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Articles of Agreement ( Painted Cloth Straps for Knapsacks)

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  • Articles of Agreement ( Painted Cloth Straps for Knapsacks)

    Articles of Agreement
    made and entered into on this 21st Day of January 1863
    between J.E. Meister and D.A. Walker of Charleston South Carolina
    Partners under the firm name of J.E. Meister and Co. of the first and the Ordnance Department of the Confederate States of America by W.S. Downer superintendent of Armories of the 2nd part witness that the same party of the 1st part do hereby promise and agree to manufacture and deliver to the said Department at the Ordnance Depot Richmond, Ten Thousand knapsacks, the whole number to be delivered by the 21st May 1863 and to be delivered at the rate of no less than 2,500 knapsacks per month. The first delivery to be on or around the 21st of February next. All to be subject to inspections and approval on delivery, and the price to be paid five dollars each.

    These knapsacks to be made of the same pattern as the sample furnished by this department. The material to be made of Heavy Osnaburg with Size, two coats of paint + one coat of Varnish equal at least to such cloth as is shown as sample. The straps to be made of Canvas three thickness, painted as above with a billet 6 in. long to each strap. The strings to be good tape+ large buttons for the pocket flap.

    And the same Ordnance Department agrees to pay the same party of the first part on delivery and inspection and approval as aforesaid of the said Knapsacks the price of the aforesaid of five dollars each.
    Mike Brase
    M.B. Young and Co.
    One of THEM!
    Member Company of Military Historians

  • #2
    Re: Articles of Agreement ( Painted Cloth Straps for Knapsacks)

    I almost forgot this is from the RG 109 file on J.E. Meister and Co.
    Mike Brase
    M.B. Young and Co.
    One of THEM!
    Member Company of Military Historians


    • #3
      Re: Articles of Agreement ( Painted Cloth Straps for Knapsacks)

      Very interesting. In EOG there is a painted cloth knapsack with painted cloth straps that is marked "Co. A 25th SC". It was captured in 1864. The 25th was part of the Charleston garrison until a short time before the knapsack was captured.

      Will MacDonald


      • #4
        Re: Articles of Agreement ( Painted Cloth Straps for Knapsacks)

        I have a friend who as examined that knapsack as it is now for sale again at the Horse Soldier in Gettysburg.
        Mike Brase
        M.B. Young and Co.
        One of THEM!
        Member Company of Military Historians


        • #5
          Re: Articles of Agreement ( Painted Cloth Straps for Knapsacks)

          I love the floral print on the straps! What are the chances of the bottom side of the strap being made from an old floor cloth?

          For anyone who wants to see the knapsack follow this link
          Tyler Underwood
          Pawleys Island #409 AFM
          Governor Guards, WIG

          Click here for the AC rules.

          The search function located in the upper right corner of the screen is your friend.

