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British Journalism relating to the American Civil War

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  • British Journalism relating to the American Civil War

    I am trying to find contemporainious articles covering the period of the war in British Newspapers (with little result on the internet), can anybody supply me with names of British Journalists operating in the field which can be used for a further search? tahnks for your help!

  • #2
    Re: British Journalism relating to the American Civil War


    The London "Times" is an obvious place to look and should be available on microfilm through interlibrary loan. Other popular British periodicals that likely carried reportage on the war in America were "The Army & Navy Gazette," Littell's "Living Age," and "Blackwood's Magazine," and, of course, the "London Illustrated News" (similar to "Leslie's" and "Harper's" illustrated weeklies).

    The "Living Age" was actually published in Boston but it frequently carried items culled from the British press:

    Blackwood's Magazine was published in Britain but was available in the United States:

    To save yourself some time, you might want to reference this published index:

    Prices on An index to Blackwood's magazine, 1901-1980 David Finkelstein Scolar Press. Check dozens of online stores at once.

    The "Army and Navy Gazette" might be your best bet for reportage from a military angle as its editor, Sir William Howard Russell, spent the period 1861-63 observing the war and, in fact, published an account of it in "My Diary, North and South" (1862, reprinted by Harper Bros., 1954, with editing and new introduction by Fletcher Pratt).

    Let me know if I can assist you further.


    Mark Jaeger

    Mark Jaeger


    • #3
      Re: British Journalism relating to the American Civil War

      Get a copy of:
      Abraham Lincoln Deals With Foreign Affairs: A Diplomat in Carpet Slippers by Jay Monaghan

      This book is great! It covers the British press very well in Washington from '61-'63. Especially, Wm. Howard Russell of The London Times.

      This work not only gives great insight on foreign journalism, but how much time the Lincoln Adminstration had to spend on foreign affairs while trying to conduct a war at home.
      Ryan B.Weddle

      7th New York State Militia

      "Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes" - Henry David Thoreau

      "The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional as to how they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were treated and appreciated by their country."
      – George Washington , 1789


      • #4
        Re: British Journalism relating to the American Civil War

        I've a single copy of a British (Scottish, actually) newspaper that discusses a few battles--I'll be happy to dig it out of the paper files and transcribe.
        Elizabeth Clark


        • #5
          Re: British Journalism relating to the American Civil War

          This is great information, thanks for all your help. I will be back to pick your brains somemore (if you dont mind) Thanks people! :)


          • #6
            Re: British Journalism relating to the American Civil War

            p.s. That would be great if you could Elizabeth


            • #7
              Re: British Journalism relating to the American Civil War

              Will do--it will take a few days to dig it out... time to resort the files, I think.
              Elizabeth Clark

