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Kershaws BDE at Fredericksburg ??

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  • Kershaws BDE at Fredericksburg ??

    I have been in search of information on how Kershaw's BDE would have appeared at Fredericksburg Dec 1862. I have used the search function and have found bits and pieces of some information notably the only solid one is that of the 7th SC posted in this thread :

    "courtesy of Neill Rose.

    H'dts 7" SC Regt, Aug 19, 1862

    From the last paragraph....

    "I have nothing more of interest to write you. Our conscripts are tolerably
    well fixed for camp life; nicely equipped & when we get our new uniform, I
    think the old 7" will astonish her neighbors. We are having a uniform made in
    Rich at the Gov't rooms, dark steel mixed jacket with light blue pants. The
    pants are to be lined throughout with osnaburys. Both cloths are heavy & good,

    English manufacture. Some men in the Regt are opposed to it, but I have
    forbade the Qt Mast paying out a cent of clothing money, & hence they must come

    in. Kindest regards to Mrs. Bland. With wishes for your speedy return.

    I am as ever,
    Yrs truly
    D. Wyatt Aiken"

    Now this was prior to Antietam and the uniforms had yet to be issued... so are there any other accounts of uniforms being issued or description that might fit the time period of (possibly worn at) Fredericksburg for the units of Kershaw's BDE?

    Kershaw's BDE consisted of the following units at Fredericksburg:

    2nd South Carolina: Col John D. Kennedy
    3rd South Carolina: Col James D. Nance (w), Ltc William D. Rutherford (w), Maj Robert C. Maffett (w), Cpt William W. Hance (w), Cpt John C. Sumner (k), Cpt John K.G. Nance
    7th South Carolina: Ltc Elbert Bland
    8th South Carolina: Cpt Eli T. Stackhouse
    15th South Carolina: Col William D. DeSaussure
    3rd South Carolina Battalion: Ltc William G. Rice

    Thanks In Advance!!!

  • #2
    Re: Kershaws BDE at Fredericksburg ??


    I cannot immediately find my copy but track down the edited letters of Dick and Tally Simpson compiled in "Far, far from Home." It is readily available and quite good. They served in the 3rd SC and several letters, if memory serves, center around the winter of 1862 and discuss your query. From my notes I pulled the following quote to whet your appetite: Tally Simpson to his sister, 2 December 1862: “I am very ugly, my beard is shaggy, teeth black, clothes dirty and worn, finger nails long and black, nose little inclined to drip.” Good luck!

    Cheers, Jim Broomall


    • #3
      Re: Kershaws BDE at Fredericksburg ??

      Jim, and all

      I did as you suggested and ordered the book above. It is an excellent look into a soldiers life in the ANV. How ever he does come from a rich family and brings a servant along in which he refers to often in his letters. So far I have come up with the following to possibly help through the below quotes. It would be a good "assumption" that the 3rd was in "Short jackets/round about coats" from July 1862 through at least January 1863.

      " Camp Jackson VA
      Friday July 18 1862

      Our Regt has been uniformed [in] grey woolen cloth and round about coats."


      " Dec 3rd 1962


      Owing to the fact that winter, cold disagreeable winter, is now on hand, and that all privates in the army are oftentimes exposed to its severity, both in camp and on picket, it is therefore earnestly solicited by one T. N. Simpson - Priv, Co A, 3rd S C Regt- that a nice comfortable sack coat be made for him by the inmates of Mt jolly, "Oposum corner", Anderson District, South Carolina. he would like it made of thick, substantial cloth, lined from collar to tail, and fit similar to one R W Simpson's black over coat, and sent on the very first opportunity. As he has nothing but a short jacket without an overcoat for this severe weather, he needs the above mentioned article very badly indeed."

