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From Farbism to authentic

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  • From Farbism to authentic

    Hey all,

    I have a friend who is wanting to make the switchover from farby to hardcore. Any suggestions? I've told him all about fatiguing his immaculate uniform and trying to get things together so he could possibly campaign. He cannot afford all the hand stitched stuff at the moment but is interested in modifying his Federal uniform to be more authentic. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Brian Gauthier

    Rat Tail Mess
    Wolftever Mess
    SCAR-Southeastern Coalition of Authentic Reenactors

    Cry "Havoc" and let slip the dogs of war.

  • #2
    Re: From Farbism to authentic

    1. read lots of books.
    2. when you think you have read a lot of books, read even more books
    3. Learn to sew. there are several approved vendors here on the AC who sell uniform kits.
    4. "hardcore" has not, is not, nor will not defined by "hand stitched clothes". It is all about attitude and ability. The gear will catch up.
    Bryant Roberts
    Palmetto Guards/WIG/LR

    Interested in the Palmetto Guards?


    • #3
      Re: From Farbism to authentic

      This is certainly a fully loaded thread and I'll leave it to others to dissect it in more detail.

      With that said, in addressing one of your queries:

      He cannot afford all the hand stitched stuff at the moment but is interested in modifying his Federal uniform to be more authentic.
      Modifying current articles from his uniform may not be as simple as "restitching" or what have you. This is more than evident when the fabrics and other materials used to construct the garment are all wrong to begin with. That is to say, you are most likely attempting to better a product that might not have the potential to be bettered. It might help to know the who the maker(s) of his current uniform articles are, but more often than not, if he's unable to upgrade to quality materials at the moment, then that shouldn't necessarily justify hand stitching something that isn't worth the time.

      Stuff comes up for sale here on the AC quite frequently and if your pard is willing to part with his current uniform (selling it to a buddy, or, on eBay) then he should have some pocket money to invest in some better grade gear. Patience is a virtue and if he's diligent about getting what he needs in an orderly and timely fashion, it will be to his benefit. Tell him to do the research before he spends anymore cash. Turn him on to the forum here if he hasn't been already, as the information here is vast.
      Last edited by WoodenNutmeg; 04-21-2009, 03:30 PM.


      • #4
        Re: From Farbism to authentic

        I would suggest reading Cal Kinzer's article entitled A Dozen Inexpensive Ways to improve your impression. Also, read Fine Tuning your Impression by Bob Denton. These can be found in the FAQ section of the forum. Its not always about the uniform, it's how you wear it.
        Kenton Siers

        “South Carolina is too small for a republic and too large for an insane asylum” - James L. Petigru


        • #5
          Re: From Farbism to authentic


          First and foremost, the difference between "farb" and "progressive" is the mindset of the person. Buying great gear does not make you more authentic, it makes you a better dressed man. And we all know that clothes do not make the man. So, as suggested, your friend should read as much as possible and learn to interpret what he reads objectively. He may have to abandon long held beliefs that are based on myth or bad research. I recommend reading journals and diaries of the actual soldiers AND first hand accounts by civilians. The articles found on this site will also benefit him greatly.

          Second, make a plan to upgrade the gear. Buy used when possible to save money, buy kits and sew them yourself when necessary to save money. Focus on the most obvious items first. A good hat and a good jacket are usually the first upgrades. Shirt and pants follow, then undergarments and socks. As you can find used gear, I would look for a canteen and haversack upgrade first, blanket and knapsack later. He can find instruction for a lot of musket "de-farbing" online or find someone to do it for him. Unless it is just falling apart, I'd say leave the leather gear to last and try to get a complete set at one time. Now that isn't telling him who to buy from or what pattern to buy, but it gives him some idea of what he wants to do first, second, last. Others may have a different approach, but the important thing is to have a plan.

          Third, and this is the easiest, cheapest thing, find some guys that the knowledge and experience to give him good advice and ask them to mentor him. If he is near you, in the Chattanooga area, you have some great people in the Atlanta area: Herb Coats, Tripp Corbin, Kiev Thomason, Jim Butler are just a few names that come to mind. It is possible to remain with a mainstream organization and improve as an individual, but it is hard to stay on track and motivated without like-minded people to surround yourself with.

          Fourth, when he is comfortable, he needs to attend a higher quality event and find out what it is about. Don't let the lack of "hand-stitched" items keep him back. Most event sponsors will tell you they are more interested in the man than the clothes. And many people will be able to loan gear where needed.

