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Couple of Awesome Trans-MS C.S. QM Records

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  • Couple of Awesome Trans-MS C.S. QM Records


    Was looking for something else when I found these records in the file of Capt. Thomas Hinkle QM of the 7th Missouri Infantry (CS). I've had problems in the past finding Trans MS QM records so finding something like this was quite a break. These issues come just a few weeks before the Battle of Prairie Grove Ark. As always, a tip of the cap to Footnote.

    Papers of Capt. Hinkle 7th Missouri Infantry. (CS)

    Oct. 29th 1862

    6 Cass. Coats
    5 Jeans Coats
    30 Sattinet Coats
    80 Kersey Jackets
    30 pr Cass. Pants
    12 pr Kersey Pants
    10 pr Cottenade Pants
    150 pr Shoes
    20 Caps
    80 Hats
    14 pr Drawers
    14 Blankets

    Nov. 8th 1862

    115 Suits of Clothing
    155 pr Drawers
    20 Comforts (quilts?)
    300 Shirts
    150 Caps
    15 Bl Carpets

    Will MacDonald

  • #2
    Re: Couple of Awesome Trans-MS C.S. QM Records

    Thanks for the info. I love Trans Miss stuff.
    When you were looking around did you come across anything about the 6th Mo. C.S.?
    Russell L. Stanley
    Co.A 1st Texas Infantry
    Co.A 45th Mississippi
    Co.D 8th Missouri (CS)
    Steelville JayBirds Mess


    • #3
      Re: Couple of Awesome Trans-MS C.S. QM Records

      These come from the papers of Capt. W.H. Elstner, he was the AQM for the 2nd Arkansas Mounted Rifles early in the war and served as the Brigade QM for Gen's McNair and Reynolds for most of the war.

      Dec. 31st 1861

      2000 B&B Cartridges
      4000 B&B Cartidges
      9 kegs Musket powder (225lbs)
      100 lbs power
      42 Cartridge Boxes
      58 Cap Boxes

      Feb 18th 1862 (For Co. F 2nd Ark. Mtd Rifles)

      8 Cass Jackets @ $4.10 ea
      8 pr Shoes @ $2.00 ea
      9 Blue Shirts @$.75 ea
      2 Overshirts @$1.50 ea
      8 pr Drawers @$.75 ea
      11 pr pants @$5.00 ea
      2 pr Pants @$4.00 ea
      1 pr Boots @$3.50
      1 pr Boots @$4.00 (damaged)
      12 pr Boots @$5.00 ea
      5 common tents and poles
      1 long handled spade

      Unknown date (For Co. A 2nd Ark. Mtd Rifles) (seems to be from around the same time as Co. F)

      4 pr Pants @ $4.25 ea
      22 pr Socks @ $4.50 per doz
      7 pr Socks @ $6.00 per doz
      6 merino Shirts @ $1.25 ea
      6 Blue Dennim Shirts @ $.85 ea
      16 pr Drawers @ $1.00 ea
      1 Velvet Coat @ $8.00
      1 Satinet Coat @ $8.00
      24 pr Boots @ $4.50 ea
      4 pr Boots @ $4.25 ea
      1 pr Boots @ $5.00
      1 pr Boots @ $4.00
      3 Wool Hats @ $1.22 ea
      1 Saxony (?) Hat @ $1.28
      1 Coat @ $12.00
      1 Coat @ $13.00
      6 pr Shoes @ $1.75 ea
      3 pr Shoes @ $2.00 ea
      18 Blankets @ $2.50 ea
      30 Cartridge Boxes
      3 Common Tents, poles and pins
      2 Camp Kettles
      1 ax
      Tin Cups
      Tin Pans
      Copper Pot
      2 merino Shirts @ $1.50 ea

      Will MacDonald

