While we have a vast assortment of quality vendors to procure great reproductions of era-clothing and gear, one item (to my knowledge) continues to allude us....most likely because there isn't a large demand.
Swords and Sabres! Understanding that we in this "wing" of the hobby are few in number, we can presume that there are even fewer officer types dedicated to authenticity. So.....what are those presumed few officers using for a sword? Where is it coming from?
I'd sure appreciate a link or an idea regarding who has the most authentic reproductions of actual swords.
Leads appreciated; thanks in advance,
-Mike Montgomery
While we have a vast assortment of quality vendors to procure great reproductions of era-clothing and gear, one item (to my knowledge) continues to allude us....most likely because there isn't a large demand.
Swords and Sabres! Understanding that we in this "wing" of the hobby are few in number, we can presume that there are even fewer officer types dedicated to authenticity. So.....what are those presumed few officers using for a sword? Where is it coming from?
I'd sure appreciate a link or an idea regarding who has the most authentic reproductions of actual swords.
Leads appreciated; thanks in advance,
-Mike Montgomery