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"Gettysburg" Shelter Half(s)?

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  • "Gettysburg" Shelter Half(s)?

    Does anyone know how the "Gettysburg" shelter half(s) are modified with the bottom/middle having added to it a provision for the addition of a third tent peg?

    I read recently, that one if not both have been modified. Are they still on display? Does anyone have pictures or specs. they could share? I'd like to modify the one I have in a like manner.

    Any help or assistance is appreciated.

    James Ross

  • #2
    Re: "Gettysburg" Shelter Half(s)?

    You may want to pick up a copy of Fred Gaede's book on Civil War Shelter tents. I'm fairly certain he examined these specimens:
    The Federal Civil War Shelter Tent [Gaede, Frederick.] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Federal Civil War Shelter Tent
    Scott Cross
    "Old and in the Way"


    • #3
      Re: "Gettysburg" Shelter Half(s)?

      Good Afternoon,

      The last time I was there it was still on display. I too had intended to modify some shelter halves in this same manner and took a sketch and a few pics of it although both of these are away from me at the moment as I am at work. In my opinion it is a rather crude modification of (I believe) the same or similar drill that the shelter half itself is made out of. I believe the edges were left raw and the stitches attaching it to the body were in a diagonal fashion of varying lengths in a heavier brownish thread. However it's been a while since I've been to the museum and some details may have gotten skewed in my brain with other things. I'll see what I can dig up in my home office. Best of luck on this!
      Charlie Thayer

      "Confederates were looking for some shoes, which were in short supply in the South because of the Union Blockade. The Confederates received gun fire instead of shoes." Quote of a random student in one of my classes.


      • #4
        Re: "Gettysburg" Shelter Half(s)?

        Mr. Cross,

        What's funny is I dug out my copy of said book and found no photo documentation of the item on public display. I wondered if the Gettysburg museum was a little reluctant to offer such done at the time of writing????? The photo on the visitor center website is a little hard to make out the details.

        Regardless, with the winter here in my area being particularly rough, I thought it a good idea to reexamine often overlooked items in my Federal kit. This is trivial I know, but I was curious to see how the 'original cast of characters' did it since it seems this is the only shelter remaining with a "field" modification to an issue item that was later revised by the QMD with this exact addition.
        James Ross

