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Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

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  • Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

    While researching some paintings I've noticed Julian Scott depicts the use of red blankets in the Federal rank and file. On a side note, I recall reading somewhere there were red blankets issued to Pennsylvania volunteers. Some with "PB" for Pennsylvania Battalion if memory serves correctly.

    Anyone have any info on this or images they could share?
    James Ross

  • #2
    Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

    I know some New England states issued red blankets to their troops. I think the 2nd Rhode Island had them at 1st Bull Run, and the 20th Massachusetts had them (and grey overcoats) at Fredericksburg.

    Will MacDonald


    • #3
      Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

      No images, but I have two references to red trade blankets being issued to early Illinois regiments. I'll dig them up and post the reference.
      Scott Sheets
      Joliet, IL

      36th Illinois
      Dirty Shirts


      • #4
        Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

        Here is one you can purchase if you'd like to own one...

        Chris Utley
        South Union Mills


        • #5
          Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

          I've noticed the use of red blankets, or something else red, in other paintings. It seems that most of them appear near the center of the painting which always led me to believe that it was just an artistic technique to draw the viewer's attention to what the artist wanted the focus to be on. In many of these paintings, the red object appears to be an anomaly among the rest of the figures. Scott was a war veteran but I would imagine he would also use whatever artistic techniques he needed to drive home the point of his painting. I guess that perhaps we could call it a 'painterism'. Just my two cents.
          Michael Comer
          one of the moderator guys


          • #6
            Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

            This doesn't refer to federal soldiers, but on the same note as Mr. Comer...

            From page 11 of Leslie D. Jensen's " Johnny Reb: The uniform of the Confederate Army 1861-1865" there is the painting of the 3rd Kentuckey camped at Corinth, Mississippi that was done by Conrad Wise Chapman. Jensen makes a special note of two men playing cards on one saying "Note the red blanket. Juding from contemporary paintings, these were relatively common."

            I myself can't elborate upon that in any way, but someone with more knowledge might have another bit of information. If the paintings that Mr. Comer mentioned include federals, than (just a comment, no support for this one) possibly there was a source that provided, at a time, spare red cloth to the national government that got used for blankets and was obtained by rebels somehow? They could be supplied from a foreign source that traded with both sides, as England did with arms and such?
            If the statement made by Jensen is accurate, and rebels had them common, federals may have been able to obtain them easily as well. As I said though, no figures to back that. Just a possible guess that someone may have more to say on...
            Jory Maloney


            • #7
              Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

              The Wisconsin Vets Museum has a red blanket tagged to an Iowa soldier. It is brick red.

              Steve Acker


              • #8
                Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

       that I think of it, isn't there a story that when Gen. Kerney ordered the creation of a "badge" for the officers of his division he used his own red blanket to make the first ones? I think that is the story in Hardtack and Coffee of how the corps badge started out.....

                Will MacDonald


                • #9
                  Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

                  Originally posted by Steve Acker View Post
                  The Wisconsin Vets Museum has a red blanket tagged to an Iowa soldier. It is brick red.

                  Steve Acker
                  Link to info about the blanket Steve speaks of:

                  Andy Ackeret
                  A/C Staff
                  Mess No. 3 / Hard Head Mess / O.N.V


                  • #10
                    Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

                    Here's a confederate reference from Cheatums Division. Still looking for my ILL ones.

                    Scott Sheets
                    Joliet, IL

                    36th Illinois
                    Dirty Shirts


                    • #11
                      NY state contracts for blankets

                      I have a series of state records and there are many early contracts that are not listed in the federal Records but contain more information. Here is a little piece from the State of New York purchases of blankets from the year 1861-62.

                      Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears, New York City, May 28, 1861; dated at Quartermaster General’s office ---securities $20,000; O. De F. Grant, Wm Barton.
                      15,000 all wool army blankets, at $s.12 1/2; no restriction as to size, color, &c.

                      Strong Brothers & Co., Albany, April 25, 1861; in four days endorsed by Frank Wheaton, U.S. Army—no security or terms of payment.
                      500 pairs brown grey blankets, at $2.12 ½
                      200 pairs of dark brown blankets, at $2.75
                      200 pairs of brown grey blankets, at $2.50
                      300 pairs Gentilla blue blankets, at $2.75
                      400 pairs Gentilla blue blankets, at $3.50
                      200 pairs scarlet blankets, at $4.75
                      1,100 pairs blue grey blankets, at $2.75
                      2,900 pairs.

                      There are more but it takes time to transcribe them but they are all sorts of colors listed. I have no information if they made it into the field but they bought large numbers of blankets.

                      Joe Toney


                      • #12
                        Re: NY state contracts for blankets

                        Joe's source above is one of the common references to red blankets used by early-war New York volunteer and milita troops. The 7th and 71st NYSM are two notable examples of regiments that are recorded as having them in '61.
                        Marc A. Hermann
                        Liberty Rifles.
                        MOLLUS, New York Commandery.
                        Oliver Tilden Camp No 26, SUVCW.

                        In honor of Sgt. William H. Forrest, Co. K, 114th PA Vol. Infantry. Pvt. Emanuel Hermann, 45th PA Militia. Lt. George W. Hopkins & Capt. William K. Hopkins, Co. E, 7th PA Reserves. Pvt. Joseph A. Weckerly, 72nd PA Vol. Infantry (WIA June 29, 1862, d. March 23, 1866.) Pvt. Thomas Will, 21st PA Vol. Cavalry (WIA June 18, 1864, d. July 31, 1864.)


                        • #13
                          Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

                          The link to the Wisconsin blanket doesn't work for me. This is a good discussion though and I am enjoying it. But, so far it seems that what we have is they were around as early war items but were certainly not a majority of the issued blankets and it was unusual enough in the Cheatham example that the red blanket is specifically pointed out as a distinguishing mark which makes me think it was not a common item. What is the date on the Wisconsin example?
                          Michael Comer
                          one of the moderator guys


                          • #14
                            Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

                            Yes, in '61 Illinois volunteers were being issued red Mackinaw blankets.
                            Nic Clark
                            2017 - 24 years in the hobby
                            Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


                            • #15
                              Re: Red Blankets in the Federal Army???

                              Thanks so much to all who have replied and sharing what you have found.

                              I appreciate reading what has been posted.
                              James Ross

