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4-Button CS Jacket

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  • #16
    Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

    Thank you, Dan! Now I shall order some more stuff from you and Brian to show my appreciation fully.

    If people want new research on topics, why don't they go do the research themselves, or pay others to do it if they can't? This stuff takes effort, and we are extremely lucky that some researchers are kind enough to post the fruits of their efforts here and elsewhere. That should not be taken for granted.
    Yours in The Cause,
    Will Tatum
    Lil' Bastid Mess

    Esse Quam Videri


    • #17
      Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

      I agree with Dan we do have alot of tools for information, In the same breath we all have had a starting point. I think it's great that Andrew is as fired up about the hobby as he is. Not to mention he did'nt ask anybody for a secret period paint recipe. At some point we ALL share info with one another.
      Hope you catch a bign!!
      John McClellan
      Last edited by John McClellan; 01-20-2009, 02:23 PM.


      • #18
        Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

        Hmm didn't know research was googling something, have to remember that
        Chad Wrinn


        • #19
          Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

          I think googling is a start. I would never write any type of paper strictly off of what I got from google but I would use it to give me a launching point. I will have to side with what Dan said on this particular post. I have a very limited post count because of how frequent I use the search function or just do the research myself.
          [SIZE="4"][FONT="Impact"]Jason Thibodeaux[/FONT][/SIZE]
          Independent Rifles
          Swamp Angels
          Pelican Civil War Lodge #1861


          • #20
            Re: 4-Button CS Jacket


            First of all, I would like to thank Dan for his suggestion. I will take that information, and use to its best advantage. I do ask for a little forgiveness on the subject of this thread. It was in no way trying a ask a stupid question. I am very interested in finding these pictures, and I am very greatful to those that gave information that should help me find what I am looking for. Infact, I did use the search function, but was unaware of ways that you can limit the search to more detailed areas. I look forward to meeting the people on this forum at events, and taking first hand advantage of their expertise on many subjects.

            All the best

            Andrew Kasmar


            • #21
              Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

              "Well I, for one, was hoping Mr. Kasmar's query might bring to light some newly discovered photo's of the 4 button jacket, or new research from more learned and recently joining members that might expand the base of knowledge already present in the archives of this board. Something new always seems to come from resurrecting old hackneyed subjects. One can safely bet that ain't gonna happen on this thread now."

              I fully agree, no need to beat a guy up on a count of he's enthusiastic and eager.
              Mr. Kasmar- I recently took photo's of a 4 button coat / jacket at the Gettysburg Visitors Center, not exactly what you were looking for, but if you PM me, it would be my pleasure to send you some of the photo's.
              Bob Brewer
              Last edited by rbrewer; 01-20-2009, 08:24 PM. Reason: thought I had Bob Williams post included, had to add it
              Robert Brewer


              • #22
                Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

                No one is getting beat up here. Dan politely and informatively explained to Andrew how he could learn to answer many of the questions that he has. Learning is a journey and not only will his immediate questions be answered through his search but much more knowledge will be derived through this process. Maybe then he can begin to share what he learns and the community benefits. God bless his zeal for the hobby and his quest for greater insight into this fascinating era in American history. He represents the next generation of "Authentic Campaigners" and it's good to know that there is a future for this hobby.
                David Parent

                The Cracker Mess
                MLK Mess
                Black Hat Boys

                Veterans would tell of Sherman's ordering a flanking movement and instructing a subordinate how to report his progress: "See here Cox, burn a few barns occasionally, as you go along. I can't understand those signal flags, but I know what smoke means"


                • #23
                  Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

                  Dave man I agree, Civil War is journey through which ones soul can pass and become one with the world we call reenactor heaven, one might see Andrews posts as a child inquisitive nature while others see his ignorance of a subject or as a vehicle to further the hobby. Yet I see it as a long road to enlightenment which can only be attained by reading and research by digging deeper into ones own mind to seek out the hidden truths and with that we can all know that four button jackets are not dragons to slay but water in the cup of clothing perfection. We do not need to negative waves on this site, Moriarty. Also google it first and yeah sack coats of the 1850's are similar but read this article I found. I did have useful knowledge in here somewhere.

                  Thomas J. Alleman
                  "If the choice be mine, I chose to march." LOR


                  • #24
                    Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

                    I'm sure I'll get a good pecking from every hen up the pecking order for saying this, but here goes....I only know Dan from his website and posts on this forum. He seems like a fine fellow, businessman, craftsman, and historian. I did however, find his reply to Andrew a bit condescending. I'm sure that wasn't Dan's intention, it was most likely meant to be more humorous. But too often that seems to be the case on this forum. Let's point each other in the right direction without making them feel stupid. I know Andrew, and he isn't a beginner. He is a very enthusiastic, knowledgeable, young man, who only wants to learn more. Maybe he just didn't realize how his request would be interpreted. Maybe he was just in a hurry. Maybe he holds the folks on this forum and their knowledge in high esteem....Maybe he WAS looking for NEW info. I applaud him for taking his hand slap like a man, and not getting his back up. Dan definitely supplied some good info that I didn't know, but the wording of it made me cringe a little bit. We have one fella, and I'm certainly not talking about Dan, who loves to stomp all over the enthusiastic kids who post on here, and I don't think that's right. We can be taught without being made a fool of, can't we?? I don't think anyone on this forum minds sharing their research with other members, or at least they shouldn't. Unless it's something that's important to their livelihood, like a "period paint recipe". Some folks like to make it an Easter Egg hunt though. What else are we here for? Sorry to digress so far from the original topic. There....I'll slap my own hand.