      Also he asks for some clothes and I think he gets them On Dec 2nd but does not list all contents of package:

      Camp Near Martinsburg [Va]
      Sep 24th 1862

      Well, to my clothing. I want two or three pair of woolen socks, a strong pair of boots, a couple of shirts woolen, and a couple pair of woolen drawers, scarf, two handkerchiefs, pair of woolen gloves, sleeping cap. I am without blanket and oil cloth, they having been stolen from me the day of the fight after we had unslung knapsacks to enter the fight. Where are the blankets Mrs Latta sent me? Send one of them. I will draw one in a few days. You can make me an overcoat such an one as Buddie would recommend, but don't send till I write for it as I may not be able to carry it. I will not want any leggings if I get my boots. I am afraid my wants will tax you all too much."

      In Camp near Fredericksburg
      Tuesday Dec 2nd 1862

      The box from Laurens has come, and I am glad to say that my bundle of clothing and the nice little box of peach leather are now in my possession"

      Will throw this in there as well as I think its neat he mentions being issued "regular English army shoe"

      Richmond Va
      Friday 23rd May 1862

      I am much in need of clothing, in fact almost shoeless and hatless. I suppose by this time Ma has received my letter in which I reported my condition with reference to cloths. my boots are still living, but in the last gasp of death, but we will draw from the Government the regular English army shoe this evening or tomorrow. My hat hat is on my head and that is all; whither it does much good or not I can't say. the worst part of it is there is no prospect for another. however I have made requisition for one."

      If I find more will list but this is where I am at to what could pertain to the Fredericksurg time frame. Oh also he had a blanket at Fredericksburg as he references it:

      Thursday Dec 18th 1862

      As soon as James heard that I had gone into the fight, he packed up my blanket and started to where I was."


      • #4
        Re: Kershaws BDE at Fredericksburg ??

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Slaves_with_Lieutenant_Robert_Shand_and_2nd_SC_Infantry.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	122.2 KB
ID:	223497

        this photo is from this web site:http://www.blackconfederatesoldiers....iforms_58.html

        But it does put the 2nd South Carolina in short/roundabout Jackets.. Circa unknown. However in Simpson letters he does talk about 6 Slaves were in his company and that the QM would allow rations for up to 8. Funny though Simpson does not call them slaves but Negros and Blacks.


        • #5
          Re: Kershaws BDE at Fredericksburg ??

          Does anyone have opinions on the matter?


          • #6
            Re: Kershaws BDE at Fredericksburg ??

            Chris: This photo shows the four Thomas brothers [William, Thomas, "Pink," and "Zan"] of the 3rd South Carolina Infantry. Since a fifth brother [Marion] was killed at 2nd Manassas, and three of the four in this picture were either killed or wounded at Gettysburg, the photo was likely taken in between those battles. A couple jackets are obvious but details are hard to make out, unfortunately. Probably a standard Richmond issue but could be SC pattern as well. I'll let the viewer decide. What is interesting is that it depicts an officer wearing a standard issue jacket at this early period. Anyway, this might help some. The photo is from "Gettysburg: Hour by Hour" by Harry Roach.
            Attached Files
            Bob Williams
            26th North Carolina Troops

            As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana


            • #7
              Re: Kershaws BDE at Fredericksburg ??

              Bob.. wow thanks for that info!! They would have had a lot of time after Fredericksburg to take photos or just prior too could be possible but most likely after as they were in camp and stationary for a long time.

              Ref last paragraph of:

              "Letter 100 TNS to Anna Tallulah Simpson

              Camp near Culpeper
              June 8th 1863

              Harry had his daguerreotype taken the other day and would have me to sit with him. They are not good at all, but show you how we look in the war. Tell Ma. when I get a Chance, I will have mine and H's taken and sent to her."

              This is very cool as Simpson describes the condition of his photo as "not good at all" and one can look at the above photo of the Thomas brothers and could make the same comment to the quality of the photo.

              Its interesting to me that most of T. N. Simpsons letters talking about clothing refer more to shirts , socks, and drawers, Overcoats and only makes mention of Uniforms as being issued only on July 18 1862. He does not mention "uniforms" (Jacket and pants) at all after except to reference cleaning or having them cleaned. He is also a fan of boots and not shoes as he always asks for some about every 4 months but does reference drawing shoes from the Govt. as well as blankets..

