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Where Does THIS END of the Hobby Need to Improve MOST?

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  • Where Does THIS END of the Hobby Need to Improve MOST?

    Curious to see the opinion of the readership on this.

    My caveat here: We all wish more folks were attending events, but I don't want to talk about that. If folks were to respond that "we're awsome, there just needs to be more of us", I'd say you were delusional.

    My caveat in-mind, here's the question(s) I'd like to ask:
    With the people we get at the events we attend, what do we... wrong? poorly?
    ...not do that we should?
    John Wickett
    Former Carpetbagger
    Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)

  • #2
    Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?


    Hate to start off with a comment about the gear but I hate reproduction muskets. Sure we can get them stamped authentically, even get the wood treated right, but the bottom line is that they are 2 pounds heavier than the originals. All one has to do is hold an original in his hands: feel the elegant taper of the wrist, the light weight when it is brought to the shoulder and aimed, and the way all the parts fit together just so, then pick up a reproduction and you will know how far they are from being correct. Let's put it this way: if a generic original musket is 9 pounds, and the reproduction of that musket is 11, that is a 22% increase in weight! We would not accept a sack coat that was 22% bigger, or a cartridge box that was 22% heavier, so this should be a no-brainer on why this is such a major problem.

    At least to me.
    Dan Wambaugh
    Wambaugh, White, & Company
    Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


    • #3
      Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?


      I would say three things. #1 is after a while it seems that the only difference in events are the scenery. I like to see various types of "shenanigans" for lack of of a better word. A ration issue, mock infraction and disciplinary action, a minstrel show, wrestling match. Something to disrupt the monotony. I once read of the 69th NYSV having a horse race.

      #2 however, I am just as guilty of as anyone else is non-period conversation. We all see it in SOP's yet im sure my next event will be filled with stories cussing BP and such.

      #3 I have been to events with about roughly 80 participants camped in groups of 6-10 spread out with thirty yards between groups. Im not saying we need to pack ourself ontop of each other, but when camping, we need to close the gaps and get together.
      Steven Flibotte
      Liberty Hall Fifes and Drums
      Confederate Marines Company C./Marine Guard USS Galena
      Tidewater Maritime Living History Association


      • #4
        Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?


        I've never been a fraid to offer an opinion, but I think your premise if flawed. There is the Campaigner Hobby and the Mainstream Hobby and the Farb Hobby and dozens of others. Not to say that they can't meet and work together, but I honesty feel they are different and to try and reconcile them is an exercise in futility.

        On a more positive note, Campaigners should focus more on being brilliant at the basics. What I mean by that is focusing on solid company drill, marching, fieldcraft, military discipline, in other words... Soldiering. Too many spend too much time trying to find the next cool impression or trying to stand-out from everyone else when they should be looking to the most common, everyday soldier possible.

        Now, I've opened the can of worms... have at it lads.
        Your Obedient Servant,

        Peter M. Berezuk


        • #5
          Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

          In the very small way that my opinion matters (it doesn't), the biggest thing that people need to do in order to improve the hobby is to PICK UP A BOOK AND READ IT. It's great that we have so many people that can differentiate Confederate depot pattern jackets, the minutiae of cartridge boxes, and the variance in firearms by production date, but from what I've seen, there is a definite lack of understanding of the history of the period beyond the military experience that occurred between 1861 and 1865. How many soldiers commented in letters about the depot variances in their uniforms, beyond the fact that some were shoddy, they all itched, and by the end of the campaign they were in tatters? How often do we see contractor variant accouterments appear in diary accounts? How much did these actually impact the life of the average soldier? So I guess what I'm poking at is to stop reading so much military history and start reading about the social history of the era and how this effected the lives of the men we seek to remember both before and during their service. My favorite published memoir, comprised of the letters written by an Iowa soldier, shows how this man basically tried running the farm from a thousand miles away, telling his wife and son who to trust, who to avoid, and even sending home cotton seeds to see if they would grow in Iowa. So maybe I can just sum up the rant by saying that more in-depth first person research, as well as research into the era, primary and secondary, would make us better living HISTORIANS, rather than reenactors.

