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Ist/2nd OVI Regiments - June 1861 clothing issues

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  • Ist/2nd OVI Regiments - June 1861 clothing issues

    Im looking for some clarification of what constituted the first issued uniforms of the 1st & 2nd Ohio Infantry regiments which were sent to Washington in May/June 1861. These were the first Ohio troops and they were sent East from Ohio without issued clothing. When riots broke out in MD, they had to stop in PA and agents for Ohio worked with PA authorities to have suitable uniforms made. Due to the limited availibilty of materials, regulation uniforms were not able to be made.
    A report of the Ohio agents lists the following as what was purchased and made:

    1 Black felt hat with ornaments
    1 Black pilot cloth overcoat
    1 Blue flannel Blouse
    2 red flannel shirts
    1 pair dark blue Satinet pantaloons
    2 prs drawers
    2 prs wool socks
    1 pr brogans

    Later mention is made of Blue caps with stiff ventilated crown "similar to the old style artillery cap..minus the pompom"

    My questions are: Would the Blue blouse likely be a version of the fatigue coat? With the black overcoat being used like the greatcoat?

    Am I correct in surmising that two types of headcovers were issued? With one being a black felt Army hat with brass etc. The other being a "cap" which as described sounds to me like the Albert cap which predated the forage cap?

    Im no expert by any means in miltary uniforms of the pre and CW era and any help with interpreting this information would be most appreciated.

    Kent Dorr - Ohio
    "Devils Own Mess"

  • #2
    Re: Ist/2nd OVI Regiments - June 1861 clothing issues

    Attached is a MC&H uniform plate (#598) of these units. In the descriptive text for the plate the dress is described by a member of the 2nd as follows: "This morning part of our new uniforms were issued to us: the cap, pants, and shoes. The cap is of the famous lager beer style, blue trimmed with blue cord and of the proportions of a good sized bread loaf. The pants are a coarse quality of cotton goods dyed in blue watercolors . . ."

    Archaeological evidence also confirms these units were equipped with "OVM" belt and box plates as well as Ohio seal breast plates.
    Bob Williams
    26th North Carolina Troops

    As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana

