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Knapsack AND blanket roll?

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  • Knapsack AND blanket roll?

    Hello everyone, thanks or checking out my post.

    I'm still a relative beginner to authentic caimpaigning, but I'm really trying to do it right. We have an event coming up soon and I want to march into camp with simply what I'll need for the weekend worn the way they would have on the march. Iv'e seen some paintings and such of blanket rolls worn over the knapsack, but is there any other evidence to support this? It's going to be cold, so if i can take another blanket along, that'd be great.

    Thanks for your time..

    Kurt Berntsen
    Last edited by JimKindred; 10-25-2012, 04:08 PM.
    Kurt Berntsen

  • #2
    Re: Knapsack AND blanket roll?

    What is the impression--unit and timeframe?
    Joe Knight

    Armory Guards
    Yocona Rip Raps
    "Semper Tyrannis."


    • #3
      Re: Knapsack AND blanket roll?

      I believe this has been discussed before. Search in the forums. To answer your question though , yes some wore gear in that way. The famous photograph of the three rebel prisoners at Gettysburg shows this. The photograph of rebel prisoners at the "punch bowl", also demonstrates this. It's personal preference and if you were lucky enough to have two blankets back then. Of course using a second ground cloth over your blanket is an effective way to stay warm and prevents you from having to carry the extra weight of a second blanket. You will figure out quickly what you need and don't need as you attend events.
      Good luck.
      Kyle W. Sanders

      Armory Guards
      Pick'in eny Mess

      "America has no north, no south, no east, no west. The sun rises over the hills and sets over the mountains, the compass just points up and down, and we can laugh now at the absurd notion of there being a north and a south. We are one and undivided." -Sam Watkins-1st Tennessee


      • #4
        Re: Knapsack AND blanket roll?

        A blanket roll balances the weight better than carrying a blanket in the pack. There are many images of this practice and I have done it for years. Some packs, like a British pack, are small enlightened that it maybe necessary if you carry a lot and/or have a large blanket.
        Pat Brown


        • #5
          Re: Knapsack AND blanket roll?

          Here is a link to photos of the "Punch Bowl" , its a great website. Enjoy

          Kyle W. Sanders

          Armory Guards
          Pick'in eny Mess

          "America has no north, no south, no east, no west. The sun rises over the hills and sets over the mountains, the compass just points up and down, and we can laugh now at the absurd notion of there being a north and a south. We are one and undivided." -Sam Watkins-1st Tennessee


          • #6
            Re: Knapsack AND blanket roll?

            Another option besides carrying an extra blanket, is to carry a woolen or flannel over shirt. At the last event in my area, I wore a wool over shirt at night over a woolen knit shirt. I stayed nice and warm with that and a good quality blanket.
            Philip D. Brening
            Austin's Battalion of sharpshooters Co.A

            "Somebody put water in my boots" Pvt. John D. Timmermanm
            3rd New York Cavalry


            • #7
              Re: Knapsack AND blanket roll?

              The practical’s: I can fit a blanket in my knapsack and one on top. Alternatively, the blanket can be substituted for a greatcoat if you have one. In my experience, with a flannel shirt, sleeping cap, wool socks and keeping my pants and blouse on, I sleep comfortably with one wool blanket in 40 degree weather. When it is colder, I sleep closer to the fire and/or sleep with a pard so that we can share blankets. (You lose a lot of heat through the ground so make sure you have a ground cloth and some blanket under you. Some modern outdoor adventure types recommend at least 60% of your sleeping insulation should be under you with wind/weather proofing on top.)

              The "authentic": Try to find documentation of what they boys you are portraying had, depending on the time of year, great coats could have been in storage. Knapsacks may or may not be accurate; for instance, the 1st Minnesota boys in the Peninsula Campaign were ordered to leave their knapsacks behind as they boarded transports. The wagons with their knapsacks wouldn't catch up to the marching army for weeks. Knowing this, a knapsack and blanket roll combo would be incorrect if portraying the 1st Minn during the end of March/early April 1862. So, let us know who, when, and where and folks can help direct you to primary sources.

              the other nathan
              [U]Nathan Willar[/U]
              1st MN Vol. Inf.


              • #8
                Re: Knapsack AND blanket roll?

                Check out this post:
                [U]Nathan Willar[/U]
                1st MN Vol. Inf.

