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6th Louisiana Cavalry ambrotype

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  • 6th Louisiana Cavalry ambrotype


    In researching the uniform for one of my ancestors that served in Co. K of the 6th Louisiana Cavalry, I came across an ambrotype of a gentleman listed in Co. C of the 6th LA CAV.

    You'll notice that his sleeves near the cuffs have three (what appears to be) gold stripes. I've tried Google-ing it with NEGRES and also tried looking in the forums, with no avail. If anyone could assist me in shedding light on this, I would appreciate it.

    Remember now, I'm stationed in Hawaii, so I have no units out here to reference!

    Yours respectfully,

    Attached Files
    Brian Shajari
    Tolerance Lodge 1165 AF&AM, Texas
    Co. L, 1st Texas Volunteer Infantry Regiment Lone Star Rifles
    Hawaii American Civil War Roundtable Group

    Proud descendent of: PVT William B. Wales, Louisiana Crescent Regiment
    and Pvt. James Groves, Jr., Co. K, 6th Louisiana Cavalry

  • #2
    Re: 6th Louisiana Cavalry ambrotype

    I don't believe they are gold. Looks to me to be a thin, black tape trim that runs from nonfunctioning cuff buttons on the fellows coat. Nice photo though. Someone with a more practiced eye could proably tell you more, but that's just my two cents.

    Garrett Glover
    Garrett Glover


    • #3
      Re: 6th Louisiana Cavalry ambrotype

      I think the cuffs do button. Look at the photo with his arm resting on the table. You can see the one side of the sleave under the button hole side of the other. The "stripe" or tape is a false button hole look that was more popular in pre war military/militia uniforms. I have seen it more on collars then cuffs. I think there are a couple pictures in EOG of early and militia uniforms with this type of trim
      Rob Bruno
      1st MD Cav

