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Rules on posting articles and music

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  • Rules on posting articles and music

    All, especially Paul,
    I am wondering what the policy is concerning the posting of articles from Journals, publications, etc. I understand that some may issue a statement such as “cannot be reproduced without the consent……”, but if there is nothing of that nature, are we ok to scan and post copies of articles? I feel that this will be a benefit to the community and I would like to post some articles, but I felt I would ask prior to doing so.

    On a side note, I was also wondering what the rules were concerning the posting of period music. Yes I know the artist deserve credit. allows you to listen to 25% of the songs on any CD prior to purchase. I was considering uploading some songs, if possible. Call it sampling, if you will, but I think there are some really nice songs out there that people don’t know are out there and I feel it would prompt people to purchase the CD if they like it. No I am not in the industry, but I would like to post some music for people to download. Paul, this is your call as I don’t know the ramifications if this were to be allowed, so I will leave it at that.

    Thanks for your consideration,
    Last edited by Matt Caldwell; 03-17-2004, 08:31 PM. Reason: adding a question mark tot he title
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS]Matt Caldwell



  • #2
    Re: Rules on posting articles and music

    I recently asked Paul a similar question as yours. The response was pretty simple in that the AC needs to get permission from the author to post directly to the boards or offer as an article. One article I was curious about, Confederate Receipt Book, was not permitted by a library collections manager to be posted, however, they had no problem in allowing a link to the article.
    Hope this helps,
    Ed Hagins
    Death is the common lot of all and the diferance between dyeing to day and to morrow is not much but we all prefer to morrow.
    Private Thomas B. Barker, 2nd Maine, July 20, 1861


    • #3
      Re: Rules on posting articles and music?

      Originally posted by Matt Caldwell
      On a side note, I was also wondering what the rules were concerning the posting of period music.

      I don't know what the forum rules are, but posting music tracks could get you and Paul in serious hot water. Music file sharing is simply asking for trouble unless you have the permission of the performers or their label, and I'd make sure that was in writing. If the recordings are in the public domain, it's different. But your good intentions will not save either yourself or Paul's bacon from the music police.

      And they've been busy lately going after file sharers.

      I'm not a lawyer, but I work in the field of intellectual property, and no amount of good intentions about helping starving artists get a larger audience will help. My suggestion would be, failing to secure permission (or in the case of the Sandy River Minstrels, failing even to find them) that you post a link to their web site (if they have one) or to a place we can purchase the recording and then write a bang-up review of how great the group or individual is.
      Last edited by Bill Cross; 03-17-2004, 09:44 PM. Reason: addendum
      Bill Cross
      The Rowdy Pards


      • #4
        Re: Rules on posting articles and music?

        If you own an original, public domain copy of the article or Journal in question, you may scan/post. Otherwise, a brief excerpt with notes on where to view the whole is appropriate. Modernly-written articles in journals and other publications do not need to carry a copyright mark or notice--they are automatically granted copyright upon the writing of the materials--so if you're wanting to share something from a modern source or reprint of original sources, you must have written permissions from the copyright holder. It is, however, appropriate to share very brief exceprts of interest in a review of the article, and tell people how to get hold of the entire article from the publisher.

        For music, by all means, post a link to the appropriate site/artist. Loading sound files, etc is a large use of bandwidth, and has the problems that Mr. Cross mentions. A link and enthusiastic chat-up will be plenty for most folks to go explore some new artists, and hopefully buy the work themselves.
        Elizabeth Clark


        • #5
          Re: Rules on posting articles and music?

          We need to have permission from the articles author before we can post the entirety of an article online. You of course can quote from an article but that needs to be limited (the entire article as a quote would be bad).

          As far as music goes, link to it but I dont really have the space to host songs here. Furtheremore, I don't want to get into the legality of hosting songs...
          Paul Calloway
          Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
          Proud Member of the GHTI
          Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
          Wayne #25, F&AM