          Once he starts "doing" thing more authentically, the rest will start to come together for him.

          Good Luck!
          Joe Smotherman


          • #6
            Re: From Farbism to authentic

            I appreciate everyone's desire to be informative and helpful. I realize that the line between farby and hardcore is not defined by stitching or buttonholes or whatever, but no one here can honestly tell me that, for a poor college student, there is nothing else that can be done than to buy more authentic gear. It seems to me that we as more authentic reenactors would like to not place too much emphasis on the uniform, but what is this site dedicated to, if not to better our impression? Isn't there an entire forum dedicated to the buying and selling of equipment and clothing? I'm not trying to be hostile to anyone who has posted; I'm actually very appreciative of everyone who has taken the time to respond. My friend is a very good first person living historian, but his uniform leaves something to be desired. When you say it is all about how you wear the uniform, what can he do to show that he knows "how to wear it"? More than physically altering his gear, I want to be able to tell him how to more correctly portray a mid-war Federal soldier. Again, I'll be very appreciative of any response to this thread, but be aware it seems antithetical to this site to tell me that the uniform is not that important. Than why do we spend so much money on getting the correct materials if its not that important?

            Regards to all,
            Brian Gauthier

            Rat Tail Mess
            Wolftever Mess
            SCAR-Southeastern Coalition of Authentic Reenactors

            Cry "Havoc" and let slip the dogs of war.


            • #7
              Re: From Farbism to authentic


              I'm not saying the clothing and gear are not important, but there is more to it than just the clothing and gear. I have recently posted on this forum comparing mainstreamers in good gear to a pig wearing lipstick. It is still a mainstreamer/pig, regardless of appearances. What I'm saying is that there is more depth the cph approach than JUST gear and that is what he can work on without the expense of funds.

              To give specific advice on how to improve how he wears his uniform and gear, I'd have to see him from several angles. He might be doing everything right. Or he might not be recognizable as a Federal soldier. You have offered nothing in a way of description for anyone to make an assessment of what he is doing.

              The specific folder for buying and selling gear is for the convenience of the forum members, not the focus of the entire forum. Rather than wade through 100 posts to find recent buy/sell notices, one can go to a specific folder and browse all the posts within that folder.
              Joe Smotherman


              • #8
                Re: From Farbism to authentic

                I appreciate everyone's help in telling me about some of the posts that have already been placed on this site. I'm going to recommend to my friend to become a member of Authentic-Campaigner so he can read this stuff on his own.

                In regards to Joe's comment on what he looks like, let me see if I can paint you a picture:
                He is a tall, skinny guy who is clean shaven, wears a pretty decent McDowell cap, has immaculate leathers that look more like they should be part of a british Rev War company because of their luster, and his jacket and pants and shoes too look like they've never been worn outside of a dressing room.

                I know this isn't exactly what you wanted, but we have a living history event coming up at the end of August that he wants to try to improve his impression by, and I'm trying to help him out. I'll try to in the next few days post a picture or two of what he looks like and hopefully you or any of the other fine folks who have been posting can offer suggestions.

                Again, thanks everyone for posting. Please continue if you have any other suggestions not already mentioned.

                Brian Gauthier

                Rat Tail Mess
                Wolftever Mess
                SCAR-Southeastern Coalition of Authentic Reenactors

                Cry "Havoc" and let slip the dogs of war.


                • #9
                  Re: From Farbism to authentic


                  I agree with Joe, we would have to see pictures or a gear list or something in order to tell you how your friend can improve his look with what he has.

                  The fact that your asking these questions for your friend throws up a red flag on your friends commitment level, don't take this the wrong way, I am not saying you should not be supportive and a mentor, however speaking from experience, the person has to have the desire and the initiative, and their journey from mainstream to authentic has to be their own. If they are not willing to do their own research and find their own way, then their heart is not in it, and it will lead to them not enjoying their experience.

                  So the first thing for your friends transition I would say make sure you are guiding him and not pushing him.

                  As for gear, if he can I would say get a good hat and a sack coat and then do what he can when he can.

                  Good luck

                  Ryan Meyer
                  Ryan Meyer
                  Skulker's Mess (Germany)
                  Keeper of that BOX



                  • #10
                    Re: From Farbism to authentic

                    Mind set is most important. There is lots of photographs of soldiers on campaign and in the studio. Your friend should get his own account here, and use the search function. Also learn to use Goggle books.

