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Wide Awakes

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  • Wide Awakes

    Is anyone aware of any reenactment or living history impressions of Wide Awakes (i.e., the quasi-military political organization that had a hand in procuring Lincoln's 1860 election)? I know that some early federal volunteers were Wide Awakes and that at least some of them brought their Wide Awakes regalia (e.g., hats and/or rubber capes) into the service during the early months of the war. For example, I have come across some first-hand evidence suggesting that some Wide-Awake volunteers preferred the Wide Awake cape over the army-issue rubber blanket. For next year's early-war events, I thought it might be a nice touch to add a Wide Awakes dimension to my impression of an early federal volunteer. Any thoughts? Any idea where one might find a repop Wide Awakes cape or other useful accoutrements?

    Ken Aldous
    GGG nephew of Wide Awake member,
    Sergeant Albert E. Higley, Co. H, 22nd NYSV
    Ken Aldous
    Co. D, 5th NY Inf. (2d Regt. USV)
    Co. E, 123rd NYSV (2d Regt. USV)
    GGG nephew of Julius H. Higley, Co. E, 123rd NYSV & Co. A, 109th USCT
    GGG nephew of Albert E. Higley, Co. H, 22nd NYSV & Co. G, 16th NYHA
    GGG nephew of L.S. Herbert Higley, Co. G, 16th NYHA

  • #2
    Re: Wide Awakes

    Contact John Pillers.
    Nic Clark
    2017 - 24 years in the hobby
    Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


    • #3
      Re: Wide Awakes

      Billings claims on pg 20 of Hardtack and Coffee to have been a member of the Wide Awakes:

      " I was not a voter at the time of Lincoln's election, but I had taken an active part in the torchlight parades of the "Wide-awakes" and "Rail-splitters," as the political clubs of the Republicans were called , and so came to share of the abuse showered upon the follwers of the new President."

      Glenn C. Altschuler and Stuart M. Blumin; Rude Republic: Americans and Their Politics in the Nineteenth Century Princeton University Press, 2000 p. 63 would go on to say:

      " young men and boys who joined the Wide-Awakes, Invincibles, and other marching clubs were sold inexpensive uniforms and taught impressive march maneuvers. In Marion the Wide-Awake uniform consisted of an oil cloth cape and cap and a red sash, which along with a lamp or torch cost $1.33. "

      In keeping with the low cost of regalia, I would imagine anything related to the movement to be cheap and very simple. The H and T sketch is simple in comparison to the engraving I have attached. You can see an elaborate uniforms, insignia, and torchs, the latter of which I am very interested in.

      John Andrews


      • #4
        Re: Wide Awakes

        I have had this image saved on my computer for quite some time . I do not own the image, and cannot for the life of me remember where I obtained it. Auction, maybe. I am only sharing the image for reference to the topic being discussed and make no claim, release, title, etc. to the image.
        That being said, it is a very good image to create an impression from. The torch, cape, hat, and Lincoln/Hamlin flag are very clear. Enjoy.

        Rae G. Whitley
        [I]Museum of the Horse Soldier[/I]

        Tucson, AZ


        • #5
          Re: Wide Awakes

          well, here's a "Wide Awake" song for your amusement:
          WIDE AWAKE
          YANKEE DOODLE.
          BY WM. C. MARION.
          Come Uncle Sam, be "Wide Awake,"
          Too long you have been sleeping,
          Be on your guard, to crush the snake,
          That round you has been creeping.
          For it has almost charmed your eyes,
          To such imprudent blindness,
          That it could take you by surprise,
          And crush you for your kindness.
          Yankee Doodle, Wide Awake,
          Be silent you should never,
          Until you drive the popish snake,
          From off the soil, FOREVER.
          Our forefathers were "Wide Awake,"
          When liberty was dawning,
          They saw what foreigners would take,
          And gave us timely warning.
          Of foreign influence, beware;
          Our Washington has told us,
          And time indeed, there's none to spare,
          His words they shall embold us.
          Yankee Doodle, &c.
          Americans should be "Wide Awake,"
          For surely you must know,
          That for our country's own dear sake,
          Each man his worth must show.
          For we are free, and wont submit
          To intolerance and aggression,
          From papists, who from foreign lands
          Come here to rule this nation.
          Yankee Doodle, &c.
          Brave Washington bequeathed to us,
          The liberty we enjoy,
          Shall we not claim our rights, and thus
          Prove worthy, without alloy.
          For is he not the father of
          The country that we love,
          Shall we then stand and blush with shame,
          For foreigners who disgrace the same.
          Yankee Doodle, &c.

          T'ain't poltiically correct, but is historically accurate...

          Pete Bedrossian
          150th NY/3rd NC
          Pete Bedrossian
          150th NY/3rd N.C.T.


          • #6
            Re: Wide Awakes

            Interesting idea!

