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Federal Voucher No. 3

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  • Federal Voucher No. 3

    Moderator; apologies if I've posted this in the wrong area - please feel free to relocate - thank you!

    This question is for all you "adjutant types" or ACW historical researchers out there. Can anyone tell me the "official title" for what was Voucher No. 3 in the Union Army? I have been fortunate enough to acquire an original version of one in a grouping of artifacts and although its quite clearly about a financial transaction between the US Army and this particular officer. It would be helpful to know the formal title of the Form/Voucher, if indeed, it did have one.

    Several Internet searches and questions directed to others have so far proved fruitless so I would appreciate any help any of you might be!

    Kind regards

    Paul Jerram
    Black Hats Mess, Armory Guards
    Paul Jerram
    Black Hats Mess
    Armory Guards, WIG

  • #2
    Re: Federal Voucher No. 3

    Can you provide either a picture or more details? A quick look at the 1863 Revised Regulations shows that each department (Pay, Medical, Ordnance, etc.) had its own set of forms labeled (usefully) Form 1, Form 2, Form 3, etc. I could find no official form marked "voucher".
    James Brenner


    • #3
      Re: Federal Voucher No. 3

      Perhaps this refers to Form 3 in the Revised Regs for the Corps of Engineers and Topographical Engineers, Article XLVI. This Article was printed and issued separately from the rest of the Regulations. You can find in on Google Books, I think. This Form 3 is a monthly "Statement of Money received and expended, under each appropriation in the month of ___". The example provided has columns for different installations, contingencies, and totals for each line. The rows include amount on hand, received, to be accounted for, &c. Was your officer involved in constructing works?
      Michael A. Schaffner

