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What command is used to do this?

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  • What command is used to do this?

    The scenario is as follows:

    The hospital at a fort near Washington City, we are wanting to do a Sunday Inspection as outlined in the "Hospital Steward's Manual" by Woodward, 1862.

    Woodward writes:
    In post hospitals it is usual for the commanding officer to complete his Sunday morning inspection by inspecting the hospital and its appendages in company with the surgeon. ... The steward should go through the hospital immediately before the inspection commences, and see that all things are properly prepared.
    To prepare for inspection. The hospital should be neat and clean; those patients who are sitting up should be neatly dressed in uniform, their faces and hands clean, hair neatly brushed, and shoes well blacked. The attendants and stewards should appear in fulldress uniform according to their rank, except where the inspecting officer may previously have ordered that undress uniform only need be employed.(**)
    The inspecting officer visits all parts of the hospital, the store-rooms, dispensary, kitchen, knapsack-room, bath-rooms, latrines, &c, as well as the several wards.
    The steward enters each ward before him and commands attention, on which all patients who are able to do so, rise and stand in the position of attention until the inspecting officer has passed out.
    So we have the Steward coming in to call "Attention!" before the Commander and Surgeon come in for the inspection.
    They complete the inspection and pass out of the room.
    What command should the Steward use to indicate this portion of the inspection is complete and the patients may relax?
    -Elaine "Ivy Wolf" Kessinger

  • #2
    Re: What command is used to do this?

    "REST" should do it.
    John Duffer
    Independence Mess
    "There lies $1000 and a cow."


    • #3
      Re: What command is used to do this?

      That's the only command which seems to work. Can't break ranks as they're not in ranks.
      Silas Tackitt,
      one of the moderators.

      Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.

