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  • Why?

    When I left this hobby 4 years ago there were a number of things that most of us generally agreed upon, due to good research. Now I find people still questioning this reasearch, not due to further research of their own, but mainly due to a lack of it on their part. Case in point, blued or bright Enfields. There are quite a few individuals on here that have gone to great lengths to prove that both types were seen, and there are certain individuals that can't seem to go to a library, look through the numerous photographic books on the war and can't seem to tell the difference between black and gray or white barrels, and wonder how folks can acccertain colors from B&W photos.

    If you have something new to add that would further authenticity, then by all means add it, but if you don't have anything don't raise a stink until you do.

  • #2
    Re: Why?

    Clark is absolutely right! This board is for those that wish to discuss authenticity, get help with authenticity, swap stories, pics and anything of general interest to authentic living history. I, for one, am thankful to have this forum as it has helped me and I like to think I've helped others in return. But it is sad that some choose to question and have a cynical outlook. Surely, if a member of the forum gives their input on a subject, it is because of experience and research. After all, is that not the point of the authenticity and camp of instruction forums? If someone responds with something you don't agree with, send them a private message and discuss it personally if it really bothers you that much. But to question someone on the public forums is embarrassing to them and to other members. It may seem hypocritical, since this is a political subject, but the politics need to stop. Like I said before, why would someone give input on a subject that they feel comfortable responding to? Not to say that everything said would be absolutely correct, but we can never reach that in our impressions. It is impossible for anyone to have an absolutely, 100% authentic impression, as we are too limited. But, bottom line, we should strive for only a few basic objectives here; Authenticity, intererest, and perhaps most important, courtesy.


    • #3
      Re: Why?

      I must agree and say that many "boys" on this forum need to really grow up and remember that we live in the 21st century. Creating a as close to historic accurate impression for this hobby is great, but remember that this war was fought 140+ years ago and the politics of yank versus reb and ESPECIALLY the feuds that occur in Western oriented events really need to stop. I think Chris Daley stated this a little while ago, but apparently it will never get through some people's heads who like to think they are soldiers.
      very respectfully yours,
      Herbert Wydham


      • #4
        Re: Why?

        I'm not aware that there is a lot of feuding in Western events. Unless you mean on the left coast, in which case that could be the case - I'm not very familiar with the intricacies out there.
        Paul Calloway
        Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
        Proud Member of the GHTI
        Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
        Wayne #25, F&AM


        • #5
          Re: Why?


          This almost sounds like a knowledgeable teacher complaining about his students who don't know as much as he does.

          I think that one has to remember that this forum IS in fact the starting point for many peoples' CW research. It's pretty sad, IMO, but it's true. When I teach my students, you can bet your top dollar that I get sick of yakking about the SAME stuff, over and over again, semester after semester. Notwithstanding the latter, I still continue to do so. Why? Because I like the feeling I get, knowing I've shown a student the correct way to do something. (And the paycheck too, but that's not relevant... ;) )

          Authentic reenacting is not a paying job, so I guess one would have to settle with the sole fact that you helped someone out. If that is not enough, well, it's your decision, really.

          Some of us here are bonafide CW Material culture, and some are fresh-out-of-the-box wide-eyed newbies. If one wants the newbies to be on the right path, they need direction first. I am in earnest,
          Last edited by ; 02-01-2004, 01:18 AM.


          • #6
            Re: Why?

            what are you talking about Western Events being that way? What Feuds, i'm missing something i guess.
            Ryan Burns
            The Skulkers Mess

            GGG Grandson of 1st Sgt. Albert Burns
            3rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment


            • #7
              Re: Why?

              I often ask for documentation when someone makes a claim on a subject I'm interested in, to learn more about the details, or if the claim seems unusual, to find out what it's based on. And I'm always happy to provide evidence to back up statements I make, because that's how I judge whether my preconceived ideas can stand up to scrutiny from angles I never considered myself.

              I don't know the whole story behind blued/unblued research, but it seems to me that asking for documentation or questioning statements of fact is basic to furthering accuracy. There are plenty of things that have been repeated so many times they're considered beyond requiring proof, yet when someone says, "What's your documentation?" no one can provide it, because, well, everybody just knows it's true. Two examples I've run into repeatedly are socks with short-row heels and brown sugar loaves.

