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CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

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  • #16
    Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs


    The Marsh (4th NC) jacket in echoes appears to be a RCB jacket as well. I have only seen the pic, but it looks like what we call an "RDII" to me.
    Bryant Roberts
    Palmetto Guards/WIG/LR

    Interested in the Palmetto Guards?


    • #17
      Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

      Hey Brian,

      Excellent question and one I'd love to hear someone like Fred Adolphus chime in on, etc. I for one have never seen an ID'd late war RD issue garment out of such textile but that certainly doesn't mean they didn't exist either. Seems the more we know the more questions we have! Glad you've enjoyed the images.


      Neill Rose
      Iron Scout
      Palmetto Guards


      • #18
        Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

        Originally posted by GreencoatCross View Post
        Although there seems to be a good number of blue-gray wool jackets out there, are you aware of any identified late war RD jackets that are made from satinette, jean, cassimere, etc.?
        Is not the JB Royal jacket in the MoC made of satinet?
        John Wickett
        Former Carpetbagger
        Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


        • #19
          Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

          Originally posted by LibertyHallVols View Post
          Is not the JB Royal jacket in the MoC made of satinet?
          Royall's coat (Chancellorsville ID, I believe), is a 2:1 wool-cotton twill cloth with a very heavy nap. Pretty much a rough satinette.

          The Bernard jacket is/was made of jeans, but I don't believe it is known exactly when Bernard was issued it. I'm not aware of any very late war Richmond jackets made of anything other than blue grey wool. There are certainly some late war ANV garments, jackets included, made of wool-cotton materials, but none that I know of that we could positively ID as a typical Richmond jacket.

          -Craig Schneider
          Craig Schneider


          • #20
            Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

            It looks like there may not be any firmly identified late-war RD jackets made from jeans, etc. I looked at the series of photographs showing the CS dead at Petersburg and could only find two men out of thirteen who are definitely wearing garments cut from jean or (possibly) satinette. One appears to be a double-breasted jeans frock or overcoat while the other appears to be a rough satinette jacket with matching trousers.
            Brian White
            [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


            • #21
              Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

              Just a thought, but what about the "punch bowl" image and other images of CS POWs from the last part of the war? I'm nowhere near the photography buff that some folks are, but wouldn't those also be a good resources to look for your jean late war RD jacket? If I understand correctly, the post fall of Petersburg CS dead photos were taken in a relatively limited area, and would represent a specific unit (be it a regiment, brigade, or even division.) But the POW images show a much wider variety of CS troops.

              Food for thought, now start hunting!
              Dan Wambaugh
              Wambaugh, White, & Company
              Become our fan on Facebook by clicking HERE


              • #22
                Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

                I beleive in alot of the dead photos taken at spotsylvania, you see alot of jean and other materials other then kersey. hard to tell if they are RD manufacture though. And that is perfectly in the time frame where you would see RD 3s poppin up. If i remember correctly there is defineatly a lack of epauletts and belt loops in the images.
                Brett Asselin
                Lee's Miserables
                Rebel Death Squad


                • #23
                  Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

                  have a look at this:

                  It is an Analysis of Confederate Prisoner Uniform Shades by "L" Value in the Whitehouse Landing & Punch Bowl Photographs
                  by R. K. Denton Jr.

                  Probably we cann assume thta dark clour means BG-Fabric ?


                  Ingo Rolletter
                  5th Va Vol Inf (Germany)


                  • #24
                    Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

                    Andrew Kasmar


                    • #25
                      Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

                      Originally posted by GreencoatCross View Post
                      It looks like there may not be any firmly identified late-war RD jackets made from jeans, etc. I looked at the series of photographs showing the CS dead at Petersburg and could only find two men out of thirteen who are definitely wearing garments cut from jean or (possibly) satinette. One appears to be a double-breasted jeans frock or overcoat while the other appears to be a rough satinette jacket with matching trousers.
                      Brian: Don't forget the Benard jacket. Suppose to be the last one he wore at Petersburg. Not an iron clad ID but close.
                      Oops, looks like the page is lost. Start your website on the cheap.
                      Jim Mayo
                      Portsmouth Rifles, Company G, 9th Va. Inf.

                      CW Show and Tell Site


                      • #26
                        Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

                        Originally posted by CSchneider View Post
                        Royall's coat (Chancellorsville ID, I believe), is a 2:1 wool-cotton twill cloth with a very heavy nap. Pretty much a rough satinette.

                        The Bernard jacket is/was made of jeans, but I don't believe it is known exactly when Bernard was issued it. I'm not aware of any very late war Richmond jackets made of anything other than blue grey wool. There are certainly some late war ANV garments, jackets included, made of wool-cotton materials, but none that I know of that we could positively ID as a typical Richmond jacket.

                        -Craig Schneider
                        I wanted to piggy back on this with a couple of images of the JBRoyall Jacket. They are closeups of the buttons and battle damage, and clearly show the rough weave. See attachments.

                        I have a few more photos of RD III jackets to post as soon as I can ascertain the provenance.


                        Dan Limb
                        Attached Files
                        Dan Limb
                        One of THEM!

                        "In the moment of action, remember the value of silence and order" -- Phormio of Athens

                        "Your first duty is to get a decent hat. You cannot hope to do more. You should never wish to do less"

                        Direct Descendent of
                        James M. Hergesheimer, Co. A. 20th Iowa Infantry

                        Capt. James G. Campbell, Co. F., 19th Illinois Infantry. Wounded at Missionary Ridge


                        • #27
                          Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

                          groovy buttons. I need to pick some up like that.
                          Bryant Roberts
                          Palmetto Guards/WIG/LR

                          Interested in the Palmetto Guards?


                          • #28
                            Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

                            thought I'd post a couple more photos of the Royal jacket as it is displayed at the MoC.
                            Attached Files
                            [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3]Michael Phillips, GGG Grandson of
                            Pvt Edmond Phillips, 44th NCT, Co E, "The Turtle Paws"[/SIZE]
                            [SIZE=2]Mustered in March 1862
                            Paroled at Appomattox C.H. Virginia, April 15, 1865[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

                            [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][B]"Good, now we'll have news from Hell before breakfast."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
                            Was Gen Sherman's response upon hearing the capture and execution of 3 reporters who had followed from Atlanta, by the rebels.
                            The execution part turned out to be false.[COLOR=DarkRed] [B]Dagg Nabbit![/B][/COLOR][/FONT]


                            • #29
                              Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

                              Thanks for the pictures! Wow good stuff here.
                              Capt. Ken Bridgers
                              AFB/ 3rd Tennessee/ 66th Georgia


                              • #30
                                Re: CS Artifact(s) of the Week-Kersey Type IIs

                                Wow what a cool link, I have never seen the Punch Bowl picture broken up into sections and enlarged like that. Thanks for sharing.
                                Kyle W. Sanders

                                Armory Guards
                                Pick'in eny Mess

                                "America has no north, no south, no east, no west. The sun rises over the hills and sets over the mountains, the compass just points up and down, and we can laugh now at the absurd notion of there being a north and a south. We are one and undivided." -Sam Watkins-1st Tennessee

