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Houston Depot cartridge box usage

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  • Houston Depot cartridge box usage

    Having searched this site as well as the internet at large I have come up with very little info regarding the usage of this box. What I have found was that the Houston Depot primarily distributed supplies to the Trans Miss. to Texas , Ark., and LA. units. One account stated that the cartridge boxes were distributed to Cavalry units.

    Does anyone else have any more info on this subject? Did any of the equipment dispersed by this Depot reach units outside of the Trans Miss.? Any additional info would be appreciated.
    David Parent

    The Cracker Mess
    MLK Mess
    Black Hat Boys

    Veterans would tell of Sherman's ordering a flanking movement and instructing a subordinate how to report his progress: "See here Cox, burn a few barns occasionally, as you go along. I can't understand those signal flags, but I know what smoke means"

  • #2
    Re: Houston Depot cartridge box usage

    Some good general information regarding the distribution of the HD can be found in the Adolphus Article, Confederate Clothing of the Houston Quartermaster Depot, found in an issue of Military Collector and Historian. I know the article discusses clothing, but I seem to recall some references to gear and to the overall distribution limits of the depot. I cannot remember which issue this article is found in, but if you're interested I can check when I get home tonight.

    This article will not answer all of your questions, but you should read it anyway.
    Jonathan Vaughan
    14th Tennessee
    3rd Missouri


    • #3
      Re: Houston Depot cartridge box usage

      I would recommend "Kirby Smith's Confederacy: The Trans-Mississippi South, 1863-1865." It's a sprawling compendium that covers all facets of the war on the west side of the Big Muddy- politics, industry, military, foreign trade, etc.

      With regard to your question- my personal opinion is that it would be pretty darned unlikely for a Houston box to get across the river. One could cobble together a scenario where it might have happened and as we see constantly there are no firm "yes" and "no" answers. That said, I'd just use it for Trans-Miss theater events and within that scope only in certain scenarios and with certain units.

      My two cents.
      Fred Baker

      "You may call a Texian anything but a gentleman or a coward." Zachary Taylor


      • #4
        Re: Houston Depot cartridge box usage

        OK, Fred,

        great information so far. I had'nt ever thought of taking my HD Box east, but I am trying to determine what the likelihood of an HD box showing up on Sibley's New Mexico Campaign might be. Two things I don't know: During what years were the HD boxes produced, and How many were produced? If of course, they were not in production prior to 1862, the point is moot, But I am really looking for something to spice up my Sibley campaign impression, and this Houston box might be just the thing, provided it can be justified. What are your thoughts?
        Joel Kelley


        • #5
          Re: Houston Depot cartridge box usage

          If not mistaken, much of the gear utilized by Sibley's troops was US issue, captured from the garrisons at San Antonio and elsewhere in Texas....Fred Adolphus wrote an excellent article on the 3rd Texas Infantry, who served entirely in the Trans-Miss, documenting their complete outfitting in uniforms and accoutrements for the first 3 years of the War from the US quartermaster stores taken from San Antonio.
          Last edited by Secesh; 04-28-2012, 10:43 PM.
          Tom "Mingo" Machingo
          Independent Rifles, Weevil's Mess

          Vixi Et Didici

          "I think and highly hope that this war will end this year, and Oh then what a happy time we will have. No need of writing then but we can talk and talk again, and my boy can talk to me and I will never tire of listening to him and he will want to go with me everywhere I go, and I will be certain to let him go if there is any possible chance."
          Marion Hill Fitzpatrick
          Company K, 45th Georgia Infantry
          KIA Petersburg, Virginia


          • #6
            Re: Houston Depot cartridge box usage


            Here is the link to the Adolphus Article, Confederate Clothing of the Houston Quartermaster Depot http://www.adolphusconfederateunifor...n_uniforms.pdf
            Alan Thrower
            Member of The Company of Miltary Historians


            • #7
              Re: Houston Depot cartridge box usage

              There is no way this is plausible. If you are wanting to 'spice up your Sibley Campaign impression' I would suggest looking into what was on hand in San Antonio at the arsenal when it was surrendered.

              You'll be pretty surprised by what you'll find.
              Originally posted by whaler View Post
              OK, Fred,

              great information so far. I had'nt ever thought of taking my HD Box east, but I am trying to determine what the likelihood of an HD box showing up on Sibley's New Mexico Campaign might be. Two things I don't know: During what years were the HD boxes produced, and How many were produced? If of course, they were not in production prior to 1862, the point is moot, But I am really looking for something to spice up my Sibley campaign impression, and this Houston box might be just the thing, provided it can be justified. What are your thoughts?
              Cody Mobley

              Texas Ground Hornets
              Texas State Troops

              [HOUSTON] TRI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, October 28, 1863,


              All ladies in Houston and surrounding counties who have cloth on hand, which they can spare, are requested to donate it to the ladies of Crockett for the purpose of making petticoats for the Minute Men of this county, who have "backed out" of the service. We think the petticoat more suitable for them in these times.


              • #8
                Re: Houston Depot cartridge box usage

                Aloha Cody!

                I didn't suspect it was in fact plausible, and I did tailor the impression to Twiggs surrender primarily. Still, I continue to strive for the perfect Sibley campaign impression!


                Joel Kelley
                Joel Kelley


                • #9
                  Re: Houston Depot cartridge box usage

                  In 1852 after the change from (whitened) buff to blackened buff the US arsenal in Texas had unissued dragoon sword belts and it was determined that it was too expensive to try to dye them so they were given to the San Antonio Arsenal. These were not the belts with the 1851 plate but the earlier puppy foot oval lead filled plates. It is very possible that some of the early TX regiments got new old stock from the arsenal.

                  I wish I had the letter handy to tell you the name of the US Arsenal but it is filed away with my blackened buff information.

                  There was a lot of leather imported into TX that came from NY through Mexico and it is very likely that the Houston Depot boxes were made from this imported leather. There was lots of shoes that came in also but I do not know what all else did get sent from NY since it is only listed by trade.

                  David Jarnagin


                  • #10
                    Re: Houston Depot cartridge box usage

                    It's always a pleasure to read your postings regarding period leather, dyeing techniques, etc. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and research with us!
                    Tom "Mingo" Machingo
                    Independent Rifles, Weevil's Mess

                    Vixi Et Didici

                    "I think and highly hope that this war will end this year, and Oh then what a happy time we will have. No need of writing then but we can talk and talk again, and my boy can talk to me and I will never tire of listening to him and he will want to go with me everywhere I go, and I will be certain to let him go if there is any possible chance."
                    Marion Hill Fitzpatrick
                    Company K, 45th Georgia Infantry
                    KIA Petersburg, Virginia

