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Confederate Buttons Discussion

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  • Confederate Buttons Discussion

    As winter is upon us, it is time for everyone to get into their winter projects and start tweeking their impressions for the upcomming events (and i'm stuck in the house babysitting my dog who had surgery yesterday). Something that has always bothered me is the array of "confederate" buttons uncovered at historical sites. My question that I started out with is, "Should a confederate soldier on campaign have a full matching set of buttons?" Now, one could assume that a soldier probably started out with a full set. But judging form the number of buttons that turn up at various battle fields and encampments those things must have came off quite often. I'm not saying that out of 9 buttons you wouldn't find a matching pair....what I am saying is that out of 9 buttons should there be maybe 2 odd balls (perhaps coin, wood, or bone from a housewife amongst a bunch of eagle or block I buttons)? Does anyone know of a surviving original jacket with an array of buttons still attached? Has anyone ran across a picture of a soldier whose buttons don't seem to match? I remember reading in one of my books of a soldier who whittled his own button and was later shot through it (perhaps Co. Aytch or William Fletcher's book).
    Luke Gilly
    Breckinridge Greys
    Lodge 661 F&AM

    "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast

  • #2
    Re: Confederate Buttons Discussion

    One thing to keep in mind. If a jacket starts dropping buttons, it should look worn. Based on what I have read about the average CS soldier and his attitude toward worn clothing, I think most of them would not worry about something as minor as losing a button. It may be more authentic just to have one or two buttons missing. For what it's worth IMO the tin backed buttons were lost sooner than the brass back. I can look at some repros I have and the back of the button as well as the hook has rusted a little which tends to eat through the button thread. This is especially true of the tin paper backed trouser buttons. Most people that relic hunt will tune out iron somewhat but if you go through a trench hunting iron there are plenty of trouser buttons found. However, they are little more than a chunk of round rust.
    Jim Mayo
    Portsmouth Rifles, Company G, 9th Va. Inf.

    CW Show and Tell Site

