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civilian vest under uniforms

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  • civilian vest under uniforms


    I hope my search didn't miss a thread on this subject.

    what is the authenticity of wearing civilian vests under federal military uniforms by enlisted men? Especially in the western theatre. would it have been common or uncommon at any time during the war? or perhaps more correct early war than late war?

    Mods, if this has already been covered or is inappropriate, please do what is needed.

    thanks for any help,

    Ian B.
    Ian Baker
    "Orphan Boys" Mess

  • #2
    Re: civilian vest under uniforms


    Research photos. The Civil War Images folder may help you out.

    Beth Crabb

    John Crabb July 10, 1953 - Nov. 25, 2009


    • #3
      Re: civilian vest under uniforms

      Originally posted by crabby View Post

      Research photos. The Civil War Images folder may help you out.

      Good advice; you'll find the evidence to be quite common.


      • #4
        Re: civilian vest under uniforms

        Ah!, hadn't thought of that,

        thanks for the tips,

        Ian Baker
        "Orphan Boys" Mess


        • #5
          Re: civilian vest under uniforms

          I've got a small tinted tintype that I found in a flea market in central Missouri that shows an unidentified federal private wearing an unbuttoned fatigue blouse, issue trousers, a plaid civilian vest and a checked shirt with small cravat.
          Charles D. Hoskins
          Member, Company of Military Historians
          Member, CWPT
          Washington Historical Society
          Board Member, MCWRA


          • #6
            Re: civilian vest under uniforms

            Very nice, any chance you could post a scan of the image?, that sounds like a wonderful tintype.

            Ian Baker
            "Orphan Boys" Mess


            • #7
              Re: civilian vest under uniforms


              I would also be interested in seeing the image.
              Andrew Kasmar


              • #8
                Re: civilian vest under uniforms

                I'll give it a shot once I find the box that it is in - we just finished an attic renovation at home and putting things back in order is the prime objective this weekend.
                Charles D. Hoskins
                Member, Company of Military Historians
                Member, CWPT
                Washington Historical Society
                Board Member, MCWRA


                • #9
                  Re: civilian vest under uniforms

                  What we must realize and most seem to forget about is that the soldiers of '61-'65 were also civilians before they were soldiers. If they had a favorite vest that they wore as a civilian then they probably would have had it sent to them from home to wear. It also beats going and buying a military vest off of the small pay they were given during their service. Use what you already have is a motto that I always go by and I'm sure most of them did just that.


                  • #10
                    Re: civilian vest under uniforms

                    Having worn one on more than one occasion, my experience was that they were a pain in the ankle on campaign. Unless it is fall/winter, it is just one more thing to make you sweat, one more thing to carry, and one more thing to throw away.

                    But, they look good.

                    Rob Willis


                    • #11
                      Re: civilian vest under uniforms

                      O.K., here it is. I have no idea who he is or when or where it was taken - it may even be postwar, but I hope not. If anyone has any thoughts in that regard, let fly.

                      Under magnification you can see that the image is tinted: the trousers are sky blue, the vest is pink, the shirt is green and he had pink on his cheeks in addition to the gilt buttons on the blouse and vest. Check out the fancy trim and contrasting pattern on the collar of the vest.
                      Attached Files
                      Charles D. Hoskins
                      Member, Company of Military Historians
                      Member, CWPT
                      Washington Historical Society
                      Board Member, MCWRA


                      • #12
                        Re: civilian vest under uniforms

                        For your enjoyment, may I present Corp. James Riley, Co. D, 6th Iowa.
                        He is sporting a 15th Corps badge worn upon his civilian vest.
                        Go thou and do likewise.
                        Mark Warren
                        Hairy Nation
                        Attached Files
                        [COLOR="Green"]Gooseberry Pie
                        "The Official Dessert of the Hairy Nation Boys"[/COLOR]
                        Mark Warren
                        Bloomfield, Iowa


                        • #13
                          Re: civilian vest under uniforms

                          Awesome pictures both of you gentlemen, thanks for posting them.

                          Ian Baker
                          Ian Baker
                          "Orphan Boys" Mess


                          • #14
                            Re: civilian vest under uniforms

                            In the first image the tinting is quite visible . Great image thanks for sharing
                            Russell L. Stanley
                            Co.A 1st Texas Infantry
                            Co.A 45th Mississippi
                            Co.D 8th Missouri (CS)
                            Steelville JayBirds Mess

