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Nothing Like a Good Book

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  • Nothing Like a Good Book


    I'm in sponge mode right now, so I'm in search of good sources for books on these topics:

    Personal Accounts of soldiers during the Gettysburg Campaign

    Detailed descriptions of the condition of soldiers in the ANV 1863-64

    School and Life in agricultural towns in the South

    A soldier's up keep of his uniform while on campaign

    A detailed description of Rations, and how they were issued, in the ANV 1863-1864

    I am not looking to buy books off of the forum, just looking for good sources.

    All the Best,
    Last edited by The Chesterfield Rifleman; 07-11-2012, 02:09 PM.
    James Peli

  • #2
    Re: Nothing Like a Good Book

    When I first started out in the field I was a college intern at Gettysburg... the NPS started us out on a reading program to give us a base knowledge of the Battle from which to develop. It consisted of:

    The Gettysburg Campaign by Coddington... and the 3 day books by Pfanz - that will get any research on the battle and/or campaign started on the right foot.

    From there I spent 3 months researching primary sources in the Gettysburg library... and I suggest you do the same. Plan a trip and make an appointment to spend a few days in their library... it is a wealth of primary accounts and sources simply unequaled anywhere else. I was luckly enough to work under likes of Greg Coco and Scott Hartwig

    A good place to start his research on the ANV is General Lee's Army by Glatthaar

    Web resources are plentiful too... personally I find Jstor and The Official Records by Cornell Univ. to be infinitely valuable.
    Todd Reynolds
    Union Orphan Extraordinaire


    • #3
      Re: Nothing Like a Good Book

      One of my favorites is 35 days to Gettysburg The campaign diaries of two american enemies by Mark Nesbitt. He takes the dairy entries of Thomas Lewis Ware Co. G 15th GA and Franklin Homer Co. H 12th PA and traces thier paths to Gettysburg. One survives the battle the other does not.

      Dave Bushmole


      • #4
        Re: Nothing Like a Good Book

        Interlibrary loan is a fantastic tool that saves gas...
        Bill Backus


        • #5
          Re: Nothing Like a Good Book

          A Brotherhood of Valor by Jeffery D. Wert is very good and chronicles the Stonewall Brigade and the Iron Brigade during the war leading up to, and with particular emphasis on, the Gettysburg campaign.

          Covered With Glory by Rod Gragg is also a good individual unit study on the 26th NC at the battle.

          Regarding rations and issue of said items, plenty of posts have been devoted to the subject on this forum. A search should get you the information you are seeking.

          Ivan F. Ingraham
          Formerly of the SGLHA
          Ivan Ingraham
          AC Moderator


          • #6
            Re: Nothing Like a Good Book

            A Good first person account of life of the soldier is "letters to Amanda" Edited by Jeff Lowe and Sean Hodges, printed by Mercer University Press.
            The letters are written by Marion H. Fitzpatrick of Crawford County, GA. He enlisted in Co K, 45th GA Vol Inf. Topics he writes about are furloghs, traveling, caring for sick/wounded comrades, winter camps, clothing, Army issue food and eqyipment, life in camp, life aat home, family, the post, etc. The list goes on & on & on.
            [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3]Michael Phillips, GGG Grandson of
            Pvt Edmond Phillips, 44th NCT, Co E, "The Turtle Paws"[/SIZE]
            [SIZE=2]Mustered in March 1862
            Paroled at Appomattox C.H. Virginia, April 15, 1865[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]

            [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy][B]"Good, now we'll have news from Hell before breakfast."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE]
            Was Gen Sherman's response upon hearing the capture and execution of 3 reporters who had followed from Atlanta, by the rebels.
            The execution part turned out to be false.[COLOR=DarkRed] [B]Dagg Nabbit![/B][/COLOR][/FONT]


            • #7
              Re: Nothing Like a Good Book

              I would recommend this book that I am about to finish. Very well written for a diary:

              Bluegrass Confederate: The Headquarters Diary of Edward O. Guerrant

              Guerrant spent alot of his time in SW Virginia. Good descriptions of the life down this way during the war. I've enjoyed reading it, but it is a bit lengthy.
              ~Marc Shaffer~

