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Pennsylvania State Jackets

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  • Pennsylvania State Jackets

    I was looking through a book on the Pennsylvania bucktails and noticed that one soldier was wearing a "state issued" Shell Jacket. I was wondering if anyone had any Information on the Pennsylvania state issued jacket?

    I also read somewhere that many soldiers threw away these jackets early on in the war(as to not be confused with Confederate troops). Also I was wondering if anyone knows if there were any engagements where PA troops may have worn these jackets, or were they thrown away as soon as the war started?

    Any information would be greatly appreciated!

    Two things : First, Mr. Pfeiffer, welcome to the forum. Please review the forum rules you've agreed to follow by becoming a member. This means signing your name to your posts. The standard infraction has been imposed. Second, you may not get too many answers to your questions because members are reluctant to spoonfeed new members who often ask big questions, get big answers, then we never see them again. What resources have you examined so far to answer your questions? Sounds like you've only scratched the surface. A little more digging may reveal some of the sources for which you are looking. - Silas Tackitt, one of the moderators.
    Last edited by Silas; 09-07-2010, 09:10 PM. Reason: Signature violation
    Eric Pfeiffer
    150th Pa. Volunteer Inf. Co.F

  • #2
    Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets

    I don't know much about the PA jacket, but there is a photograph of one in Echoes of Glory, the Union volume, pg. 153. Stylistically it looks like a Richomd Depot jacket to me...
    -Kyle M. Stetz
    Liberty Rifles

    "I think the prospect for an active and laborious campaign in Virginia is pretty clear and we will again this spring renew our old occupation and struggle between life and death for six more weary months." Capt. Samuel S. Brooke 47th Va. Infantry-- March 27, 1864


    • #3
      Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets

      This should help get you started, it would seem the gray jacket had a presence at least through 1862. I have heard that there is effort being put forth to recreate this jacket for the 150th cycle..that is all I know regarding recreation. To mirror Kyle, and what I have heard from individuals who have examined an original, it looks very much like an RD jacket..trim varying.

      Aaron Cook
      Aaron Cook

      "Argggghhh, I am a bear, and I am hungry!!!"


      • #4
        Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets

        Not to be difficult, but I wouldn't put too much stock in the above reference. The section on PA uniforms provides no footnotes or documentation for the information provided. Further, the paragraph prior to the PA uniform section states that Ohio troops were issued m1842 muskets that were converted from flintlocks. I am sure the book provides some good pictures, but I wouldn't trust the printed information if this page is any indication of its level of scholarship.

        There was a good thread on here a while back on PA troops being issued NY State Jackets, you may want to check that out. Good luck
        Garrett W. Silliman

        [I]Don't Float the Mainstream[/I]
        [SIZE="1"]-Sweetwater Brewing Company, Atlanta, GA[/SIZE]


        • #5
          Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets



          This is the original Pennsylvania state jacket housed at Pamplin Park and the same one featured in Echoes of Glory. It's not a perfect description but does provide some insights into the construction. Maybe someone here who has seen the original is willing to add to this.
          Brian White
          [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


          • #6
            Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets

            See here for more on early war gray Pennsylvania jackets:
            Bob Williams
            26th North Carolina Troops

            As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


            • #7
              Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets

              I didn't see anyone posting the so-called Pa jacket from the 177th Pa. This jacket is supposed to be a Pa jacket but it looks very different from the one at Pamplin and EoG, almost like a Richmond Depot. Tim Sheads and I talk to about this jacket. The jacket comes from the Mercer Museum, in Doylestown, Pa. I hope this link works. One minute it worked, the next minute it didn't.

              I was hoping to get away here at South Mountain Battlefield, but with the Maryland Campaign Anniv., I am buried in work to maybe look at the jacket first hand. Ted Alexander, Chief Historian at Antietam NPS and I both serve on the 150th Franklin County (Penn) Committee and we are looking for good living historians to participate in an event with Pennsylvania Jackets.
              John A. Miller
              South Mountain State Battlefield
              Monterey Pass Battlefield, Washington Township
              John A. Miller, Director
              Monterey Pass Battlefield Park


              • #8
                Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets

                Thanks for all the input everyone.