                    Ok, peck away....

                    D.W. Scalf
                    Last edited by D.W. Scalf; 01-21-2009, 03:49 AM. Reason: mispelling
                    19th Alabama Infantry(Australia)

                    “Power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Study hard. Be evil.”

                    "Only the dead have seen the end of War".
                    George Santayana


                    • #25
                      Re: 4-Button CS Jacket


                      Don't read too much into my post. Open condescension toward my customers is not a luxury I can afford. Andrew has been my customer for over two years, and last year he was my #2 customer. I enjoy a higher level of familiarity with him than others and certainly would not set out to embarrass him on a public forum.

                      Less than a week ago I was doing some research at the Michigan state library for the upcoming Bummers event. Paper in hand I went up to the reference desk first and asked for help finding a microfiche. The last time I had tried to find one I had become so frustrated I outright left the library. This time I simply told the librarian that I had no idea how to navigate the catalog and would she please help me. She did, and even showed me how to use the machine (it had been 15 years since I'd used one.) I will not need her help to find what I'm looking for next time; she taught me to fish.

                      There are some of us who have been researching certain subjects, like the CS four button jacket, for years, and who have massed scores of unpublished material to help further our understanding. All researchers work hard for their research, it doesn't matter if you're studying the inner workings of the GE corporation in the 1950s or the rise of the medieval Scottish kings. All are hesitant to give that information away to the first person who asks nicely.

                      Information sharing is a two way street. On this wonderful forum you will find any number of people willing to answer questions, but rather than do that, just this once, I wanted to teach someone to fish. The more researchers we have out there with the skills to pull new information from the libraries, archives, and even the internet, the more knowledge we will all eventually have.


                      Dan Wambaugh
                      Wambaugh, White, & Company
                      Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


                      • #26
                        Re: 4-Button CS Jacket


                        Dan, no worries. I found your post very helpful. I will just have to become 1# customer this year!!!!!!!:D Now if you only cam out with more kits.:wink_smil

                        All the best

                        Andrew Kasmar


                        • #27
                          Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

                          AK...... if you ever hit the corndog fests in FL and see a fatass sack of slop on the sidelines in good kit I would be happy to spend some time comparing notes.

                          I dont got the impression to be a top teir contender but I damn sure got some research to share with anyone who will listen. Know that.


                          • #28
                            Re: 4-Button CS Jacket


                            Thanks for that last post. The fact that you actually know Andrew makes all the difference. It makes it more "tounge in cheek" and joking, than condescending. As I said, I didn't think you really meant it that way, but some could have, and did, take it that way. I guess all the "amen brother" posts, and some of the other jabs at Andrew are what aggravated me. I apologize if I took your comments the wrong way. But I do stand behind what I said about some on this forum, and some who are in a position to know better, trying to belittle "less experienced" and younger folks. I don't think it's in the spirit of what we do.....teaching and learning. I remain,

                            D.W. Scalf
                            19th Alabama Infantry(Australia)

                            “Power corrupts. Knowledge is power. Study hard. Be evil.”

                            "Only the dead have seen the end of War".
                            George Santayana


                            • #29
                              Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

                              Andrew...did you see this one?
                              Luke Gilly
                              Breckinridge Greys
                              Lodge 661 F&AM

                              "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


                              • #30
                                Re: 4-Button CS Jacket

                                Originally posted by D.W. Scalf View Post

                                Thanks for that last post. The fact that you actually know Andrew makes all the difference. It makes it more "tounge in cheek" and joking, than condescending. As I said, I didn't think you really meant it that way, but some could have, and did, take it that way. I guess all the "amen brother" posts, and some of the other jabs at Andrew are what aggravated me. I apologize if I took your comments the wrong way. But I do stand behind what I said about some on this forum, and some who are in a position to know better, trying to belittle "less experienced" and younger folks. I don't think it's in the spirit of what we do.....teaching and learning. I remain,

                                D.W. Scalf
                                I have to agree here. I got out of reenacting about the time when this website started. Now that my interest has been reinvigorated I have been frequenting the board quite often for the last 8 months. As you can see I rarely post but I have learned a great deal from searching and reading the posts here. In that process however, I have noticed quite a bit of similar "condescending" posts and at first was a little turned off. I have been deterred a few times from posting myself for fear of asking a question that may have been addressed in some other post two years ago that I somehow missed in my search.
                                Nonetheless this is a great forum and I hope to be able to contribute more frequently in the future. This type of resource was simply unimaginable when I first entered this hobby 19 years ago.
                                "God created Man...Sam Colt made us equal."

