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Federal Bayonet Scabbards, Quit calling them Gaylord Pattern

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  • Federal Bayonet Scabbards, Quit calling them Gaylord Pattern

    I've been noticing over the past few seasons that event regulations for our side of the hobby continuously refer to federal bayonet scabbards as Gaylord Pattern scabbards. Considering we consider ourselves the authentic ones we really need to discontinue using that designation. Emerson Gaylord was a contractor to the Ordnance Department. His company produced goods to Ordnance Department standards, not to his own patterns. Gaylord held a patent for a method of finishing a bayonet scabbard to make it hard and waterproof. His patent ONLY relates to the finishing method, NOT the pattern of the scabbard. The confusion seems to come in from the line drawing of a standard Federal scabbard in the patent papers, if you read the text of the patent you will see that it has nothing to do with the pattern, only the finishing.

    So please, let's live up to the standard we set for ourselves and STOP calling federal scabbards Gaylord Pattern, it just undermines the credibility of the research put in to event regulations with that glaring of a mistake. - Here is a link to the patent for reference.
    Scott Sheets
    Joliet, IL

    36th Illinois
    Dirty Shirts

  • #2
    Re: Federal Bayonet Scabbards, Quit calling them Gaylord Pattern

    Ha! What's funny is, I know better, but generally cut and paste and Robert Serio is on our mailing list, regularly berates me over this exact issue!!!!

    Frank Siltman
    24th Mo Vol Inf
    Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
    Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
    Company of Military Historians
    Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

    Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein


    • #3
      Re: Federal Bayonet Scabbards, Quit calling them Gaylord Pattern

      Lol. It's not just you Frank. I see it in almost every event guideline out there. Stupid pet peeve I know, but I can't help it.
      Scott Sheets
      Joliet, IL

      36th Illinois
      Dirty Shirts


      • #4
        Re: Federal Bayonet Scabbards, Quit calling them Gaylord Pattern

        I told Robert Serio about this, even copied and forward this to him. He laughed. It's been on his site for years. He did say the scabbard pictured was probably pre-war and without rivets. And it wouldn't last as long as those with rivets. Once again the research snake has reared it's head!
        Timothy J. Koehn
        Boone's Louisiana Battery
        Supporting Confederate Memorial Hall, New Orleans, LA