              Sure, there are plenty of things that *are* true and it gets tiresome to prove them repeatedly. But skepticism, cynicism and questioning are basic to the scientific method, and I'd rather live with some redundancy, than have undocumented statements go unchallenged just because of the reputation of the poster.

              Hank Trent
              Hank Trent


              • #8
                Re: Why?

                Originally posted by Jeffrey Przewozniak

                This almost sounds like a knowledgeable teacher complaining about his students who don't know as much as he does.

                I think that one has to remember that this forum IS in fact the starting point for many peoples' CW research. It's pretty sad, IMO, but it's true. When I teach my students, you can bet your top dollar that I get sick of yakking about the SAME stuff, over and over again, semester after semester. Notwithstanding the latter, I still continue to do so. Why? Because I like the feeling I get, knowing I've shown a student the correct way to do something. (And the paycheck too, but that's not relevant... ;) )

                Authentic reenacting is not a paying job, so I guess one would have to settle with the sole fact that you helped someone out. If that is not enough, well, it's your decision, really.

                Some of us here are bonafide CW Material culture, and some are fresh-out-of-the-box wide-eyed newbies. If one wants the newbies to be on the right path, they need direction first. I am in earnest,

                JJ, as a fellow educator, I mirror your sentiments. I too, grow tired answering the same types of questions from the young bright-eyed freshmen who enter my classroom. However, even though I may have previously explained something one hundred times, I still get satisfaction when I see that my one hundred and first explanation has taught another student the correct way to do something. For the rest of my day I get to carry with me that wonderful feeling of accomplishment. It is a damn good feeling.

                Where and what do you teach? I am positive that we have attended many of the same events together, as I recognize your picture (or at least think I do) but we have never been formally introduced.
                Chad Fuller
                Randolph Mess, Co. B 2nd U.S.S.S.

                "If you don't like my style, you can pick it up!"
                --Sgt. Wyman White. Co. F (N.H.) 2nd U.S.S.S.


                • #9
                  Re: Why?

                  Originally posted by OleMissRebel
                  what are you talking about Western Events being that way? What Feuds, i'm missing something i guess.
                  Yea, what feuds out here in the far west?
                  Robert Johnson

                  "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

                  In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


                  • #10
                    Re: Why?

                    Ditto what Bob Johnson says. There's so few authentics compared to the rest of the masses that we pretty much stick together.
                    Tom Smith, 2nd Lt. T.E.
                    Nobel Grand Humbug, Al XXI,
                    Chapt. 1.5 De la Guerra y Pacheco
                    Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus
                    Topographer for: TAG '03, BGR, Spring Hill, Marmeduke's Raid, & ITPW


                    • #11
                      Re: Why?

                      I don't mind the repetitious questions so much as the unfounded offensiveness or defensiveness that sometimes seems to surface around here. Maybe we need a FAQ page.


                      • #12
                        Re: Why?

                        "JJ, as a fellow educator, I mirror your sentiments. I too, grow tired answering the same types of questions from the young bright-eyed freshmen who enter my classroom. However, even though I may have previously explained something one hundred times, I still get satisfaction when I see that my one hundred and first explanation has taught another student the correct way to do something. For the rest of my day I get to carry with me that wonderful feeling of accomplishment. It is a damn good feeling."

                        And please don't forget that while you have answered and heard that question or one similar many times that it is that student's first time. The human mind craves information, any day that I don't learn something I feel has been wasted. I like the last of your post very much. Keep up the great work as both my parents were educators.

                        Teachers help create the future!!

                        Dan McLean


                        Failed Battery Mess

                        Bty F, 1st PA Lt Arty
                        (AKA LtCol USMC)



                        • #13
                          Re: Why?

                          A FAQ page would be a great idea, and Mr. Stillwagon incorporated one on the old board in dealings with Confederate uniforms. Maybe it would be possible to create two folders with previous Union and Confederate related discussions and a hodge-podge in the middle for things or that dealt with both sides of the armies.
                          Mark Krausz
                          William L. Campbell
                          Prodigal Sons Mess of Co. B 36th IL Inf.
                          Old Northwest Volunteers
                          Agents Campbell and Pelican's Military Goods


                          • #14
                            Re: Why?

                            Originally posted by Clark Badgett
                            Maybe we need a FAQ page.
                            We had one Clark, and a good one. Unfortuantely we do no longer... it's on the to-do list, believe me.
                            Paul Calloway
                            Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                            Proud Member of the GHTI
                            Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                            Wayne #25, F&AM

