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Looking for information on Missouri 1861

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  • Looking for information on Missouri 1861

    I am in the process of writing a new book--Missouri 1861-A collection of notes on the USRC, MSG, uniforms, accoutrements, flags-covering Camp Jackson, Booneville, Wilson's Creek, Lexington, and Belmont-

    [Long Title I know]- This is a compilation of notes and research done over the last 30 years by me. Much of it new and to me AWESOME!! Especially the Missouri State Guard--

    What I am in search of is any extant examples of Missouri civilian clothing worn during the period of 1861-- especially any homespun coats or trousers, shirts-- any photos of MSG or USRC of which I have some but I am of the belief many are in someone's desk drawers or family chest-- If you have seen it or know where it is, private collection, etc., museum, please contact me or post.

    I don't want to publish-- and someone writes, "oh, you shoulda' seen the MSG display they had at [fill in town name] it was awesome, flags, guns, clothing, tintypes-- it was terrific"--

    If any of you have been to the Missouri Civil War Museum in Jefferson Barracks-- they are helping me with contacts and research right now-- give them a visit--

    Thank You Advance
    Tom Arliskas
    Tom Arliskas

  • #2
    Re: Looking for information on Missouri 1861

    Mr. Arliskas,
    I am a graduate student at Northwest Missouri State University and am starting my Thesis preparations this semester. For my thesis, I am wanting to examine how the Missouri State Guard and the Confederate government of Missouri lost the state to Union forces. In essence, what I am wanting to examine is the strategic importance of Missouri, the political atmosphere of the state and whether there was any hope of a popular Pro-Confederate movement, the piecemeal raising of the Missouri State Guard, and the inadequate equipping and arming of the MSG, and the problems with the leadership of Missouri's pro-Confederate forces (namely Sterling Price).

    I was actually perusing the archives for any past suggestions made (if any) for source materials or books pertaining to Missouri from around the election of 1860 to early 1862 when the Missouri State Guard was forced out of the state when I came across your posting.
    I am afraid that, as of right now, I am unable to assist you in your search for clothing examples, but I will keep my eyes and ears open and pass along any information I might find. May I inquire as to how you got in touch with the Missouri Civil War Museum? Did you just call them?

    Thank you, I hope I can aid in your search at some time in the future.
    -Jarrett Willet

    Jarrett Willet


    • #3
      Re: Looking for information on Missouri 1861

      Hello Jarrett- could write your paper for you. I am researching the same set of circumstances right now.... I can tell you where to look for your research. I am happy to help.

      The Missouri State Guard is a fascinating subject-- You should contact the Missouri Civil War Museum at Jefferson Barracks and talk to them.

      Tom Arliskas
      Tom Arliskas


      • #4
        Re: Looking for information on Missouri 1861

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Lt. John F. Rucker, Sturgeon Invincibles of the 3rd Division - Missouri State Guard.jpg
Views:	2
Size:	183.8 KB
ID:	224422 Lt. John Rucker, Sturgeon Invincibles, Missouri State Guard, 3rd Division. I am sure more photos like this exist. I have concluded through research that a lot more uniform type clothing was used the Missouri State Guard than believed. Especially those Companies that had some time to organize at a local level as Home Guards--- Found this photo on a CW Forum so it does not belong to me-- for research only...

        CS Uniforms
        Tom Arliskas
        Tom Arliskas


        • #5
          Re: Looking for information on Missouri 1861

          Very exciting! I have a relative who served as a 1st Sergeant in the Missouri Home Guard on my Grand Fathers side. I have read some of the stuff you wrote on Missouri troops 20 some odd years ago in the MCH Journal. Looking forward to seeing the final result.
          All the best.
          Mike Brase
          M.B. Young and Co.
          One of THEM!
          Member Company of Military Historians


          • #6
            Re: Looking for information on Missouri 1861

            Very exciting! I have a relative who served as a 1st Sergeant in the Missouri Home Guard on my Grand Fathers side. I have read some of the stuff you wrote on Missouri troops 20 some odd years ago in the MCH Journal. Looking forward to seeing the final result.
            All the best.[/QUOTE

            Awesome--- Yes, 20 years ago--- and I have a lot more now, thanks to a great group of researchers and collectors who are so generous. It is a work in progress--- and I am enjoying the challenges as well as the breakthroughs.

            Tom Arliskas
            Tom Arliskas

