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arkansas mystery jacket

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  • #16
    Re: arkansas mystery jacket

    Thanks Don, Fred and Brian for weighing in. KC are you out there too? As always, we really need to be careful in using descriptions for garments without some kind of serious documentation. The subject is confusing enough!

    Here are the latest good photos of the Appler uniform (4th Mo Inf) from the Missouri History Museum in St Louis and one of my favorite Trans-Mississippi uniforms. Link -
    Attached Files
    Soli Deo Gloria
    Doug Cooper

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    • #17
      Re: arkansas mystery jacket

      I'll add my two cents worth. As others have said it's in the Missouri Historical Society's collection in St. Louis ( Forest Park). I saw it a few years ago before the big Corinth event but It was like trying to pull teeth to try to set up an appointment with the staff to look at Appler's jacket and trousers. The staff there was not very friendly even after I told them I had ancestor in the Missouri Brigade. I don't know if it was because I'm from Illinois and not a Missouri taxpayer or what, but it was an interesting experience. The story they tell there was Appler was issued the jacket in Oct. of '62 and was wearing it when he was captured at Champion's Hill in May. In regards to the jacket itself, the lining is definitely not quilted, it looked to be a better quality osnaburg. Maybe after I get back from Galena this weekend I'll try to dig up and post the pictures I took of the jacket and trousers.

      Tim Ruyle


      • #18
        Re: arkansas mystery jacket

        Hi All.

        Tim thank you for pointing out the lining is not quilted in the jacket Appler was issued. I got a chance finally to look at my file on the Appler uniform. Tim beat me to the punch with the info. Sorry for the mix up on my part.

        I did find the jacket info I had gotton confused with the Appler jacket (That's what I get for thinking off the top of my head!). The original jacket is identified to a Missourian, & is from the early war period. Teh chest is padded all the way around with diagonal quilting, the bottonm of the back is pointed.

        I wil get more up regarding the jacket.

        Don S
        Don F Smith


        • #19
          Re: arkansas mystery jacket

          Just because an item is in a museum, doesn't make that item a legitimate period piece.
          That museum in Bardstown has many reproduction uniforms that they claim are original.
          Clark Badgett

