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Fort Donelson POWs

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  • Fort Donelson POWs

    Hello, I was wondering if there is anything in the works about any living history events about pows from Fort Henry / Donelson this Spring. I know a while back someone wanted to use Conner Prairie Indiana for Camp Morton . Thanks, Paul Morrison

  • #2
    Re: Fort Donelson POWs

    That would certainly make for an interesting event.
    Warren Dickinson

    Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
    Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
    Former Mudsill
    Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


    • #3
      Re: Fort Donelson POWs

      Originally posted by Paul Morrison View Post
      Hello, I was wondering if there is anything in the works about any living history events about pows from Fort Henry / Donelson this Spring. I know a while back someone wanted to use Conner Prairie Indiana for Camp Morton . Thanks, Paul Morrison
      My book Cadet Gray and Butternut Brown has copius notes on the uniforms and accoutrements of the CS prisoners at Fort Donelson. It is all there.

      Tom Arliskas
      Tom Arliskas


      • #4
        Re: Fort Donelson POWs

        John Walsh and I are working with the Fort Donelson folks about the event in Feb. We are using images from some of the captives to form the guidelines . John is meeting with the park tomorrow to iron out a couple of more details before putting out our announcement . More to follow .
        Jerry Ross
        Withdraw to Fort Donelson Feb 2012

        Just a sinner trying to change

        Hog Driver
        Lead ,Follow or Get out of the way !


        • #5
          Re: Fort Donelson POWs

          Thanks for the info. Just tryin to think of events for midwest folks. Pows have always been an interest for me. Paul Morrison


          • #6
            Re: Fort Donelson POWs

            Actually the 49th TN went to Camp Douglas. My g-g-grandfather was in Co. C of the 49th. I can't wait for registration for the anniversary event.
            Robert Orrand
            N. B. Forrest Camp 215, SCV
            Civilian Adjunct - Mayor of Dover, Purdy, Raymond, Layette, and more to come... and oh yeah Gettysburg
            4thTN CSA - Co A - Shelby Greys


            • #7
              Re: Fort Donelson POWs

              Looking forward to it Jerry as my son and I are trying to put together impressions now.
              Warren Dickinson

              Currently a History Hippy at South Union Shaker Village
              Member of the original Pickett's Mill Interpretive Volunteer Staff & Co. D, 17th Ky Vol. Inf
              Former Mudsill
              Co-Creator of the States Rights Guard in '92


              • #8
                Re: Fort Donelson POWs

                Robert ,
                My family was in the 49th Co. G .Melville Cherry .He turned 17 during the battle. He escaped from the fort ,family was from the area before the war. Later found his way to VA wsered with his brother there until the 49th was released from prison. We will have to do more talking >>>>.
                Jerry Ross
                Withdraw to Fort Donelson Feb 2012

                Just a sinner trying to change

                Hog Driver
                Lead ,Follow or Get out of the way !


                • #9
                  Re: Fort Donelson POWs

                  Jerry and Robert,

                  This sounds like "old home week" as I had seven uncles in the 49th (five in Co. D. and two in Co. B) and two uncles in the 50th (Co. A). Perhaps we can swap stories and notes on the fine accommodations of Camp Douglas. See you there.

                  J. Mark Choate
                  7th TN. Cavalry, Co. D.

                  "Let history dictate our impressions.......not the other way around!"


                  • #10
                    Re: Fort Donelson POWs

                    I will bring a copy of his article he did for the Elkton paper in the '30's. He is from what is now Adams TN and was wounded at Franklin where his future wife's brother was killed. We definitely will talk about this. Sounds good.
                    Robert Orrand
                    N. B. Forrest Camp 215, SCV
                    Civilian Adjunct - Mayor of Dover, Purdy, Raymond, Layette, and more to come... and oh yeah Gettysburg
                    4thTN CSA - Co A - Shelby Greys


                    • #11
                      Re: Fort Donelson POWs

                      Some of you might find the attached files interesting. There are more where these come from.


                      Mark Jaeger
                      Attached Files

                      Mark Jaeger


                      • #12
                        Re: Fort Donelson POWs

                        From my notes the prisoners were wearing carpet blankets, had carpet bags, and some were wearing a white osnanburg issue overcoat. Most were in brown jeans, only uniform item a gray cap with a black band and a broad black stripe on the trousers.

                        CS uninforms
                        Tom Arliskas
                        Tom Arliskas


                        • #13
                          Re: Fort Donelson POWs

                          Originally posted by markj View Post
                          Some of you might find the attached files interesting. There are more where these come from.


                          Mark Jaeger
                          Thank you.
                          B. G. Beall (Long Gone)


                          • #14
                            Re: Fort Donelson POWs

                            Boy, I wouldn't wish that Chicago hell hole on anyone, then or now. For a Southern fella to have to endure that cold coming in off Lake Michigan, that makes my teeth rattle and I'm more adapted to the cold than a Tennessean. If you all do get up an event let us know... Z
                            [B][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][I]Zack Ziarnek[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/B]

                            Authentic Campaigner since 1998... Go Hard or Go Home!

                            "Look back at our struggle for Freedom, Trace our present day's strength to its source, And you'll find that this country's pathway to glory, Is strewn with the bones of the horse." Anonymous


                            • #15
                              Re: Fort Donelson POWs


                              I remember my great uncle telling me stories that his ancestors told him and they phrase that kept sticking in my mind was that the gaps in the shabby housing structures had holes in them that "you could throw a cat through" and the wind cut through them like a knife. Now, when you are 8 years old and you envision throwing a cat through a hole in the wall, it seemed pretty big. Heck, it seems pretty big now, too.

                              This topic can get on a sore subject with me pretty quick, too in that all that you hear in discussions of lousy conditions in POW camps is "Andersonville - Andersonville - Andersonville......." and Lord knows it was terrible. But, if you study it closely, you quickly realize that with the shortages in the South, the soldiers didn't have much more to eat than many of the prisoners. Plus Grant had stopped the prisoner exchange policy which hurt the South by blocking off the badly needed receipt of men back into the ranks. Then when you look at the conditions at many of these northern POW camps you see that they were horrible as well, but just don't get the pub.

                              Oh well, such is life.

                              J. Mark Choate
                              7th TN. Cavalry, Co. D.

                              "Let history dictate our impressions.......not the other way around!"