          Personally, I'm guilty of probably not being enough of a military material culture geek. I have a very good set of .58 Federal accouterments, but I couldn't tell you anything about the contracts or regional variation in issue. I'm working on acquiring better Confederate accouterments, but I really have no idea, nor do I want an idea, about variants, save that my base impression is western Federal/Confederate. I have a Federal sack coat, and it looks like every other Federal sack coat out there. And I lack in other areas, such as appropriate manners most of the time, or dancing or high culture parlor music. But my first person is based on a farmer who enlisted (there should be a lot more of this portrayed), and so while I read the really fun battle books, I also try to understand the agricultural history of the era. So many soldiers' diaries comment on the quality of farming they see; I need to understand regional variation to a better degree so that I can see those things they wrote about, or at least talk about them. I try to know what's in season, what the labor on the farm would have been corresponding to the event, and even that is just the tip of the iceberg. It's not all knowable, but that just means I get to read more about it.
          Last edited by J. Donaldson; 05-30-2010, 11:45 PM. Reason: editing
          Bob Welch

          The Eagle and The Journal
          My blog, following one Illinois community from Lincoln's election through the end of the Civil War through the articles originally printed in its two newspapers.


          • #6
            Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

            Text has been deleted.
            Last edited by CJDaley; 05-31-2010, 07:24 AM. Reason: It's Memorial Day, I should be doing something more meaningful.
            [COLOR="DarkRed"] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Book Antiqua]Christopher J. Daley[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


            • #7
              Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

              Originally posted by Pvt_Sullivan View Post
              I've never been a fraid to offer an opinion, but I think your premise if flawed. There is the Campaigner Hobby and the Mainstream Hobby and the Farb Hobby and dozens of others. Not to say that they can't meet and work together, but I honesty feel they are different and to try and reconcile them is an exercise in futility.
              I hope you don't think that's what I'm trying to do! Re-read my original post and the thread title. I think THIS END of the hobby ("the right hand letters", as Curt would put it... "Us" as Chawls said it) has some improvements to make, but I'm not sure if the vast majority of "Us" agree with me.

              Originally posted by Pvt_Sullivan View Post
              On a more positive note, Campaigners should focus more on being brilliant at the basics. What I mean by that is focusing on solid company drill, marching, fieldcraft, military discipline, in other words... Soldiering. Too many spend too much time trying to find the next cool impression or trying to stand-out from everyone else when they should be looking to the most common, everyday soldier possible.

              Now, I've opened the can of worms... have at it lads.
              Evidently, you agree with me.
              John Wickett
              Former Carpetbagger
              Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


              • #8
                Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

                ...embrace a spirit or co-operation mixed with a liberal helping of "good attitude."

                That would cure 95% of the problems faced in THIS END of the hobby.
                PATRICK CRADDOCK
                Prometheus No. 851
                Franklin, Tennessee
                Widows' Sons Mess

                Aut Bibat Aut Abeat

                Can't fix stupid... Johnny Lloyd


                • #9
                  Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

                  One thing that I see lacking is the understanding of and use of the horse. Horses were everywhere on the battlefield. Officer's above the rank of Captain were entitled to and used them as were the regimental Adjutants. Couriers were everywhere. I would say nearly everyone of the period would have some sort of rudimentary knowledge of the horse, what was needed by them and how to act around them.

                  Dave Myrick


                  • #10
                    Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

                    There are men who see the ring and do everything they can to reach up for it and there are men who cry the ring is to high and demand egalitarian action to make the ring reachable for everybody or denigrate the status of the ring itself.

                    To my eye the hobby has reached critical mass in all aspects and the paradigm / established hierarchy is thoroughly ingrained. Folks are making the most of some pretty innovative EBUFU events this year if they are in your lane. I am a FARB and MAINSTREAMER but a damned well researched one, I can categorically list the influence and support I have personally had toward helping my small cadre of mainstreamer equine pards step up to a more historically representative experience within the constraints of our mainstream world and events.

                    The hobby is yer oyster, pass the horseradish.

                    CJ Rideout
                    Tampa, Florida


                    • #11
                      Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

                      By way of posting some positive examples:

                      Drill: Every sport practices before it takes the field to compete. However, I don't know of any/many groups that meet just to increase their proficiency in drill.

                      Stable local/regional organizations: A more stable set of company-level (heck, event platoon-level) organizations would do a world of good for "us".
                      - More depth of experience for officers and NCO's.
                      - Increased "espirit de corps" as each group gains in first person, drill, material culture, and other proficiencies. Plus, less time spent in the "getting to know you" period for ad hoc companies at events.
                      - Less time for event organizers recruiting for events: Commitment to the group creates "peer pressure" to attend events, moving this away from the event organizers and onto leadership of each group.
                      - Individuals have a venue to bring forth ideas for events, improvement, etc. and actually see them implemented.

