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Kentucky Infantry

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  • Kentucky Infantry

    Tried the search and didn't find anything.

    Called the Shiloh NMP, no real help there either.

    So, I am trying to find out what muskets the 11th Kentucky Infantry were carrying at Shiloh in 1862. I had 5 relatives in that unit. 1 wounded, 2 died, 1 died of disease later on. Any help on this would be much appreciated. Thanks
    Jeff Dunwoody
    Pvt. Thomas Sears Cadenhead, Company "C" 11th Texas Infantry
    My Great Great Grandfather

    Delta Company 1-185th Armor OIF VII

  • #2
    Re: Kentucky Infantry

    According to "An Introduction To Civil War Small Arms" by Earl J. Coates & Dean S. Thomas, the 11th KY & 11th KY Mounted Infantry carried Sharps Rifles. The 11th KY Cavalry carried Burnside Carbines. Most of the KY Regiments (2-10, 12, 15-17, 19, 21, 26 & 27) are listed as carrying Enfields.

    Hope this helps. My first unit was the 11th KY in Louisville KY.
    Mike Barnes

    Blanket Collector (Hoarder)
    44th VA / 25th OH


    • #3
      Re: Kentucky Infantry

      I suppose it'd help to know which 11th Kentucky you are asking about...US or CS. I believe both were at Shiloh.
      Paul McKee


      • #4
        Re: Kentucky Infantry


        Assuming you are talking about the 11th Kentucky Infantry, US, it would probably be of some benefit to review the individual service records on Fold3. Also, various rosters found online provide similar service details for individual soldiers. I recall reading that the 11th had Colt Repeating rifles at Stones River. There is a notation on one Internet roster that a man deserted, I believe, with a Colt rifle in early 63. I'm unsure whether the 11th was equipped with those at Calhoun, Kentucky or subsequently. Additionally, a number of men were fined for losing Smith carbines just prior to the Knoxville Campaign; this was after the regiment was mounted. One of my relatives, a Jacob Donohoo, fought with the 11th Kentucky in Company H.

        Hope that helps.

        - - - Updated - - -

        Did some more looking. This doesn't help answer the question about armament at Shiloh, but service records also indicate a fine for losing an Enfield in the summer of 63. Another soldier was fined in 64 for losing a Springfield rifle.

        Mess No. 1

        In memory of:

        Jacob Donohoo--11th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry (US);
        John A. Ozment--1st Battalion, 16th Kentucky Cavalry/12 Kentucky Cavalry (US);
        Marshall Kennedy--1st Kentucky Infantry (CS)/Dortch's Battalion of Kentucky Cavalry (CS);
        Newton J. Bowland--3d Kentucky Infantry, CS;
        Thomas S. Marshall--10th Kentucky Cavalry, CS.

