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Where is Walt Whitmans Watch?

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  • Where is Walt Whitmans Watch?

    I have a copy of Specimen Days, a good book, little muddled and sometimes irrelevant but spattered with some very interesting first person accounts and observances.
    Anyhow, I digress.
    At the rear of the book are some Walt Photos in timescale order and it is these that caused me to consider this question.
    Photo dates

    1846, 49,54,62, and 64 no watch is evident.

    1867, 71 The watch is worn in the top left waistcoat pocket attached to a piece of string/cord worn about the neck.

    1872, 75 and 79 The watch is on a chain and is attached at the 3rd button hole. (On the breastbone)

    1880, 87 and 89 It has gone level with the watch pocket (belly button height)

    Fashion or Walts affectation, or am I wearing my pocket watch during a civilian impression totally too late?

    Just thought I would ask as the photo sequence kinda begged the question. If this is in the wrong place please move it.
    [B][I]Christian Sprakes
    19th Regimental Musician and Bugler[FONT="Impact"][/FONT][/I][/B]