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Question about Columbus Depot jackets

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  • Question about Columbus Depot jackets

    Does any know the correct color for a Columbus depot jacket? I have heard that a taupe on brown was correct, but then i heard that oxford on brown was correct so i am confused. I am also looking for a good book about civil war uniforms

    Shawn Batka

  • #2
    Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

    There isnt a single correct color, or material. They were made from whatever batches of material that the mills were delivering to them.
    Lee White
    Researcher and Historian
    "Delenda Est Carthago"
    "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"


    • #3
      Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

      Lee is correct! The Columbus Depot received cloth from all over the South in big quantities and small ones. The color and weave from the same supplier could be different each time. Look in the archives here for Columbus Depot jacket, or search the internet. There are some good sites out there with cloth information.
      Tom Arliskas
      Tom Arliskas


      • #4
        Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

        Originally posted by louisiana1861 View Post
        I am also looking for a good book about civil war uniforms
        Mr. Arliskas (see the response above mine) is the author of a great reference book entitled "Cadet Gray and Butternut Brown" from Thomas Publications.

        I also recommend the Catalogue of Uniforms from the MoC. You might also consider perusing, auction number 6015 for some descriptions and detailed pics of Federal uniforms from the amazing collection of the late John Kurtz.

        John Wickett
        Former Carpetbagger
        Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


        • #5
          Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

          Hi Shawn,
          this is a great article (written by Geoff Walden, now hosted by the AC Forum):-

          One relevant quote:-
          "There has been considerable controversy over the original color of these jackets. Jensen referred to them as "butternut" (an unfortunate word choice; he also said they were probably originally gray), and a number of other writers have taken this as fact, supported by the jackets' appearance today. However, a close examination of the originals indicates that at least five of the eight were originally gray. To be sure, the color was a light gray of a "warm" hue (as opposed to "cool" gray hues such as "cadet gray"), and accumulated dust and dirt (not to mention their age) have combined to give most of the jackets a tannish cast today. But a grayish hue can often still be seen through moth holes in the trim and in seams."

          Paul Jonsson (England, UK)


          • #6
            Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

            thank you all,

            Shawn batka


            • #7
              Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

              It might not answer about the color question, but there is a Columbus Depot jacket at the Jeff Davis Georgia capture site. I have seen it once, and it does have the same color as the other ones out there,
              The site also has a light brown jeans wool great coat. I have always wonder why no one has ever tried to reproduce this coat?
              Ken Myers
              Ken Myers


              • #8
                Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

                Just one example of a CD sleeve. From the state collection in Jackson Miss.
                Attached Files
                [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Matt Caldwell




                • #9
                  Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

                  I remember a quote from a soldiers diary stating they had received gray jackets with a blue collar and cuffs. Obviously, gray is a broad term, but they didn't mention brown or tan in that particular issue. I remember another quote stating 'our once gray jackets are now butternut (or tan, can't remember) from scorching of the sun'. Not exact quotes, but similar.
                  [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][SIZE="5"]Brandon L. Jolly[/SIZE][/FONT]


                  • #10
                    Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

                    Paraphrasing from the diary of Washington Ives from the 4th Florida, but he was the one who mentioned receiving jackets that were gray, most with blue cuffs and collars.
                    Ross L. Lamoreaux

                    "...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol Inf


                    • #11
                      Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

                      A veteran from the 1st Missouri Brigade while stationed in Mississippi, January '63 (forgot the lad's name) stated that "the Missourians received their first genuine Confederate uniform and described as thus.... Gray pants, gray jacket and gray caps. The collar and cuff on the jackets are trimmed with light blue”.

                      Now whether these are Columbus Depot Jackets or not being referenced above is certainly up for speculation.
                      [FONT=Georgia][/FONT][SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"]Dan Biggs[/FONT][/SIZE]

                      -Member of the Southwest Volunteers Mess


                      • #12
                        Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

                        Also, keep in mind that the term 'columbus depot jacket' is a post 1865 term. The jackets that we have come to call CDs may have come from other shops in Mississippi or Memphis. lee can correct me here if I am wrong, but the man who eventually ended up running the depot at Columbus was in charge of Memphis before that. not every shell jacket with blue collar and cuffs was made in Columbus.
                        Bryant Roberts
                        Palmetto Guards/WIG/LR

                        Interested in the Palmetto Guards?


                        • #13
                          Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

                          While there are no notes about color, in the ledger book of Maj. F.W. Dillard, acting Quartermaster at Columbus, his accounting of items for the 4th Quarter 1863 (National Archives call RG109-05.211) shows 4,685 ¾ yards of “Cassemere” on hand. 99,259 yards in aggregate along with 24,848 yards of duck and 39,083 yards Osnaburg. As a side note, the ledger also shows 754 shoe lasts, 291 yards shoe thread, 47,905 hides and 682 shoe hammers. It also shows 34,359 jackets, 33,823 pants, 19,635 drawers, 19,982 shirts, 1,093 blankets, 33,309 shoes, 188 hats, 23,851 caps and 122 tent files being issued.
                          Last edited by Peachfuz; 12-17-2009, 09:53 AM.
                          Rich Taddeo
                          Shocker Mess
                          "Don't do it, you're going to get hurt." Jerry Stiles @ Sky Meadows moments before I fell and broke my leg.


                          • #14
                            Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

                            A few posts ago. . .

                            cool picture! Is that blue swatch the original dye color of the wool? Just curious, as from what else I've read on this post, most are saying it would look something like that.
                            Brian Gauthier

                            Rat Tail Mess
                            Wolftever Mess
                            SCAR-Southeastern Coalition of Authentic Reenactors

                            Cry "Havoc" and let slip the dogs of war.


                            • #15
                              Re: Question about Columbus Depot jackets

                              I am still thinking that my original CD jacket is cassimere (Jenkin's Jacket). I am about to do some more exploring in the inside of the lining and will let everyone know what I think. It is either cassimere, or the warp is a thick (double ply) brown cotton, perhaps twice as thick as the weft making it jean with a cassimere appearance.

                              Joe Walker