                ~Eric Pfeiffer
                Eric Pfeiffer
                150th Pa. Volunteer Inf. Co.F


                • #9
                  Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets

                  Dose anyone know about hats or pants issued to these Reserve Regiments? I had read that they were also gray and sometimes the pants were white.

                  ~Eric Pfeiffer
                  Eric Pfeiffer
                  150th Pa. Volunteer Inf. Co.F


                  • #10
                    Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets


                    That is an amazing jacket...I've never seen anything like it! You are right about it looking like a Confederate jacket. I think if I happened upon that at an antique store or estate sale my first thought would be that it was some kind of early Richmond Depot or "commutation" product. I wonder about the red trim....
                    Brian White
                    [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


                    • #11
                      Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets


                      Yes, the jacket is odd. The features are so different from the one in EoG as well the one at Pamplin. But if you look at the those photographs presented in a thread as mentioned above you'll see that they too are different in cut from what we are seeing. There are two photographs of a man and woman with childern in camp outside of Washington, he too is wearing a Pennsylvania Jacket and that is different as well. You can see the 3/4 button to close the pocket on the breast. These are cool jackets and I can't wait until I get my wife to put it together, but I am still researching that aspect of it as well. Course wool and jeans-cloth liner with cotton batting (Pamplin Historical Park).

                      From my understanding to help answer the orginal question, Pennsylvania stopped (or was ordered?) issuing grey jacket just proir to the Maryland Campaign of September 1862.

                      John A. Miller
                      South Mountain State Battlefield
                      Monterey Pass Battlefield, Washington Township
                      John A. Miller, Director
                      Monterey Pass Battlefield Park


                      • #12
                        Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets


                        Thanks for bringing up the "washer woman" photo, as I had forgotten about the soldiers wearing gray jackets. I'll have to take a closer look. As for reproducing the jackets, I was told a few months ago that the Pamplin Park example is made from a medium weight, coarse mixed gray kersey. The Doylestown example (Geo. Harper, 71st PA) appears to be a satinette or something similar; some spots of wear seem to expose a light colored warp underneath. I guess there is no way of knowing until someone examines the jacket up close and personal.
                        Brian White
                        [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


                        • #13
                          Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets


                          Your right about that. That is the only way to get the answers is to examine the orginal Jacket at Mercers Museum. Agreed on the photo, it does appear to be satinette.
                          Oh, Aaron thank you for helping us this past weekend with the Gettysburg NPS Labor Day weekend artillery programs.

                          John A. Miller
                          South Mountain State Battlefield
                          Monterey Pass Battlefield, Washington Township
                          John A. Miller, Director
                          Monterey Pass Battlefield Park


                          • #14
                            Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets

                            Here is infomation about the jacket listed

                            Object Title 71st Pennsylvania Infantry Shell Jacket
                            Accession Number 91.07.006
                            Object Name Jacket
                            Date 1861
                            Object Description Infantryman's gray shell jacket. Red piping around the shoulder straps, collar, sleeves. Beige cotton lining. Buttons stamped with eagle and shield insignia.
                            Materials Wool, cotton, brass
                            Associations Harper, George W. (user) (North America, United States, Pennsylvania, Yardley, American Civil War)
                            History of Use Worn by Prv. George W. Harper, 71st Pennsylvania (1st California) Regiment, Civil War. The regiment was issued gray uniforms at beginning of war which caused much confusion on the battlefield. Harper was captured at the Battle of Ball's Bluff and held at Libby Prison in Richmond. He was later exchanged and then rejoined his regiment. After the war, he married Ruth Cooper. Resided in Yardley, Bucks County.
                            Measurements Height: 24.000 in
                            Width: 19.000 in
                            Wm Green :D
                            Illegitimi non carborundum
                            (Don’t let the bastards grind you down!)

                            Dreaming of the following and other events

                            Picket Post

                            The like to do a winter camp.....hint hint...


                            • #15
                              Re: Pennsylvania State Jackets

                              I wish I had more to contribute, I do not want this thread to die. I suppose I must get to work researching further. Some really valuable information has already been posted, but I can't help but feel like its only the tip of the iceberg.
                              Aaron Cook

                              "Argggghhh, I am a bear, and I am hungry!!!"

