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Shotgun Defarb Questions

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  • Shotgun Defarb Questions

    Hi All,

    I recently acquired a 10 gauge Pedersoli double barrel in kit form. Before I start to finish it thought I would ask if anyone had any specifics on how to make it more PC, aside from removing the modern stampings.

    I would like to use it for early war and maybe Home Guard or civilian impressions.

    I searched, but couldn't find anything in regards to this firearm.

    I'm sorry not to be more specific, but just have no idea what to ask about or even where to start in my questions.

    Thank You,

    Cody Langston
    Last edited by codeman1798; 08-30-2012, 09:24 AM. Reason: Reasons for use.
    Cody Langston

  • #2
    Re: Shotgun Defarb Questions

    Just a thought: There was a recent article on Shot Gun Bayonets in the NORTH SOUTH TRADER MAg. Vol. 36 #3. It was Part II (not sure when Part 1 ran). Anyway, while it concentrates on the bayonets, as I recall there is a host of photographs of period Shot Guns that might be of value to you. They were very recent issues so they likely have them at hand. Give them a call.

    call 540-672-4845.

    NSTCW is a fine rag. Lots of well written articles, great artifact photos, etc. Google their web site.

    Ken R Knopp


    • #3
      Re: Shotgun Defarb Questions


      Many of the same so-called "de-farb" techniques that are used for "muskets" and to a far greater less extent on revovlers can be used on shotguns as well.

      In brief, these fall under four broad areas:

      1. modern markings
      2. wood
      3. metal treatments
      4. use, age, patina

      Modern markings get removed by peenng, filing, sanding/emorying, and poishing smooth and bright.

      "Italian" stock stain or paint gets removed chemically/abrasively and replaced with tints or just new "oil" finish

      Modern hot tank blues get replaced with simulations of period bluing. Some few lads simulate the look of browned damascus barrels. Many/most period shotguns used damascus barrels with a few being cast steel.

      And last, is the magic of age, wear, use, and maintained "patina." This is a lengthy and somewhat controversial topic as "use" tends to produce its own authenticc signature look over time, exposure, and field use and maintenance. Plus, it is an art, and most lads lack the knowledge and skill to create realistic and believeable "wear" and end up with bogus artifically "aged" weapons which are worse than the out of the box Italian modern finish ones.
      To some extent, folks at that time did get brand new arms at times depending on access, income, and circumstance- but.. as a Hobby we value the more 'veteran' "lived in look" as being more believeable to ourselves and pards than the new, just out of the box, "newly minted" soldier.

      I am not familiar with the kits, but I would guess that they come/are "in the white" which means you can skip the removal processes for the bogus modern Italian finishes and go directly to a more Period looking set for wood and metal..

      And last, as shared, there are the gunsmith and to some extent arsenal reworked shotguns that "martialized" them to add a bayonet or "knife bayonet" but that may require more skill(s) than the average lad possesses. (Would be neat though.)

      Curt Schmidt
      In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

      -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
      -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
      -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
      -Vastly Ignorant
      -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


      • #4
        Re: Shotgun Defarb Questions

        May I suggest you shouldn't be too quick in sawing the barrels short.
        David Fox


        • #5
          Re: Shotgun Defarb Questions

          Thank you for the replies.

          I will check out the magazine articles for sure. I don't think they could be considered in the white, as the barrels are blued already. Think I might strip that and brown them though, always liked that better anyway. I am most assuredly not cutting the barrels at all. As it is, they 're only 30" to begin with.

          Again, thank you all for the help.

          Cody Langston
          Cody Langston


          • #6
            Re: Shotgun Defarb Questions

            Hello everyone.
            I have a enfield of Euroarms. I'm trying to rectify it to make it as authentic as possible, but I find a problem. I can not find the correct plate that fits my gun. There is someone who sells plate for Euroarms). Sorry but my English is very bad. Thanks
            David "Davis Jefferson" Espriu