              Your photo is great! and shows what appears to be RD Type jackets in the rear rank with epaulettes you can not tell if the ones sitting have any but the cut of the right seated brothers jacket looks different in the sleeves and collar but the brother standing directly behind could possibly have a similar collar but cannot be for certain that it is not an effect of the photo's quality. Also it seams that the jackets either are made from the same fabric or very similar. Great photo!!!

              Oh and as for the officer in short jacket here is another bit from T.N. S.

              Ref letter;

              letter 70 TNS to "Home Folks"

              Camp near Fredericksburg
              Jan 15th '63

              All things are quite in camp. We had an election in our company the other day for Third Lieutenant. Several of the members intimated that they wished me to run for the office. I thought I would try, whether I was beaten or not, but party spirit was too strong against me. Isa Shell was elected"

              So it would not be uncommon I would think for a junior officer to be in the same uniform as the rank and file at some point.
              This could possibly indicate time frame of photo as new officers would have to be elected after battles due to loss and the 3rd SC lost a lot at Fredericksburg. Do you have any records of the brother who is an officer in this photo.. more specifically: as to when he was elected etc and also what company they were in?

              This is great information and thanks you very much for sharing it Bob!!


              • #8
                Re: Kershaws BDE at Fredericksburg ??


                As for the Thomas Brothers I think I nailed them down to Company K 3rd Regiment SC.

                Here we have Privates listed as:

                Thomas, T.S., Thomas, L.P., Thomas, W., Thomas, M

                a Sergeant listed as: Thomas, J.A.,

                and a Lieutenant as Thomas, W

                Here is a bit from

                "Company K, Blackstock

                This company was enrolled on April 14, 1861 at Spartanburg and was mustered into Confederate service on June 6, 1861. In is unknown what happened this company at the consolidation on April 9,l 1865 except that it was commanded by Lieutenant A. H. Fleming of the 3rd South Carolina Battalion. The men came from the Spartanburg area.


                Benjamin Kennedy-Elected April 14, 1861. Resigned at reorganization on May 13, 1862.

                Seaborn M. Lanford-Elected at reorganization on May 13, 1862. Mortally wounded at Savage Station on June 29, 1862. Died the next day.

                No record of who commanded company between Lanford death on June 30, 1862 and Young's return from being wounded at Fredericksburg.

                William H. Young-Promoted December 14, 1862 despite being wounded the previous day at Fredericksburg. Killed at Gettysburg July 2, 1863.

                James Henry Cunningham-Commanded company as 1st Lieutenant after July 2, 1863 until being seriously wounded at Chickamauga on September 20, 1863 that resulted in his leg being amputated. Promoted on October 7, 1863, but died from his wound on October 31, 1863.

                John P. Roebuck-Probably commanded company after Cunningham's wound on September 20, 1863. He was wounded at Knoxville on November 18, 1863 and left behind when the city was evacuated on December 4, 1863. Promoted between December 31, 1863 and February 29, 1864 although he was probably in prison for the rest of the war.

                James R. Moore-He apparently commanded company and may have been promoted to captain late in the war. He was wounded seriously in both legs at Wilderness on May 6, 1864.

                A.H. Fleming-An officer in the 3rd South Carolina Battalion, he took command of company at consolidation on April 9, 1865.

                What happened to this company's command system is a microcosm of what happened to the regiment's command system during the war."

                Here is some good information on William Drayton Rutherford Papers, 1858-1862, 1864:


                Rutherford mentions a reorganization of the Regiment and election of new officers in late May 1862 in a letter to his wife when they were stationed around Richmond.
                Last edited by creed1939; 09-16-2012, 10:48 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: Kershaws BDE at Fredericksburg ??

                  Chris: Glad to help an old 26er. If you haven't already done so, check out Mac Wyckoff's books on the 2nd and 3rd SC regiments. They may well have additional records as far as clothing issues to the brigade.
                  Bob Williams
                  26th North Carolina Troops

                  As [one of our cavalry] passed by, the general halted him and inquired "what part of the army he belonged to." "I don't belong to the army, I belong to the cavalry." "That's a fact," says [the general], "you can pass on." Silas Grisamore, 18th Louisiana