                    The most important thing is getting to quality EFUBU events and stay until it is over.
                    Andrew Grim
                    The Monte Mounted Rifles, Monte Bh'oys

                    Burbank #406 F&AM
                    x-PBC, Co-Chairman of the Most Important Committee
                    Peter Lebeck #1866, The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus
                    Billy Holcomb #1069, Order of Vituscan Missionaries


                    • #11
                      Re: From Farbism to authentic


                      Moderator hat off.


                      "Hardcore" is not a label, a thing, an event, or a destination one opens the door and arrives at.
                      Instead it is a Journey down a Path that leads toward a Horizon that ever retreats the closer we get to it.
                      It is a process, a personal choice to grow, develop, learn, and evolve in a certain direction.

                      Clothing and gear are tools in a tool box on builds with, not ends in and of themsevles.

                      IMHO still...

                      While there is great talk about "getting beyond the gear," clothing and gear eventually become moving bench marks on the Path. Attitude and effort/application first takes one to that point.

                      It is not possible to "de-farb" clothing and gear with the Hobby-accepted exception of firearms. What is wrong to begin with remain only at best "less wrong" (like being a little bit pregnant) with cosmetic changes.

                      But, the key to understanding the tension and dynamic between having "authentic" kit and not having "authentic" kit is figuring out that it is not an "all or nothing" equation. Plus, in spite, if not despite, Lore to the contrary, a lad goes further and father at the front end of the Journey with the:

                      1. right attitude and demonstrated desire
                      2. arming oneself with research not only of the original CW soldiers but of such things as the F/M/C/P/H/A Paradigm and thjings such as the "Campaigners' Manifesto"
                      3. allying oneself with the right mentors
                      4. allying oneself with the right messes or units, etc.
                      5. availing oneself of a progressive plan moving into the Future obtaining better ("authentic") kit supplemented or augmented by "loaner" items to fill gaps while saving up and acquiring

                      The above posts have shared most if not all of this, and are sage wisdom and solid advice for any newcomer to the C/P/H/A side of the Alphabet Letters.

                      In the mean time, your friend would do better to participate directly here.

                      IMHO, when starting out, one possible good First Step is to view images of actual CW soldiers and adapt and adopt "their look" when crafting an impression that has a Believeable Image rather than looking like "reenactors."

                      Moderator hat on.

                      Please keep in mind that the AC Forum was not really designed for the "beginner." As a result, with the exception of firearms, posts about trying to remake "unauthentic" clothing and gear are discouraged and will be edited.

                      I know that can be frustrating and annoying. But, learning and understanding the culture of "getting there" will earn one more help and resources than appearing "not to be getting beyond the gear getting beyond the gear."
                      Or seeming to be bucking the sound advice and experienced based wisdom and experience lads share...

                      Curt Schmidt
                      In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                      -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                      -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                      -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                      -Vastly Ignorant
                      -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                      • #12
                        Re: From Farbism to authentic

                        My buddy is very serious. Unfortunately and fortunately, he has only just heard of AC and is very interested in creating his own account. With any luck, he will be on ASAP.
                        Brian Gauthier

                        Rat Tail Mess
                        Wolftever Mess
                        SCAR-Southeastern Coalition of Authentic Reenactors

                        Cry "Havoc" and let slip the dogs of war.


                        • #13
                          Re: From Farbism to authentic


                          Shoot Jim Butler of SCAR an email. His addy is

                          Just tell him you are in a northern suburb of Atlanta, and desire a more satisfying hobby.
                          [B]Charles Heath[/B]

                          [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

                          [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

                          [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

                          [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

                          [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

                          [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


                          • #14
                            Re: From Farbism to authentic


                            As an observation, I noticed that twice Mr. Gauthier mentioned his friend having a clean uniform. Might I suggest he check out this thread, found through the search function and which addresses this topic:


                            I hope this is a helpful addition to your discussion!
                            [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Joanna Norris Forbes[/FONT]


                            • #15
                              Re: From Farbism to authentic

                              Originally posted by briangauthier View Post
                              Hey all,I have a friend who is wanting to make the switchover from farby to hardcore. Any suggestions? I've told him all about fatiguing his immaculate uniform and trying to get things together so he could possibly campaign. He cannot afford all the hand stitched stuff at the moment but is interested in modifying his Federal uniform to be more authentic. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
                              There's nothing wrong with a clean uniform, they were issued during the war. You can't fake them in by scuffing and rubbing in dirt, that's a reeanctorism. You just have to wear them in and wear them out - it's about the creases that form as much as anything else.

                              Dan Wykes

                              ok this time, Mr. Schmidt?
                              Danny Wykes

