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Official records of the Mormon war?

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  • Official records of the Mormon war?

    I'll be working again at a place called Fort Bridger in Wyoming, very well used fort in western Wyoming. So looking for info about the little war that went through that area. Always helps when it comes to the Civil War too, since it just pre war.

    Does anyone know where I can find a book with the official records of the Mormon or Utah war? I've looked around but can't find them in print. Anywhere online I can find them maybe?
    Any journals/diary's from Federal soldiers about this "war" in print either?

    I'd prefer period info too, or drawn fully or mostly from a non Mormon point of view as well. Quotes would be helpful and even better, a list of men who would soon become famous in the Civil war that were involved. Johnston of course I know about! If anyone can help, give a shout!
    Sean "Chuck-a-luck" Marcum

  • #2
    Re: Official records of the Mormon war?

    The event known as the "mormon war" was the conflict between mormons and Missourians back in 1838. What you're referring to is called the "Utah War."

    That should help you with your search. :)

    Also, Camp Floyd was established by the army when they arrived here in the valley. Here's a link to a small description of it. Looking up Camp Floyd should help yield some more info, and you can check out Ft. Douglas here in Salt Lake. It was established in 1862 on the slopes of the mountains to keep a watchful eye.
    Last edited by KPavia; 03-05-2009, 01:06 AM. Reason: adding more info
    Kenny Pavia
    24th Missouri Infantry


    • #3
      Re: Official records of the Mormon war?


      There's a gentleman around that area named Terry del Bene. He could help you in your search. Ask the folks at the fort - they're very familiar with him. Or feel free to PM me, I can put you in contact with him.

      I'll be at the fort in June for our little event we always do - will you be around?

      Warm regards,
      Janet Wragge


      • #4
        Re: Official records of the Mormon war?

        Yeah, I'll be there for sure, I was there back in 2006 as well. So I'm sure I'll see you there.
        The first time I was spread out as far as learning about the Fort. This time around I'd like to know about the 1857-1870 era. Tie's in pretty well with my Civil War interest!
        Sean "Chuck-a-luck" Marcum

