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US Belt Plate Upside Down

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  • US Belt Plate Upside Down

    For a long time now I have been wearing a US belt with my Confederate impression and I always have the belt facing the up, but this seems to upset many Confederate reenactors who tell me the soldiers would flip it over. Now, many years ago when I first started reenacting I would do this, but then when I joined a hardcore unit they told me it was wrong, that a soldier would not turn a US belt plate upside down and that it was a reenactor myth. Since then I have been trying to do research on this but can't really find anything. Anyone else ever look into this?

    William Malmborg
    Last edited by Curt Schmidt; 06-22-2009, 05:56 PM.
    [URL=""]Austin's Sharpshooters - One of Chicago's oldest and most respected reenacting units[/URL]

  • #2
    Re: US Belt Plate Upside Down


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    Curt Schmidt
    Curt Schmidt
    In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

    -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
    -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
    -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
    -Vastly Ignorant
    -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


    • #3
      Re: US Belt Plate Upside Down

      Yeah, sorry, didn't even see the search button until after I posted.
      William Malmborg
      [URL=""]Austin's Sharpshooters - One of Chicago's oldest and most respected reenacting units[/URL]


      • #4
        Re: US Belt Plate Upside Down

        You can modify your US plate into a CS plate by pounding down the corners of the "U" to make it look like a "C". There are several surviving original plates that had this done to them.

        Just one option.
        Nic Clark
        2017 - 24 years in the hobby
        Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


        • #5
          Re: US Belt Plate Upside Down

          I personally have never liked the norm, or doing what everyone else does. I do Confederate, but don't like wearing gray. I never did the upside down U.S. because I saw too many people doing the same and actually have never owned a C.S. buckle, but prefer a brass roller buckle that is vintage and would have been brought from home. Haversack is homespun material, made by mother, same with a number of other items I carry.

          My advice, don't follow the herd. Do some research and find instances of trappings that weren't so common, but not so unusual to be considered unrealistic or hokey or an absolute oddity to the hobby.

          My humble opinion,

          Joe Mode
          Joe Mode


          • #6
            Re: US Belt Plate Upside Down

            I would focus my research on Austin's Btln of La sharpshooters, and the Army of Tennessee. there is another thread with a whole discussion on the inverted US plate. I can think of 2 period images showing an upside down US on a Johnny. One is the dead CS soldier on the Rose farm near Spotsy. The other was on a CW calender and an unknown soldier had on an over shirt, kepi, and was pointing a pistol at the camera.
            personally, I would rather me and my pards "over play" what is right, than go with what we can't back up. IE the western CSA plate and clipped corner CS may be more common in say the WIG, than in the real 10th Texas/8th Arkansas/20th Tenn. However, you can document those plates to use in the AOT on more than one occaision.

            just one mans opinion.
            Bryant Roberts
            Palmetto Guards/WIG/LR

            Interested in the Palmetto Guards?


            • #7
              Re: US Belt Plate Upside Down

              In a previous thread on this topic, somebody posted an image of a Federal soldier in a posed portrait with his US buckle upside-down. I rather doubt that he was subtly declaring his devotion to the "Southern Nation".

              That discussion in an earlier thread was actually quite thorough, and short of seeing more evidence, I've been convinced that the Confederate soldier, if he did wear a US plate upside-down, wasn't doing it for any of the reasons many reenactors wear them upside-down. I use a US oval right side up in my CS impression because I personally find it easier to buckle and unbuckle that way.
              Brett Gibbons
              3rd Rgt. C.S. Engineers, Co. E.


              • #8
                Re: US Belt Plate Upside Down

                I've have to agree that it seems easier to work the belt with it right side up and I have to guess that a soldier would probably have done whatever was the easiest or the most comfortable since they had to do it everyday.

                Kind of wish I had figured out the whole search button before asking this question (should have read the forum guidelines first), because it seems like it has been talked to death already and from what I gather there really is no right or wrong answer.

                William Malmborg
                [URL=""]Austin's Sharpshooters - One of Chicago's oldest and most respected reenacting units[/URL]


                • #9
                  Re: US Belt Plate Upside Down

                  I Have a Question....Do photographs show the upside down buckle craze or is that just something that we living historians have come up with? Cause I’ve never seen any pictures of this.

                  Captain Shane Pinson
                  President of The NSLHG
                  Chief of Staff/Southern Federal Battalion
                  Captain/WolfPack Mess
                  5th Great-Grandson Of Lt.Gen.Winfield Scott


                  • #10
                    Re: US Belt Plate Upside Down

                    I would like to say that the upside down US belt plate is not a myth. I have a couple of orginal phots with the belt plate worn upside down. I wish i could figure out how to post them.

                    Scott Lamar
                    Scott Lamar

