WY nearly 30 years ago. When I started reenacting back in '89 I took the modern band off the outside, reshaped it, and have worn it probably 200 days or more. I added the cord a couple years later because the hat looked sorta "naked" with no band at all. At that time it was considered correct, but we all know how opinions change.
                    Just a private soldier trying to make a difference

                    Patrick Peterson
                    Old wore out Bugler


                    • #11
                      Re: hat cords

                      On the image that Doug posted earlier of the Spach brothers I did want to mention that they have similarities but each is wearing something a little bit different. They have on two similar NC jackets with different buttons. I believe that Bennett is wearing sunburst NC buttons and William is wearing State Seals. AND, the hat cords are different as the tassles are different lengths, but most likely the same color as are their hats. Also the breast pocket on Bennett's jacket and William has none. They also look to be a little different fabric make-up.

                      Your thoughts?

                      Mark Berrier
                      North State Rifles
                      Mark Berrier

