Came across this today...
"Classic Civil War Confederate Cedar Wood Drum Canteen Bearing the Hand-Carved Legend "J. K. Pierce/ his/ canteen" on the Face and the Initials "L. B." on the Back. Pierce served in Company "E" of the 13th Texas Infantry. His records show that his enlistment began in the fall of 1861 and he served through the entire war. The 13th Texas remained in the state for the majority of the war, with a brief period of service in Louisiana in 1863."
This is the first canteen I've come across with a Trans-Miss provenance...I'm curious how this canteen compares with others of the "Gardner Pattern"
"Classic Civil War Confederate Cedar Wood Drum Canteen Bearing the Hand-Carved Legend "J. K. Pierce/ his/ canteen" on the Face and the Initials "L. B." on the Back. Pierce served in Company "E" of the 13th Texas Infantry. His records show that his enlistment began in the fall of 1861 and he served through the entire war. The 13th Texas remained in the state for the majority of the war, with a brief period of service in Louisiana in 1863."
This is the first canteen I've come across with a Trans-Miss provenance...I'm curious how this canteen compares with others of the "Gardner Pattern"