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Double handle tin camp stove...

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  • Double handle tin camp stove...

    Has anyone ever seen this type of stove before; referenced as being used by soldiers?
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    Last edited by WoodenNutmeg; 04-24-2009, 03:34 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Double handle tin camp stove...

    This type of stove was used at the bed side of many a sick soldier to prepare food and medication, also used as a sterilizer for horse hair suture (yes folks they did boil those sutures before they put them in!). Commonly refered to as a nurses lamp or stove; as far as it being used for a personal stove I don't know. That being said, all good soldiers seeing an item that is useful would sooner or later adapt that piece of equipment to their own kit.
    The lamp reference comes from the Antique Candle and Whale oil Lamp Association. There are many associations and collector groups that one can Google to obtain more information about these stoves; I hope I was helpful in some way. I collect Minor's patent folding candle lamps, of which there are several different paterns depending on who the manufacturer was. Please feel free to e-mail me about more information or to help you contact some of the associations I have from personal research.
    Thank you for your time and as ever I am your obedient servent for matters pertaining to the the aquisition of personal gear used during the Civil War.

    Theodore E. Wojciechowski
    P.S. Does anyone know who is making a good rubberised rain coat or even a tared one will do? thanks so much. Oh, and does anyone in Georgia want to give a lonely Union boy a home?
    [B][/B] Theodore E. Wojciechowski[SIZE="4"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"][/FONT][/SIZE][/SIZE]


    • #3
      Re: Double handle tin camp stove...

      I can think of a patient at Winter 1864 2006 and another at Winter 1864 2008 who could have used such a personal stove rig. A wall tent on a platform is not much to keep out the cold.
      [B]Charles Heath[/B]

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