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QM Records of the 22nd South Carolina Infantry

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  • QM Records of the 22nd South Carolina Infantry


    Over the past few weeks I have been researching clothing and equipment issues of the Gen. N.G. Evans "Tramp Brigade" of South Carolina Troops. This Brigade served from the South Carolina coast to Maryland and Mississippi. Each listing is found in under the man whose papers they were found in.

    From the papers of QM Sgt. Steele:

    May 3rd 1862

    15 Army Tents

    June 16th 1862

    10 Coffins

    Feb. 15th 1863

    15 Wall Tents
    11 A Tents

    Feb. 18 1864

    1 pair shoes

    July 20th 1864

    1 Jacket
    1 pair Trousers
    2 pair Shoes
    2 pair drawers
    2 shirts

    From the papers of Capt. McNamee AQM 22nd SC:

    Nov. 30th 1863

    14 Pairs Shoes
    1 Coffin
    16 Axes
    24 L.M. Blanks (?)
    125 pairs pants
    53 jackets
    13 flannel shirts
    37 pairs drawers
    20 blankets
    12 pairs socks
    69 caps
    10 mess pans
    5 camp kettles
    l barrel Lime
    2 white wash brushes
    100 2.M. Blanks(?)

    Apr. 30th 1864

    1 Axe and Handle
    1 Wall Tent
    1 Water Bucket

    From the Papers of Capt Pickens Co. G 22nd SC

    Nov. 25th 1862

    12 blankets @ $4.00
    4 overcoats @ $12.00
    10 coats @ $10.00
    8 pairs pants @ $4.00
    1 cap @ $2.00
    2 pairs sock @ $.50
    3 pairs shoes @ $4.50
    1 pair shoe @ $4.00
    1 axe & handle
    1 Skillet & lid

    June 16th 1863 (Jackson, MS)

    1 pair drawers
    4 Hats
    2 Jackets
    1 Coat
    9 pairs pants
    3 pairs socks

    Aug. 17 1863

    2 Camp Kettles
    3 Ovens
    28 Tin Cups
    1 Spider
    2 Pots
    49 Caps
    6 Coats
    8 Jackets
    23 pairs pants
    21 pairs drawers
    17 shirts
    19 pairs shoes
    3 mess pans

    Oct. 31st 1863

    52 Jackets
    63 pairs trousers
    5 pair drawers
    6 shirts
    50 pairs socks
    12 blankets
    1 shovel

    Nov. 10th 1863

    10 Caps
    5 Jackets
    9 pairs trousers
    14 pairs drawers
    52 shirts
    11 pairs shoes
    5 pair leggings (!!!!!! Let me look at that again, yep I'm right.!!!!!!)
    24 blankets

    Dec. 25th 1863

    6 jackets
    5 pair trousers
    7 pair shoes
    1 spade

    Apr. 30th 1864

    2 pieces hollow wire weighing 10 1/2 pounds each
    1 water bucket
    1 axe and handle
    1 shovel

    Nov. 20th 1864

    4 Jackets
    3 Cotton Shirts
    4 Flannel Shirts
    6 pair drawers
    5 pair trousers
    4 pair socks
    8 pair shoes
    4 blankets

    Nov. 25th 1864

    1 A Tent

    Dec. 15th 1864

    2 Jackets
    2 pair trousers
    1 flannel shirt
    9 pair drawers
    6 pair shoes
    7 blankets

    Unknown-probably in the Richmond Area, late '64

    8 Caps
    9 Jackets
    5 Shirts
    4 Pairs Drawers
    5 pair socks

    From the papers of Capt. Jamison Co. G 22nd SC:

    June 20th 1862

    12 Haversacks
    2 Coffins
    1 Company Desk
    1 Camp Kettle

    Aug 1st 1862

    15 pairs Army Shoes @ $2.50

    Oct. 2nd 1862 (Winchester VA)