            C.J. Daley used to offer rubber(ized) capes. A tarred or glazed cap should be do-able. A repro torch source is lacking since Richmonville (sp?) is no more.

            I have an account of soliciting WA capes for being converted to knapsacks for soldiers in Peoria, IL.

            And some drill/parade moves from Hardee's manual.

            I for one would love to see great info on the WAs. Bona fide images are scarce, IMHO.
            John Pillers
            Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

            'We're putting the band back together'


            • #7
              Re: Wide Awakes

              A few of us have tried to do similar things at Harpers Ferry's election day. A few have a number of campaign torches, rubber capes and tarred mechanics caps, etc. Problem is getting people who can knowingly debate politics is the hardest part. Let me know if you get a group of guys together ill come down with the torches.

              "God knows, as many posts as go up on this site everyday, there's plenty of folks who know how to type. Put those keyboards to work on a real issue that's tied to the history that we love and obsess over so much." F.B.

              "...mow hay, cut wood, prepare great food, drink schwitzel, knit, sew, spin wool, rock out to a good pinch of snuff and somehow still find time to go fly a kite." N.B.


              • #8
                Re: Wide Awakes

                While working in the archives of my museum yesterday, I stumbled upon a booklet, Political Campaign Torches by Herbert R. Collins, published in 1964. It has some information on the Wide-Awakes, and even has a Manual of Arms for Campaign Clubs, published in 1888. There are some really good illustrations, advertisements, and photographs of the many different styles of torches used in the 19th century. The capes were still being sold as late as 1880
                Scott Cross
                "Old and in the Way"


                • #9
                  Re: Wide Awakes

                  This up comming Nov., Lincoln Home NHS is planning a rally and a torch light parade to the old state capitol. There is a thread started about this event. Looks interesting...torch lights...period parade...!

                  John Pellarin


                  • #10
                    Re: Wide Awakes

                    Here are some prints from the Albany Wide-Awakes. Courtesy of the LOC.
                    Attached Files

                    "God knows, as many posts as go up on this site everyday, there's plenty of folks who know how to type. Put those keyboards to work on a real issue that's tied to the history that we love and obsess over so much." F.B.

                    "...mow hay, cut wood, prepare great food, drink schwitzel, knit, sew, spin wool, rock out to a good pinch of snuff and somehow still find time to go fly a kite." N.B.


                    • #11
                      Re: Wide Awakes

                      ATTENTION, WIDE AWAKES!
                      THE Waupun Wide-Awakes are requested to meet on Wednesday as Thursday evenings next, at 7 o'clock, at the Wide-Awake Head quarters.
                      Hans C. Heg, Captain
                      Waupun, July 31st, 1860
                      AT A MEETING of the Republican Club, held at Dodge Hall last Wednesday evening a Wide-Awake Company was formed. Sixty-four names were enrolled, and considerable enthusiasm was manifested. The regulations of the Janesville Wide-Awakes were read, and, after being amended, were adopted.
                      6th--It is the object of this club--
                      1st. To act as a political police.
                      2d. To do escort duty to all prominent Republican speakers who visit our village to address our citizens.
                      3d. To attend all public meetings in a body and see that order is kept, and that the speaker and meeting is not disturbed.
                      4th. To attend the polls and see that justice is done every legal voter.
                      5th. To conduct ourselves in such a manner as to induce all Republicans to join us.
                      6th. To be a body joined together in large numbers to work for the good of the Republican ticket.

                      Myself and a few ONV guys are presenting a Wide Awake program at the Kenosha Civil War Museum in November. Above is one of the documents we'll use.

                      Steve Acker


                      • #12
                        Re: Wide Awakes

                        I am in the process of having the old Richmonville lantern reproduced. I bought four from him back about nine years ago, several years before his death. Stay tuned.

                        Don Harrelson


                        • #13
                          Re: Wide Awakes

                          I thought it worth mentioning an interesting campaign lantern on ebay:
                          Troy Groves "AZReenactor"
                          1st California Infantry Volunteers, Co. C

                          So, you think that scrap in the East is rough, do you?
                          Ever consider what it means to be captured by Apaches?


                          • #14
                            Re: Wide Awakes

                            Dear Sir,
                            The Kenosha (Wisconsin), Civil War Museum is hosting some sort of Wide-Awake event in the next few weeks. They may be of assistance.
                            all for the old flag,
                            David Corbett
                            Dave Corbett


                            • #15
                              Re: Wide Awakes


                              Three ONV guys, myself, Andy Ackeret, and Rich Propp put on a Wide Awake rally for the public. We built a program guide, based on some articles on Wide Awakes, then presented it as if we were Wide Awakes. I gleaned most of the informatiion from one article, http://www.journalofamericanhistory..../grinspan.html

                              Hope that helps.

                              Steve Acker