                      ...there's more, but you get the point.
                      John Wickett
                      Former Carpetbagger
                      Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


                      • #12
                        Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

                        The thoughts that came to my mind were those as follows. They aren't meant for everyone. So I apologize ahead of time.

                        I know to many people that when making the change and getting into this side of the hobby are in ways not respected enough nor are they given the chance to try and improve. As those of which of my friends in the mainstream side of the hobby that are wanting to be more of a progressive and get things done the right way and want help get crapped upon by asking questions. Yeah the search links and what not are great but to many people blow up about it. I know personally 9 people that I stay in contact with through out the week DO NOT get on the forum because they are afraid that they will be gripped at or chewed out for asking a question or not having the right avatar, or correct kit. This is a great and wonderful hobby, but it will not last if we continue to shun people away that want to learn. I my self am fairly new to the forum. People don't get to me like some others that i am friends and pards with...

                        WE all are farbs in someway. I don't care who you are. We do not do this everyday for years on end. Yes we might do the somethings and put ourselves through things that almost 100% of the world thinks we are crazy for doing. BUT we love doing this and will continue to do so. I just really gets to me that someone that might not have the best kit and wants to learn and tries to better them self gets told to get off the forum and come back when they learn more. YOU CAN'T learn if you don't have a teacher. I had to learn how to feel my way around the forum pretty much on my own. Thank you to those who have helped me. I am still trying to figure things out in some ways.
                        But I am a teacher by profession. I know that If I do not do my best in my class room, my students will learn nothing. The same goes in hobbies. Just like this one. If someone is trying to improve. Don't push them away, for hobbies sake HELP THEM.

                        I also understand that we do not have to be here and be on this forum. But this is the only real logical choice when it comes to this side of the hobby. I also understand there are rules. It is that way in life in general, there are always rules.

                        I guess all my thoughts lead to one point. UNITE the hobby in a good way. If someone wants to make the move and become progressive lets help them. ( as a forum) We are the elite in the hobby as a whole. People should be able to look to us as a whole for help in any form, from kits all the way to helping a mainstream unit organize an event. the only way to help the hobby is to be active in it as a whole.
                        Robert Melville

                        We as Americans finish what we start. And dying for these Colors, or our brothers around us is no different. We will always remember the ones that have passed before us. Even though their bodies are committed to the depths their spirits live with in us and helps push for tomorrow


                        • #13
                          Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

                          Lose the focus on Material! Focus on Method and Man. We tend to exclude people based on the thing that is the easiest to change. Anybody can put on good kit and look "Kewel". It is extremely evident here lately.
                          Fieldcraft, Drill, First Person, history knowledge, and embracing the suck is what we need to improve on. Getting yourself into the 19th century mindset in behavior and attitude should be our goal. We lose that or forget that all too often.

                          One last thing. Get off the computer and get to a quality event. The only way to improve is to get into the game! Nobody is improving the hobby by hanging out on the keyboard all day


                          • #14
                            Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

                            Your appearance, attitude, along with the protocol and responsibilities for the roll you are playing at a given event.
                            We have the pictures, memoirs and the manuals, so in most cases we have the information.

                            Study, practice and learn them. I see the events as the "Final Exam".

                            Will we ever 'arrive'? Nope.

                            However, as living historians, it seems we are each obligated to do our personal best in all areas.

                            Challenge: Before your next event, find 3 things to do to improve your impression. You know what they are.
                            John Raterink

                            "If they carried short rifles and shot people far away, they had to be cool"


                            • #15
                              Re: Where does THIS END of the hobby need to improve MOST?

                              We need to get back to the three legged stool, man, materials, and method. Materials is easy, there is no excuse to have Paki gear with all the good manufacturers that are approved vendors here on the Authentic Campaigner. The man, read books especially first person, swap with the rest of your mess, share the knowledge. The third leg of the stool is the most difficult, because you can’t reach it while at your keyboard, to put the method into practice you must get yourself to an event, even if it is you and your friends drilling and camping in the backyard. To learn the methods you might need to get some modern books, I would start with the Boy Scout Handbook, it tells you how to build a fire, set up a shelter, and navigate in the woods.
                              Andrew Grim
                              The Monte Mounted Rifles, Monte Bh'oys

                              Burbank #406 F&AM
                              x-PBC, Co-Chairman of the Most Important Committee
                              Peter Lebeck #1866, The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus
                              Billy Holcomb #1069, Order of Vituscan Missionaries