    1 pair Army Shoes @ $2.50

    From the Papers of 1st Lt. James Orr Co. G 22nd SC

    March 19th 1862

    87 Canteens
    87 Canteen Straps
    87 Knapsacks
    87 Haversacks.

    May 3rd 1862

    2 Camp Kettles
    2 Mess Pans
    2 Water Buckets

    From the Papers of 1st Lt. Robert Stevenson Go. G 22nd SC

    Sept. 26th 1863

    1 pair Army Shoes
    11 pair cotton drawers
    12 cotton shirts
    7 glazed caps

    Feb. 1st 1864

    1 pair shoes
    1 flannel shirt

    Dec. 16th 1864

    2 Jackets
    3 pairs Trousers
    1 Flannel Shirt
    7 pairs drawers
    8 pair shoes
    5 pair socks
    7 blankets

    Unknown (perhaps fall 1863)

    12 pair trousers
    15 shirts
    20 pair drawers
    21 pair shoes
    10 pair socks

    Unknown (probably fall 1863)

    18 pair trousers
    12 shirts
    12 pair drawers
    7 pair shoes
    5 pair socks

    Unknown (probably early 1864)

    7 pair shoes

    From the papers of 2nd Lt. H. Robinson, Co. G 22nd S.C.

    Dec. 30th 1864

    5 Jackets
    1 pair trousers
    1 flannel shirt
    8 pair drawers
    6 pair shoes
    6 pair socks
    8 blankets

    From the papers of 1st Lt. E. Watkins, Co. G 22nd S.C.

    Oct. 24th 1862 (Winchester Va.)

    2 suits of clothes @ $16.00
    4 coats @ $8.25
    2 Blue coats @ $7.50
    1 Gray coat @ $6.50
    15 pairs pants @ $5.10
    1 pair pants @ $5.00
    5 pair drawers @ $.75
    7 cotton shirts @ $1.00
    3 flannel shirts @ $3.75
    1 wool shirt @ $2.00
    1 blanket @ $5.00
    1 white blanket @ $4.00
    1 hat @ $6.00
    1 cap & cover @ $1.20
    1 pair shoes @ $3.50
    1 pair shoes @ $4.00
    1 spade

    22nd Dec. 1862

    2 pair shoes @ $4.00
    1 pair shoes @ $6.00
    2 pair shoes @ $6.00
    1 pair shoes @ $4.80
    1 Army Tent
    4 Flies

    July 8th 1863 (Jackson MS)

    8 Hats
    1 Axe

    From the Papers of Col. Goodlett, 22nd SC

    March 31st 1862

    2 Wall Tents

    June 20th 1862

    4 Marker Flags
    1 Regimental Flag
    1 Kettle Drum
    1 Fife

    From the Papers of Lt. Col. O'Connell 22nd SC

    March 19th 1862 (For Co. D)

    70 Canteens
    70 Canteen Straps
    70 Knapsacks
    70 Haversacks

    May 24th 1862

    2 Army Tents
    3 Mess Pans
    2 Camp Kettles
    2 Water Buckets

    June 20th 1862 (For Co. D)

    1 knapsack
    1 canteen & strap
    16 haversacks
    1 canteen & strap
    2 coffins
    1 camp kettle

    From the Papers of Maj. Hilton, 22nd SC:

    March 19th 1862 (For Co. E)

    77 Canteens
    77 Canteen Straps
    77 Knapsacks
    77 Haversacks

    May 24th 1862 (For Co. E)

    1 Camp Kettle
    1 Water Bucket
    2 mess Pans
    3 Army Tents

    June 20th 1862 (For Co. E)

    15 Haversacks
    2 Coffins

    August 1st 1862

    16 pair army shoes @ $2.50

    Sept. 24th 1862 (Martinsburg VA)

    1 pair boots @ $5.00
    1 pair shoes @ $1.25
    1 pair gaiters @ $3.50
    3 mess pans

    From the papers of Col. Burt, 22nd SC

    June 11th 1863 (For Co. A) (Jackson MS)

    15 pair shoes
    12 shirts
    10 pair drawers
    15 hats
    6 jackets
    1 coat
    13 pair pants
    27 pair socks

    July 8th 1863 (For Co. A) (Jackson, MS)

    7 Hats
    6 pair drawers
    8 shirts
    5 pants
    3 jackets
    2 axes

    Sept. 26th 1863 (For Co. A)

    16 cotton shirts
    20 pair cotton drawers
    15 glazed caps

    Nov. 10th 1863 (For Co. A)

    31 Caps
    10 Jackets
    8 pair trouser
    13 pair drawers
    6 shirts
    5 pair shoes
    5 pair leggings
    11 Blankets

    Apr. 30th 1864 (For Co. A)

    1 water bucket
    1 axe & handle
    1 shovel

    Sept. 30th 1864 (For RQM)

    1 Bell Tent (complete)
    1 Camp Chair

    Nov. 25th 1864

    1 axe & handle

    Unknown (early '64?) (For Co. A)

    21 pair trousers
    23 shirts
    26 pair drawers
    13 pair shoes
    10 pair socks

    Unknown (Early '64) (For Co. A)

    11 pair trousers
    2 pair drawers
    6 pair shoes
    3 pair socks

    Unknown (Early '64)

    3 shirts
    4 pair drawers
    1 pair shoes
    4 pair socks

    Unknown (For Co. A)

    4 pair shoes
    4 jackets
    10 pair trousers
    8 shirts
    5 pair drawers

    From the Papers of Capt. Barton, Co. H 22nd SC

    March 19th 1862

    80 canteens
    80 canteen straps
    80 knapsacks
    80 haversacks

    From the Papers of Capt. Peace, Co. H 22nd SC

    May 24th 1862

    1 Coffin for Pvt. Thomas Calloway
    1 Army Tent

    June 20th 1862

    6 haversacks
    1 coffin
    1 camp kettle

    Aug. 1st 1862

    14 pairs shoes
    1 coffin

    Oct. 2nd 1862

    3 pair shoes @ $2.50

    Oct. 24th 1862

    2 suits clothes @ $17.00
    2 suits clothes @ $16.00
    2 coats @ $8.25
    1 blue coat @ $7.50
    1 gray coat @ $6.50
    12 pair pants @ $5.10
    1 pair pants @ $5.00
    2 pair drawers @ $.75
    9 cotton shirts @ $1.00
    1 flannel shirt @ $3.75
    2 blankets @ $5.00
    1 white blanket @ $4.00
    1 pair shoes @ $3.50
    1 pair shoes @ $4.00
    1 spade

    Nov. 24th 1862

    15 Blankets @ $4.00
    8 Overcoats @ $12.00
    7 coats @ $8.00
    3 pair pants @ $4.00
    2 caps @ $2.00
    7 pair socks @.50
    3 pair shoes @ $4.50
    1 pair shoes @ $4.00
    2 axes & handles
    1 skillet and lid

    Dec. 29th 1862

    2 pair shoes @ $6.00
    2 pair pants @ $4.00
    3 pair shoes @ $6.00
    2 pair shoes @ $6.00
    1 wall tent
    4 flies

    Aug. 17th 1863

    2 Camp Kettles
    3 Ovens
    20 Tin Cups
    1 spider
    1 pot
    6 jackets
    13 pair pants
    15 pair drawers
    10 shirts
    16 pair shoes
    3 mess pans

    Oct. 31st 1863

    53 jackets
    64 pair trousers
    5 pair drawers
    5 shirts
    45 pair socks
    9 blankets
    1 shovel

    Nov. 10th 1863

    15 caps
    4 jackets
    10 pair trousers
    20 pair drawers
    16 shirts
    6 pair shoes
    4 pair leggings
    16 blankets

    April 30th 1864

    1 axe & handle
    1 shovel
    1 water bucket


    3 pair shoes
    6 jackets
    10 pair trouser
    8 shirts
    5 pair drawers


    4 pair shoes
    10 jackets
    10 pair trousers
    8 shirts
    5 pair drawers

    Unknown (Col. Fleming was in cmd of Reg)

    1 cap
    10 pair trousers
    14 shirts
    18 pair drawers
    22 pair shoes
    10 pair socks

    From the papers of 1st Lt. McKinney Co. H 22nd SC

    June 16th 1863 (Jackson MS)

    7 pairs shoes
    7 shirts
    11 pair drawers
    15 hats
    3 jackets
    1 coat
    11 pair paints
    14 pair socks

    July 8th 1863 (Jackson MS)

    6 hats
    8 pair drawers
    11 shirts
    5 pair pants
    1 axe

    Sept. 26th 1863

    2 cotton shirts
    6 pair cotton drawers

    Dec. 25th 1863

    10 jackets
    4 pair trousers
    7 pair shoes
    1 spade

    From the Papers of Capt. Richardson Co. H 22nd SC

    Oct. 27th 1864

    2 pair trousers
    5 pair drawers
    2 shirts
    3 pair shoes
    2 pair socks
    2 blankets

    Nov. 21st 1864

    5 jackets
    3 cotton shirts
    4 flannel shirts
    14 pair drawers
    7 pair trousers
    5 pair socks
    6 blankets
    14 pair shoes

    Nov. 25th 1864

    1 A Tent
    1 axe & Handle

    Nov. 30th 1864

    1 A Tent

    Dec. 15th 1864

    2 jackets
    3 pair trousers
    1 flannel shirt
    9 pair drawers
    7 pair shoes
    5 pair socks
    8 blankets

    There are records for some of the other regiments of the brigade over on the Tramp Brigade forums.

    Will MacDonald

  • #2
    Re: QM Records of the 22nd South Carolina Infantry

    Company E of the 22nd was known as "The Lancaster(SC) Guards" Miles Hilton was the Captain and he was later promoted to Major. My GGG Grandfather, B.R. Hancock, was a Sgt in the same company. According to an article in The Lancaster Ledger printed during April of 1862, was that the 22nd burned hundreds of blankets along with many knapsacks and other items. They were too heavy to be carried as the teams could not carry all the supplies. Many men had to be carried in wagons due to illness and they could only carry what they had on their back.

    Claude Sinclair
    Lancaster, SC
    Claude Sinclair
    Palmetto Battalion


    • #3
      Re: QM Records of the 22nd South Carolina Infantry


      Originally posted by Mississippian View Post
      Each listing is found in under the man whose papers they were found in.
      Are these papers found within the individuals' Compiled Service Records (CSR) at the National Archives, or are they personal papers housed elsewhere?


      Eric J. Mink
      Co. A, 4th Va Inf
      Stonewall Brigade

      Help Preserve the Slaughter Pen Farm - Fredericksburg, Va.


      • #4
        Re: QM Records of the 22nd South Carolina Infantry


        Thank you for your post. I'm guessing that April of 1862 would have been the first real march for most of the men in the regiment. I had two GGG Uncles in the regiment, William Martin was a Sgt. in Co. G and was KIA at the Crater, his brother Warren was a teamster and was captured at Five Forks.


        These were found in the CSRs.

        Will MacDonald


        • #5
          Re: QM Records of the 22nd South Carolina Infantry


          Thanks again for posting this on this forum and the Tramp Brigade forum. It has really helped us.
          Gregory Deese
          Carolina Rifles-Living History Association

          "How can you call yourself a campaigner if you've never campaigned?"-Charles Heath, R. I. P.


          • #6
            Re: QM Records of the 22nd South Carolina Infantry


            No problem, it's been my pleasure going through all of it. There are some interesting things to be found. It seems that in the fall of 1863, there were 5 pairs of leggings issued to each company of the 22nd. I wonder if they were used by the soldiers on guard or some other duty.

            Will MacDonald.


            • #7
              Re: QM Records of the 22nd South Carolina Infantry


              Thank you.
              [B]Charles Heath[/B]

              [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

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              [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

              [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

              [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


              • #8
                Re: QM Records of the 22nd South Carolina Infantry


                You're Welcome.

                Will MacDonald
                TBM, WIG

